Hydra of Ages Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 'Ello there, welcome to this RPG. It's my first here, so I've tried to make it good, though it might be a bit too much reading for some, so I provided a story summery for those who don't want to read much. I highly recommend reading the entire character class section, however, despite it not having much effect right off the bat.By the way, I should mention that when you apply here, you must apply two characters- One from the Land of Shadows, one from Land of Light. This does NOT mean one Hero and one Villain- you'll see what it means later. [spoiler= Story (Short and Brief)]Long ago, the land was split into the Land of Light- a great Floating continent in the clouds, where the people haveforgotten their pasts and water is becoming increasingly rare- and the Land of Shadows- a land mainly made up of water, with a few isolated dark islands. The force that split the two created 8 Crystals- four for each land. With a coming Evil, the Crystals have decided to give their power to Heroes they designate, to help prevent a catastrophe from happening again. [spoiler= Story (Long and Detailed)]Legends tell of the land of Shiru. Shiru was peaceful, prosperous and spiritual land, ruled by many War Lords, linked together by a far-spun Royal Lineage; And yet, all was not peaceful. The lands to the North, calling themselves the Land of Light, bound together under a single Lord to lay siege against the rest of Shiru. One Sage, from one of the small countries under attack by the Land of Light, called up to the Gods on how to stop this great war. Driven mad by the stress of the apparently inevitable war, he forged a Dagger head, binding within it his own shattered soul, and the knowledge of all his many years of magical research. Even after he was found and killed by the enemy, the Dagger kept as bounty by the warring faction, he began the beginning of the end. The Dagger, known know as Solomon's Knife (Solomon being the term for any unknown sage or wiseman, as the mad Sage's name was never known), passed through the hands of soldiers, each infecting them with their madness, filling them with power and an insatiable urge to make themselves well known. Eventually, it made its way to one of the Princes of the Land of Light, who regarded it as his prized treasure. He had a protective shaft, made from the purest Gold laced with protective charms of the Priests and Sages at his disposal, to surround the knife and protect it, thus turning it into a spear. It became regarded as Solomon's Spear, and later simply as the Golden Spear, but the dagger's influence kept on. Eventually the Prince was killed by a retaliation from the South, who had bound together in an opposing faction- the Alliance of the Shadows, opposed to the Light. One of the many Warlords who kept war council came into possession of the Golden Spear as the spoils of war, and recognized its power. He had a guard made of expensive Black Witchwood made over part of the Golden Handle, to ward of Evil and bad luck from it, and decorated it with a crown of Red Plumes, the symbol of his Household; eventually, it was Renamed the Golden Spear of Redhawk, the new Household, and later simply as the Golden Redhawk. Parts of it were covered in a layer of Holy Silver, regarded by the Alliance of the Shadows as a more sacred metal than Gold, and it started to no longer resemble what it was originally. But the influence continued, driving the Lord mad. Eventually, his own country rebelled against him; the leader of the Rebellion, Seralin Kite, took up the Spear as his victory, and plated its feathers in Bronze. The grip was also covered in bronze, and a design of the new Leadership engraved into this new plating. It now became the Bronzehawk- the new symbol of that land. Seralin Kite continued to lead his Country, eventually ascending to the joint throne of the Shadow Allegiance- the new name of the Alliance of the Shadows. The war continued against the Lightborn, the new name for those of the Land of Light. A fiendish fervor was induced in Seralin, unknowingly from his Spear- under his leadership, great atrocities were committed. Cities were burnt, civilians slaughtered by the thousands, even in towns of his control. Kite fought personally in all major battles- arrows, swordstrikes and spells all seemed to stay away from his body, dueto the developing powers of the Bronzehawk. Finally, Kite fought Herald Sycamor- the latest leader of the Lightborn. He quickly vanguished his foe, taking delight in the destruction. But even afterward, the war did not end; Kite would not allow it. Kite would not stop until the Land of Light was completely decimated, and all of the Lightborn exterminated. The Shadow Allegiance slaughtered millions, and took over most of the land. But, in the farthest reaches of the land, a new rebellion started- Calling themselves the Lightbringers, they fought for independence and peace. Led by Artemis Cielot, they gradually grew in power, until the wartired and broken, though massive, Shadow Allegiance fell before them. Finally, Artemis made it to fight Kite herself; but, being a notable Sage herself, she noticed the power and evil of the Bronzehawk. Instead of killing Kite, she instead fought him in a devastating battle, eventually wresting the Bronzehawk from his hands. Then, attempting to ignore the dark whispers of the weapon, she used her abilities to find the deepest part of the Ocean, and released the Spear along with her strongest spell, instantly incinerating her and the weapon. But the Bronzehawk, or Solomon's Knife, refused to die. In the explosion, it released all its hatred, power and sentience gained from its various masters, releasing a beast known only as Chaos. Chaos's very existence wretched the fabric of space and time asunder, as the continental plates themselves shifted and changed. For days, nobody could see amid the huge cloud of dust, and only then did they look out to see what had happened with the destruction of the Weapon of Evil... A huge continental plate had risen into the skies of the planet, far, far above them, leaving only remnants of the country behind. Those remnants were quickly flooded with the dark, foreboding waters of the ocean, leaving their land but a succession of island among a massive, dark ocean. This new land was called, with no lack of Irony, 'The Kingdom of the Shadows'- what they had fought to obtain. Over the hundreds of years, that fateful day, and the details