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Try to Sound ODD.

Lazer Yoshi

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Mario: It sure was nice of the Princess to invite us over for a picnic, Gay Luigi?

Luigi: I hope she made lots of spaghetti!

Princess: I hope Luigi hoped I made lots of Spaghetti!

Luigi: I hope she hoped I hoped she made lots of spaghetti!

Princess: I hope Luigi hoped I hoped Luigi hoped I made lots of DOCTOR OCTAGONAPUS BLAAAAARRRRGGGHGHGHGHGH!!

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Your father was the friend of my cousin's uncle who had a daughter and was married to my brother's best friend who in turn had a divorce and remarried to an old rich man that was my grandfather on my foster mother's side after my mother left for a man who lived in the city which was the boss of my father's lover.

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Once there was a guy with a face and 2 nostils laced with pig grease that sang into the night while riding flaming steeds who had 3 children to support, those children grew up to be spoons and would help dragons enjoy their morning coffee....and then I came.

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Once there was a guy with a face and 2 nostils laced with pig grease that sang into the night while riding flaming steeds who had 3 children to support' date=' those children grew up to be spoons and would help dragons enjoy their morning coffee....and then I came.



I see that everyday. His name is Fred and he lives next door. You should see Bertha, the giant toenail across the street who eats fat kids when they get off the school bus (which she calls the 'Moving Delivery Twinkie'. Really nice lady, though. She makes the best dirty sock pie you'll ever eat.

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