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Try to Sound ODD.

Lazer Yoshi

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You Just Died, i you want to live again while dead, do the following things:


1. Jump inside a Black hole and survive

2. Eat a Pie that was Never Made

3. Eat your self While not being Dead while you are Dead

4. Kill your self

5. Do all this untill you someone sees you, then, Eat your head, witch is Impsible.

6. Read everybody who has Posted on here's Sigs and Posts

7. Die

8. Die again

9. Live while being dead

10. Read this [spoiler=Best Song ever!]

i had a Pony and i ma.........................

F*** to da Nation while having a S***y Burger at Mc B****** With a Side order of

S***! then i ate my dick! YaY! so the Pony did to, oh, its a Female......

What do you mean its not a pony, What? its a Pancake?!?!? DIE YOU MOTHER F*****G B******! DIE!



Do not Warn me for this. i Said PG-15!

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  • 1 month later...

Professor: Well, here's your first Pokemon. Now, I wonder... is it right to entrust this power with mere children.

Aeris: What? Some of the world's most dangerous creatures in the hands of kids? Creatures capable of unimaginable power. To rein fire from above, tremors from below, and floods all around. Some can even kill with just a thoughts, like that. Organizations like Team Rocket used them to terrorize the populace. But they thoughts too small... Why, we could hold the power to bend time and space, nay, the power to recrete the very fabric of our very reality. Deus Ex! The alpha and the omega. The power... of Gods! That's the kind of power you want to give us?

Professor: Yup. You're kids, what's the worst that could happen?

(Time passes, end of the world begins)

Aeries (flying on Arceus): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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