of the Bronzehawk, faded into obscurity. The floating continent, however, was deemed the new 'Land of Light', and was seen as an act of the divine to save them from the evil Shadow Allegance. They set up communities and honed their magical skills, which were far more potent in the Chaos-wrecked landscape than they ever were before. Over the years, the entire incident, the Land of Shadows, and even the fact their world was a floating continent, faded into obscurity. Chaos was silent, but not for long. Though Chaos died minutes after he was summoned, he left behind eight seeds of his power; these seeds were scattered among the Lands of Light and Shadows, and converged and grew into Great Crystals, who guarded the status quo and the people benevolently, though with minimal interaction. Only lately now, did the Crystals start to feel vibes... vibes of a comming Evil, perhaps equal to that of Solomon's Knife. To prevent such a happening like the coming of Chaos again, they decided to mark several humans as Heros- those with power confired by them, to stop the coming evil. They cannot act in any greater way, as time had eroded the connection between the individual Crystals, weakening them; but somehow, all knew that such a thing as the coming of their Father would not happen again if their world was to survive. [spoiler= Rules]1. All usual RP rules are in play. Godmodding will not be tolerated; if you wish to join after the RP starts, PMme instead of posting, such and such.2. All players may have -and are encouraged to- two characters. That is, one character from the Land of Light,and one from the Land of Shadows. As the two lands are very seperate, there won't be much interaction betweencharacters of different Lands until later in the RP, and character groups from either Land will probably follow different story lines until some point.3. Aim for at least two sentences per post. Try to type in third-person also- while First Person is acceptable, its a pet peeve for some RPers. 4. All characters start at roughly the same fighting strength. You cannot start with radically different and powerful abilities than the rest. Likewise, if your character is a specific class, you will be weaker in some areas and stronger in others towards others.5. If you have an idea for a plot twist, I'd recommend PMing me about it before you post anything about it. It gets difficult for me to direct the story if I don't know all of it, you see? [spoiler= Class System]This RP works on a class system that was, like the story, based slightly off Final Fantasy III. Whenever the characters find a Crystal of their type (Light for those from the Land of Light, Shadow for those of the Land of Shadow), they will have the abilities to swap their class to a stronger level one. What class you were before will dictate what class you become- like you'd expect, your class defines what weapons you can use, how strong you are, and what abilities you have. (Level 2 classes are gained upon reaching first Crystal, level 3 on second, so on and so forth.) -Level 1-Freelancer- Capable of using any regular weapon, but not effectively. Not very strong, agile, or have particular battle intelligence. Notably, have no magic skills. Freelancers can become any Level 2 class. -Level 2- Soldier- Soldiers are capable of using almost any weapons, but best when using Polearms or heavy Axes. Quite strong, and can strike expertly. Fairly agile, however generally have difficulty blocking. Very sturdy compared to other level 2 classes. Have no magical skills. Soldiers can become Thunder-Wakers or Knights. Fighter- Fighters are capable of using almost any weapons, but best when using Daggers or Longswords. Very quick, and fairly strong, with a variety of sword or knife moves. Can go on direct assaults on the enemy for more damage, at the risk of leaving themselves most open. Not very good at blocking, but have a greater pain threshold than Soldiers, and are harder to knock unconscious, though easier to damage. Have no magical skills. Capable of becoming Knights or Swordsmen. Adept- Adepts are capable of using only one weapon, generally a Long Sword or Polearm. Quite slow and clumsy; horrible at taking damage, though have decent endurance. Can make greater use of a Shield than the other classes, though can only wear chain mail as their strongest type of armor. Capable of using basic magical healing and damaging skills, including spells to enhance their weapons. Capable of becoming Swordsmen or Monks.-Level 3- Thunder-Waker- Capable of using Pole-arms and dual-wielding large weaponry (like Two-handed swords or axes) in exchange for reduced accuracy. Not agile at all, but are very good at blocking and attracting enemy attention. Incredibly sturdy, capable of withstanding blows that would instantly kill weaker classes. Capable of using some elemental damaging magic, generally elemental based. Thunder-Wakers can become Geomancers or Dragoons. Knight- Capable of using almost any weapon, but best when using Two-handed Swords or Longswords. Although not as sturdy as a Thunder-Waker, Knights are capable of wearing the heaviest and strongest armors, and can protect other characters. Fairy agile, and better at counter attacking than directly assaulting. Have no magical skills. Knights can become Dragoons or Blademasters. Swordsman- Can only use Daggers, Longswords or Two-Handed swords. Very fragile for a physical class, however can deal out the most potential damage with incredibly complex sword abilities and tricks. Very good at utilizing several weapons at once, and are very agile. Have the most chance out of a class of scoring a critical hit. Can only wear very light armor, and have a low pain threshold. Have some magical skills, being able to use basic healing magic, but no offensive magic. Swordsmen can become Blademasters or Spellweavers. Monk- Can use no weapons, however are the most potent class bare-handed. Capable of dealing out incredibly powerful blows, provided the opponent has light armor or hide. Very resilient, with a high painthreshold, and fairly agile, however can wear almost no armor whatsoever. Skilled with magic, capable of using elemental magic and healing magic, and are capable of powering up their magic using the environment if possible. Monks can become Spellweavers or Grandmasters.