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Summer Job?

Phantom Roxas

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Work in something to which you kinda enjoy, like at konami XD


or at your favourite shop (if they employ young people), they allow work expierience, im sure with a C.V and some teacher reference, you could get a job somewhere big :?


Just get small time jobs for now, paper round, assistant etc.

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As Death Metal said, most places don't hire people under the age of 16 (and some don't even hire people under 18).


Right now, your best bets would probably include:


Paper route (already mentioned)

Lawn care (already mentioned)

Babysitting (already mentioned)

Selling drugs (alread mentioned, but not recommended)

Lemonade stand (YEAH RIGHT! Just had to throw that in there for the bad laughs)

Golf caddy? (There's a country club near my house down here that does hire caddies around your age. Maybe worth a shot in your area if it's an option)

Grocery bagger (It's a longshot. Most usually don't hire anyone under 16, but worth looking into)

Community work (There might be something going on with the community in general that pays)


See if any of those work out for ya, dude.

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