-Level 4- Geomancer- Capable of using large blunt weaponry (Such as hammers), and delivering dangerously powerful hits at fair accuracy. Not very agile, but fairly good at blocking and attracting enemy attention. Fairlygood at blocking, and can withstand a large amount of damage. Capable of using powerful offensive elemental magic derived from the terrain itself, and can modify their weaponry with such spells. Can also analyze opponents to find elemental weaknesses. Geomancers can become Druids or Cyclone Knights. Dragoon- Capable of using Polearm weaponry (such as Halberds or Spears) with great effectiveness, and can dual wield such. Very agile, and great at blocking and defending from enemy attacks. Do not have much endurance or pain threshold, despite being able to wear very powerful armor. Cannot use most magic, but capable of manipulating Wind with magic to allow them to reach great heights. Can throw Pole-arms like projectiles, using wind to guide them from above. Damage increases with velocity. Dragoons can become Cyclone Knights or Bladekings. Blademaster- Capable of using Longswords and Daggers, Blademasters are much like Swordsmen. Blademasters always dual wield two swords or daggers, and are among the quickest-striking characters. They can deliver powerful, and deadly blows as well as use sword tricks to avoid attacks. They are very agile, and use that agility to draw away from their of armor or endurance. Blademasters have no magical skills. Blademasters can become Bladekings or Sages. Spellweaver- Spellweavers can use a single Longsword or two-hand sword, but that is insignificant to them. Despite being incredibly fragile, having access to no strong armor or endurance, they have incredibly potent offensive magic, including non-elemental spells that can be used to manipulate and confuse the opponent. Spellweavers can also forge pacts with some magical creatures to allow them to summon them to aid them for a fight. However, while channeling a summon, a Spellweaver cannot use its normal range of spells. Spellweavers can become Sages or Mediums. Grandmaster- Grandmasters are the advanced form of the monk, however they rely more on their raw strength than on magic than their predicessors. A Grandmaster is among the most hardy of all characters, despite wearing next to no armor; they have incredible pain tolerance and stamina, and barely feel tire or hunger. A Grandmaster's fist is among the most deadly weapons you can find, as they can punch holes in solid rock. A Grandmaster can also Concentrate, which allows them to focus up for a more powerful attack later, or Prepare, to allow them to counter an opponent's blow with their own velocity against them. Grandmasters cannot use weapons, and can only use healing magic. Grandmasters can become Mediums or Shojun. -Level 5- Druid- Druids are heavily armed warriors, capable of dual wielding even the most heavy of double handed weapons. They use strength granted them by nature to destroy their opponents, and are capable of influencing nature to a degree- such as controlling plant roots, or communing with animals. Druids can also transform into wolves, which provides with with a great deal of agility and raw power, but removes most of their defensive abilities. A druid is capable of aiding the team with some healing magic that generally functions over time, and depends on how strong they are in the fight. A druid can wear any armor, and use any weapon at their disposal. They have no traditional magic, although plants they can control use some healing magic. Cyclone Knight- A Cyclone knight is a warrior with an awesome control of wind. Using their abilities, they can wield up to four Polearm weapons, either Spears or Halberds, and fight without even lifting a hand. A Cyclone Knight's power is derived from their velocity during battle; as a Cyclone knight fights, their power over wind and agility grows, until they finally release it in a mighty storm and hail of bladed weaponry. Cyclone knights can float using their wind, and even fly during battle after they gain a certain amount of Velocity. Cyclone knights have a low pain tolerance and endurance rate, but they are great at blocking and striking before the opponent, and can wear heavy armor. They have no traditional magic, aside from their wind-variety. Bladeking- Bladekings are the standard upgrade from Blademasters. Blade Masters can use either Daggers or Longswords, and cut swaths through the enemies with an almost supernatural understanding of blades. A Bladeking is capable of using Four daggers at a single time, or Three Longswords, using their natural agility and power in battle. A Bladeking leaves no opening unstruck, and can slice anything to ribbons within seconds. They have fair endurance and pain tolerance, but still cannot use armor. A Bladeking gives up all magic when they become one, in exchange for an even faster speed (making them the quickest character possible), and a near superhuman knowledge of weakpoints and pressure spots. Sage- Sages are the ultimate magic users, having perfected both offensive and healing abilities. A Sage is capable of using abstract concepts such as time and mentality as elements, and can inflict damage on almost any creature, and heal almost any wound. In the past, Sages were regarded as holy and divine saviors; even now, a Sage is capable of feats almost impossible for anyone else, including stopping time temperararilly. Sages cannot use summons possible by Spellweavers, but make up for it with a destructive knoledge of magic. Naturally, due to this, they have almost no stamina, armor or pain tolerance. Medium- Mediums are conduits between Magical Creatures of another plane, and the mortal plane. Through pacts and deals with these creatures, Mediums can summon powerful astral beings to fight for them. Mediums have several abilities to help these creatures, and unlike Spellweavers, can use offensive and healing magic while the summoned beast is active. Like most spellcasters, Mediums have almost no armor, but have alright endurance and very good pain tolerance. A Medium has an average use of Offensive and Healing magic, but can also use the abilities of their summoned creature. Shojun- Shojuns are the ultimate result of a Grandmaster's training, and are capable of unleashing feats of strength unheard of elsewhere. While Shojuns, like Grandmasters, cannot use weapons, they can use decent enough armor, at the cost of some agility. A Shojun has all the skills and abilities of a Grandmaster, however they are constantly Prepared, allowing them to counterattack whenever they are attacked dead-on. A Shojun has amazing endurance and pain tolerance, at the cost of some armor and lack of weaponry. A Shojun also has no magical skills. [spoiler= FAQ] -How does your Class level up?Whenever the party discovers a Crystal of their Land (Shadow Crystal or Light Crystal), they will be able to level up to a higher Class. -Can people from the Land of Light interact with those from the Land of Shadows, or vice-versa?No, they cannot. The two lands are completely separated, as the Land of Light hovers high in the air over the Land of Shadow; No commercial aircraft exists in this setting. The people of The Land of Light are unaware the Land of Shadows even exists, and see them more or less how we see Elves or Faeries. -What's the difference between the two Lands?The Land of Shadows is the 'surface' world, and is bigger than the Land of Light, however it is mainly made up of water (The Ocean of Shadows), and small chains of islands scattered about. There is very little law and order, and often little justice. The Land of Shadows only experiences about 4 hours of light a day, as the remainder of the time, the floating continent of the Land of Light is blocking the sun.The Land of Light, however, is a grassy, idealistic continent with mountains and seems relatively perfect. However, their supply of water is not infinite and it is beginning to run out, as they get little rain up so high. Gradually, the continent is turning into a desert. The people of the Land of Light have also lost the knowledge of their creation, and are not even aware that their continent is floating above the main world. -How long does the RP take place after the events from the story?Roughly 900 years. -What's the Geology of the lands like?The Land of Light is covered in forests, plains, and mountainous regions. There are several lakes and rivers, but no oceans or seas. All of their water, notably, is fresh. The land of Darkness has only a couple, rare forests, and is mostly rocky- they have almost no freshwater sources, although they are surrounded by The Shadow Ocean. -Do you have to post for both of your characters each time, if we have two?You don't technically have to, but it is highly recommended. Posting for each character each time allows you to advance the plot much quicker. -What's the technology level of the Lands at?The Land of Light is fairly strict medieval technology- they've been held in an invention stagnation for the past while, due to lack of necessity (The floating Land of Light has never seen a great war). They use magic to fill in for a lot of their normal conveniences. The Land of Darkness has a bit more technology, but it is more exclusive, as metal and other such commodities is very rare and expensive. The Land of Darkness even has a couple Steamboats, though they are expensive. [spoiler=Application]Name: (Name of the Character)Home: (Either Land of Shadows or Land of Light. You may have two characters, one from Shadows, one from Light.)Class: (Character's Current Class. Just put Freelancer here, this section is mainly for Record purposes).Appearance: (Either description or pic.)Personality: (Your character's Personality.) Bio: (Your character's history. Highly preferred, but not strictly necessary if it will be played in-character.) [spoiler=Accepted Records][Light]Name: Sollus Eccles (Blazinghydra)Home: Land of LightClass: FreelancerAppearance: Sollus has short, sandy hair and a rounded head, on fairly sturdy shoulders. He is about 6'4, with a strong-looking lean upper body and thick torso. Always seeming fairly imposing, it wouldn't be clear from first sight of him that he does not know how to fight, or even use a weapon. Sollus has wide brown eyes, and wears a regular brown shirt and pants, held with one of his most prized possessions- a belt made from rare Basilisk hide, possiblyhis most expensive item.Personality: Sollus has been known to be bipolar, ranging between dull, bored yet smart, and fiery, passionate, yet often overlooking things. He never quite knows what triggers the changes, but has learned to live with his constantly shifting moves. Either way, Sollus is kind and gentle, and has never been known as one to fight, despite his size and body build; he is very social, and dislikes being alone.Bio: Sollus is the son of his town's bookkeeper and mayor, and is one of the few who is not a farmhand. He spent the majority of his life learning about stories from the past, authors who taught them, and music. For the pastcouple years, he's spent the time wandering around as a travelling bard, singing songs and telling stories of theirLand's long forgotten past. He is very interested in history, and confused about some aspects of his land- when he was chosen as a Hero, he took the call as a way to figure out the secrets of the Land of Light, and what really happened 900 years prior. Name: Lord Sephiran (Forlorn Shadow)Home: Land of LightClass: Freelancer[spoiler=Appearance] Personality: A character of intelligence that tends to strategize before rushing into battle. More of the silent type, but when speaking, speaks with wisdom beyond his years, or maybe it's not. When confronted, he uses words to avoid unnecessary fighting. His speech is blunt and serious, but has hints of kindness and compassion.Bio: Born into a family of commoners, his parents died shortly after his fourteenth birthday by a bandit raid on his town. Taking up the Way of the Sword, he survived long enough to wreak revenge on the bandit group a year later, defeating the bandits' leader and escaping their compound with an ancient medallion of arcane origins. Now eighteen years old, he has risen in status to that of a Lord, gaining power and wealth. He is respected by his peers, and feared by his enemies. Now, being chosen as a hero to stop the coming evil, his powers have faltered, and he must regain his power, lest he be slain by the dark forces. Name: Serif Ronoke (Ace of Spades)Home: Land of LightClass: FreelancerAppearance: Green eyed, black haired and slightly tanned. Hair is shoulder length. 5"8'. Usually wears leather breeches, a black shirt ,a black cloak, and black boots.Personality: Would rather reason than fight, but he will fight if he has to. Years of living on the streets have hardened him so that he would do almost anything survive. He may seem serious and grim on the outside but he is actually kind and considerate.Bio: His parents were farmers who farmed on the outskirts of a small town. When he was 12 his house burned down and his parent died of smoke inhalation. With no parents and no possessions, he was forced to live on the streets. He survived by begging and stealing. Now, after being chosen, he must leave with his only possessions, two daggers and a few coins, to stop the oncoming evil. Name: Kareem Takezo (DuelOnX)Home: Land Of LightClass: Freelancer[spoiler=Appearance] Personality: Playful and friendly. Loves to go out, and enjoys friendly fighting. He will help those in need, and tends to stand out. He is emotionally injured easily.Bio: Kareem was always the baby of the family. His parents favored him rather than his older brothers. He was spoilt, however because of all the care he grew with a kind heart. He still lives with his aging parents. [shadow]Name: Artemis Scion (Blazinghydra)Home: Land of ShadowsClass: FreelancerAppearance: Artemis is a shorter woman at about 5'6, with long ginger hair and a slimmer frame. Her hair is often bound behind her back in a ponytail or some other way to keep it away from her face and eyes. If left unbound,her hair reaches roughly down to her waist. Her limbs are lean but strong, a result of combat training and lifting heavyitems, but still fairly agile. She wears a pair of well-worn boots, a bandanna, and a black leather coat over a red silk topand rough white pants. Personality: Artemis is generally happy and optimistic, despite being a bit obnoxious. She loves annoying people, especially people she knows and cares about, and will do so at almost any oppertunity. In times of crisis, she is very competant and capable of taking charge enough to pull through whatever is comming. It is very difficult for her to lose hope, but if she does so, she falls into a depression that can take weeks to pull her out of. When presented with a difficult choice, or a lot of stress, Artemis responds by putting her mind to something else, intending to return to the problem later with a clearer head. She absolutely refuses to attempt something while she is emotionally unstable, angry, or sad.Bio: A child of the sea since she was born, Artemis is the daughter of the famous pirate of the Land of Shadows, Vennis Scion. She has learned to deal with ships, a mutinous crew, and dangerous circumstance all her life, and from her father learned the ways of the written word and combat, all to prepare her for her later life. Despite being outlaws, the pirates have never been challenged, due to a lack of an organized justice system in the Land of Shadows big enough to stop them; many times, the pirates themselves step in to uphold justice for a certain society, and act as a temperary police force, paid for their trouble by the mayor of that city. Recently, during a minor dissagreemant at sea, her father fell overboard during a gigantic sea serpant attack. Remorseful for the loss of their captain, the First Mate and crew decided to bring her back to Blackbird island, where her mother lives, and intended to leave her there. Artemis went along with it without a word, but secretly vowed to one day return to the seas abord a ship of her own, like her father. Name:Avion (AvIoN)Home:ShadowClass:Freelancer[spoiler=Appearance] Personality:Very ruthless and evilBio: he kills anyone in his way with no hesitation. Name: Terkon LeVeux (DuelOnX)Home: Land Of ShadowClass: Freelancer[spoiler=Appearance] Personality: At times he seems distant, away from the world. He never has anything good to say about anyone. His cold, serious nature drives people away from him. During the night, he practices fighting. He rarely shows emotion.Bio: When young, his mother was assassinated. He spent time with his father, who taught him Karate and Taek Won Do. Soon, his father passed away, leaving him with his father's land. Once he had a fight with somebody who had insulted his father, and killed them, while receiving injuries all over his face. He covers them. Name: General RagarorHome: Land of ShadowsClass: Freelancer[spoiler=Appearance:] Personality: He is always serious and cruel, never caring about the feelings of others. Kills without remorse or regret.Bio: Born into a family whose town was constantly plagued by opposing forces in various skirmishes, Ragaror decided enough was enough. He trained himself in the Way of the Sword, killing the generals of any forces who were unfortunate enough to come to his town. After slaughtering the remaining soldiers of each small army, his battles spread to the great armies of the Land of Shadows. He was recruited as a high ranking general, and now he is on the verge of overthrowing the current ruling class with his powers. But one day, while attacking an enemy force, he glanced upward to see a glimpse of a dark crystal, which seemed to sap his powers and then suddenly disappeared. After being nearly mortally wounded in the battle, having his wounds healed, he must regain his powers, willing to do anything, kill anyone, to do so. Name: Derix KavalHome: Land of ShadowClass: FreelancerAppearance: He has blue eyes, spikey dirty brown hair, and is very pale. He is 5"5' and usually wears a blue hoodie, baggy jeans, and black tennis shoes.Personality: He is not quick to anger and always listens to the views of others. He loves to build things with his hands. Give him some tools and he can build almost anything. He may seem dreamy at times, but he's probably just think about new inventions.Bio: Derix was born into a family of warriors. Although his family encourages swordplay, what he really loves is mechanics. Now, chosen as a hero, he must start training seriously for the road ahead. 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Haze Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Name:AvionHome:ShadowClass:FreelancerAppearance:Personality:Very ruthless and evilBio: he kills anyone in his way with no hesitation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shradow Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Name: Lord Sephiran Home: Land of Light Class: Freelancer [spoiler=Appearance] Personality: A character of intelligence that tends to strategize before rushing into battle. More of the silent type, but when speaking, speaks with wisdom beyond his years, or maybe it's not. When confronted, he uses words to avoid unnecessary fighting. His speech is blunt and serious, but has hints of kindness and compassion. Bio: Born into a family of commoners, his parents died shortly after his fourteenth birthday by a bandit raid on his town. Taking up the Way of the Sword, he survived long enough to wreak revenge on the bandit group a year later, defeating the bandits' leader and escaping their compound with an ancient medallion of arcane origins. Now eighteen years old, he has risen in status to that of a Lord, gaining power and wealth. He is respected by his peers, and feared by his enemies. Now, being chosen as a hero to stop the coming evil, his powers have faltered, and he must regain his power, lest he be slain by the dark forces. I have a question for you, but I'll PM it to you later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azerty-of-KoL Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Name: Serif Ronoke Home: Land of Light Class: Freelancer Appearance: Green eyed, black haired and slightly tanned. Hair is shoulder length. 5"8'. Usually wears leather breeches, a black shirt ,a black cloak, and black boots. Personality: Would rather reason than fight, but he will fight if he has to. Years of living on the streets have hardened him so that he would do almost anything survive. He may seem serious and grim on the outside but he is actually kind and considerate. Bio: His parents were farmers who farmed on the outskirts of a small town. When he was 12 his house burned down and his parent died of smoke inhalation. With no parents and no possessions, he was forced to live on the streets. He survived by begging and stealing. Now, after being chosen, he must leave with his only possessions, two daggers and a few coins, to stop the oncoming evil. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted May 10, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 All accepted, though I'd like to reiterate that everyone's allowed two characters. (Simply for practicality purposes, as it'd take forever to get enough people for both Land of Shadows and Land of Light to start). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Name: Kareem TakezoHome: Land Of LightClass: FreelancerAppearance: Personality: Playful and friendly. Loves to go out, and enjoys friendly fighting. He will help those in need, and tends to stand out. He is emotionally injured easily.Bio: Kareem was always the baby of the family. His parents favoured him rather than his older brothers. He was spoilt, however because of all the care he grew with a kind heart. He still lives with his ageing parents. Name: Terkon LeVeuxHome: Land Of ShadowClass: FreelancerAppearance: Personality: At times he seems distant, away from the world. He never has anything good to say about anyone. His cold, serious nature drives people away from him. During the night, he practises fighting. He rarely shows emotion.Bio: When young, his mother was assassinated. He spent time with his father, who taught him Karate and Taek Won Do. Soon, his father passed away, leaving him with his father's land. Once he had a fight with somebody who had insulted his father, and killed them, while recieving injuries all over his face. He covers them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted May 10, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Also accepted. My own application will be up in a moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Thanks =)This looks really good! Well planned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted May 10, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Thanks, I tried to put a lot of effort into it.For the record, I'm looking for an minimum of 4 from each land before we start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wuu. Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 One question before i post my app. how do we level up then? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shradow Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Here's my app for my Land of Shadow guy. Name: General Ragaror Home: Land of Shadows Class: Freelancer [spoiler=Appearance:] Personality: He is always serious and cruel, never caring about the feelings of others. Kills without remorse or regret. Bio: Born into a family whose town was constantly plagued by opposing forces in various skirmishes, Ragaror decided enough was enough. He trained himself in the Way of the Sword, killing the generals of any forces who were unfortunate enough to come to his town. After slaughtering the remaining soldiers of each small army, his battles spread to the great armies of the Land of Shadows. He was recruited as a high ranking general, and now he is on the verge of overthrowing the current ruling class with his powers. But one day, while attacking an enemy force, he glanced upward to see a glimpse of a dark crystal, which seemed to sap his powers and then suddenly disappeared. After being nearly mortally wounded in the battle, having his wounds healed, he must regain his powers, willing to do anything, kill anyone, to do so. I just call using swords the Way of the Sword because it sounds cool. You said no one could be overlypowerful, so I fit into both my guys' bios how they get weakened. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azerty-of-KoL Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Here's my other character then: Name: Derix Kaval Home: Land of Shadow Class: Freelancer Appearance: He has blue eyes, spikey dirty brown hair, and is very pale. He is 5"5' and usually wears a blue hoodie, baggy jeans, and black tennis shoes. Personality: He is not quick to anger and always listens to the views of others. He loves to build things with his hands. Give him some tools and he can build almost anything. He may seem dreamy at times, but he's probably just think about new inventions. Bio: Derix was born into a family of warriors. Although his family encourages swordplay, what he really loves is mechanics. Now, chosen as a hero, he must start training seriously for the road ahead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted May 10, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Legendary Tapion- If you're talking about RPG-style levels (as in, fight a certain amount of enemies and you level up), there isn't a formal system. Your character simply gets stronger as they learn to fight and use their class; I'll be the one regulating how much damage an enemy takes and whatnot, so it all works out.If you're talking about CLASS levels, as in from Freelancer to Adept to Monk or so forth, whenever you find one of the Four crystals (in whichever land you belong to), they will grant you some of their power and allow you to advance to a stronger class. The crystal's locations will, naturally, be in hard-to-get, storyline-central areas. Forlorn Shadow- Fair enough, accepted. (On an unrelated note, it's kinda funny how serious the Land of Shadows RP is going to be compared to the Land of Light, just by the characters involved.) Ace of Spades- Also accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Haze Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 thanks for accepting this looks nice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted May 10, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 No problem. Alright, with 4 Light members and 5 Shadow members, I think we're ready to start. I'll give it one more day to see if anyone else wants to join before hand, then start it on Monday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted May 10, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Added a Faq for simplicity's sake, mainly to fix up any of the more confusing aspects of the RPG. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shradow Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 You added it because of me, didn't you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Haze Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 who cares it helped me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted May 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 More or less. Mainly because I realized your question was probably a common concern, Forlorn. I didn't make it immediately obvious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shradow Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 Regarding my question about the Orichalcum Runesword, what is the order of classes I would have to level up to use it? I remember you said the final one was Bladeking... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted May 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 As I said, any class that can use swords can use a sword like that. Weapon abilities and magic are almost completely separate from magical skill. I recommended Swordsman, however, as they are generally based around Swords and can still use magic. The logical path would be Freelancer > Adept or Fighter > Swordsman > Blademaster > Bladeking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shradow Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 Okay thanks, I'll remember that, or if I don't, I'll look back at the post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted May 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 (Alright, we can begin now. Applicants will still be taken, but only through PM- One last thing, I added a new rule- No posting with only an Out Of Character segment. If you need to ask someone something, use PM.) - Sollus glanced around the city square he had parked in, and strummed the goldenbrown oak harp he kept at his side. The honeyed strings emitted gentle notes, enrapturing the minds and imaginations of those nearby. Some continued on their busy way, hands stuck into the pockets of their work coats, and heads bent down with all manner of hats perched upon them. Others stood nearby, listening silently to the music, while others sat at his feet, obviously enjoying the show. His voice was pleasantly deep, and great for singing the lyrics to the tune; lyrics that were as much history as they were fictional, telling of an ancient land of warlords, of peace and advancement. It was a story of fairies; a fictional fantasy, an idyllic story. And yet, he new that among the fabricated lines, lied a pearl of truth. Through the books he read, there had always been common lines, that formed together a quilt of the real history of the land; a quilt filled with holes and frayed gaps, to be sure, but a quilt all the same. He only wished he had an idea of the entire object; of the whole history, the real story. If only, if only... ...Sollus... He could almost hear a voice say, calling his name, resonating in his soul. Wait... he could!...Sollus...Come... He heard it speak to him. Sollus...come...The Eternal Flame... He felt his harp slip from beneath his usually nimble fingers. The Eternal Flame... was the name of a famous mountain in the area, died red like fire. Few had ever gone there, as it was barren of farmland or minerals to scavenge. This odd voice that called to him so... why was it telling him to go there? Confused and in a daze, he pawed around for his harp, finding it on the ground with a string loose, and held it close to his chest. --- V--- V-- V- Artemis looked around and sighed, resenting the twilight shadows of Blackbird island already. She missed the waves, the feel of a rocking boat, of wood beneath her feet and the surf beating against the sides of the boat. This stone felt too sure, so unfluid, so... trapping. She glanced around. Even the horizon was different; instead of the calming sight of the dying sun dissolving into the ocean, one found only a blocked skyline of stone covering the brilliance of the sunset. Once again, she felt trapped, restricted... she missed the sea, and all its dangers and wonders. She sighed. She supposed she wouldn't be able to return... ships were expensive in the Land of Shadows. And unless one of the Celestials were favoring her, she doubted she would be able to get one soon. But she felt if she didn't have some way to get out, some way to return to the splendor and excitement of naval life, she would slowly wither and die. There wasn't much choice in the matter. ...Artemis... She heard something whisper. She blinked and stood up, looking around. The sound felt nearby... like she didn't need to even go anywhere. She looked around. Artemis... She heard again. She paused and shivered- it was an odd scenario, but it felt like despite it being far away, it was also very close. She looked around the long beach- like its namesake, the beach of Blackbird was made up of dark colored sand, a black beach. It was long... perhaps she'd find the calling thing somewhere around there. -- {OOC Note- the first Light Crystal is somewhere on the mountain of The Eternal Flame. The first Shadow Crystal is somewhere in Blackbird island.} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shradow Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 OOC: Just want to point out, my character is familiar with the mountain of The Eternal Flame. Also, since he's a Lord, he has servants and stuff like that, so I'll be doing their actions. I hope that's not considered GodModing. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sephiran awoke in his bed. What a strange dream, or was it a nightmare? He recalled the dream perfectly. He stood in front of the mountain of The Eternal Flame, transixed by a shining crystal. The mountain of The Eternal Flame? What's going on? What's that light? He ran up to it and tried to reach for it, but suddenly, the crystal shattered, and darkness engulfed him. He fell into an endless vortex of darkness. A voice, faint but audible, could be heard... Sephiran, you must find the light, and defeat the darkness. Sephiran tried to understand what the strange voice meant. What does that mean, what must I do? That's when he awoke. He blinked as light flooded into his room from the rising sun. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "I must figure out what that dream meant. What was that light, and the darkness as well? Whatever it means, I think its secret lies at the mountain of The Eternal Flame. I must go there." He got out of bed, and alerted his servants of his trip. "But you musn't go!" Moressu, his lead servant, pleaded. "In order to get there, you must travel through the vast trees of the Labyrinth Forest! There are various beasts there, and they are all very dangerous. And with your... condition-" Sephiran rose his hand to stop his complaints. "I'm sorry, but I must. I will be leaving immediately. Just take care of the house while I'm gone. I'm sorry for troubling you." He packed his things, sheathed his sword, and departed for the Labyrinth Forest. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OOC: I just wanted to point out that in their human guises, they don't know their true selves. Also, I will be doing Ragaror's soldiers' actions, and a few of his ranking officers. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ragaror slammed his fist on the table in his general's tent. "Damn crystal! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been humiliated in that battle! And now I'm talking to an imaginary crystal that probably doesn't even exist! I must find the source of my weakness. My soldiers can't fight under me if I'm this weak! I can barely use a training sword!" Out of rage, Ragaror stood up and kicked the table, snapping it in half. "That's it, I can't take much more of this! I-" Suddenly, Ragaror lost conciousness. He fell into a dream-like state, standing in ankle-high water. Where am I? Then, a dark figure appeared in front of him. Ragaror crossed him arms. Who the hell are you? That is of no importance to you, mortal. I have come to tell you how to get your powers back. The figure showed him an image of Blackbird Island. You must go here. It is called Blackbird Island, and it contains a crystal of dark power, which you can use to regain your powers. A crystal!? The same crystal that took my powers in the first place?! How do I know you aren't lying? I oughta beat the living crap out of you right now you son of a- The dark figure waved his hand, and Ragaror woke up in his tent. A couple of his soldiers looked down upon him. "What the? What do you think you're doing in my tent?! Can't a guy take, um, a nap in peace?! Get out of here!" Ragaror got up and punched a soldier in the face. An audible crunching noise was heard. "Sorry sir, sorry!" one soldier pleaded. "It's just, Commander Lucifer has been ordered to relieve you of duty, sir." "What?! How dare he, I-" Ragaror cut off mid sentence. This could give me a perfect opportunity to find that blasted crystal! But I can't let these fools know about it. "Let me meet with him." "I'm already here." Lucifer stepped into the tent. "You two may leave." The soldiers saluted Lucifer and hastily retreated from the tent, one holding his nose, grimacing in pain. "Your time has come, Ragaror. Your power is gone, and I must take over. I don't know what brought about such weakness, but it cannot stand. You have until sundown to leave, before I chase you out myself." "Hmph. I'll be happy to leave you fools behind. I'll be going." He packed his things and grabbed his sheathed sword. He was gone before an hour was past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azerty-of-KoL Posted May 12, 2009 Report Share Posted May 12, 2009 Serif wandered the streets. He was looking for an unwary traveler to steal from. He sees a man in a black suit with his wallet hanging from his back pocket. Serif reached out for the wallet but the local constable suddenly walks around the corner. The constable sees Serif and runs after him, but by the time he reached the man in the suit, Serif is long gone. Serif stopped running only when he was sure that nobody was following him. When he looked up, he discovered that he was at the east gate. The east gate was one of the four gates that led out of the walled city. Through the east gate, Serif could the blood red mountain of The Eternal Flame. Suddenly he heard a soft and ringing voice. "Serif...Serif." "Who's There?!" Serif's vision swam. His vision came back into focus and he saw a cavern in the mountain of The Eternal Flame with a large crystal inside. The voice spoke again,"Seek me out. You are one of the saviors." Serif opened his eyes. It had to be a dream, but it had seemed so real. Serif decided to seek out the voice as he would not be able to live without knowing if it was real of not. So Serif took his only belongings, two daggers, a few coins, and the clothes on his back, and set off. He knew that it would be a hard journey, but he was tough and he knew that he would survive. ==================================================================================================== Derix was working on a machine that could slash with a sword and block with a shield. He was underneath the machine trying to fix problem he had found. He groped around on the table next to him for a wrench. Derix had shifted the wrench to the edge of the table when he rolled out from under the machine. The wrench balanced on the edge for a second before it fell from it's perch and landed on Derix's head with a crack. Slowly the world faded from his vision. Derix saw an island that he recognized as Blackbird Island. "This is your destination. Many are counting on you." Derix became enveloped in a brilliant light which then faded into darkness. Derix woke up with a pounding headache. He wasn't sure if his dream was real but he had always wanted to travel to the different islands, so he decided to use this as an excuse. He packed a few tools, the sword he had gotten on his birthday, and a metal shield. He then bought himself aboard a merchant ship and set off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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