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Shugo Chara! (Accepting)(started)(need more people next people that join gets 1 rep)


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All kids holds an egg in there soul, the egg of are hearts are would-be-selfs, yet unseen.


Over 75 years afher Amu and the others found the Embryo. The both the Humbty lock and the Dumtey key broke in 3 pieces. All of the New Gaurdins New Easter and both sides Chara have tried to put them back together for all of them to do a Cartitar transformasion. All of the tries all failed, so only a selcet few have the pieces to transform. Now new members off both are joining tring to fix it and tring to find a second Embryo hoping that there dreams will come true.



Chara- what comes out of the egg of your hearts. Made out of peoples dreams they are who you want to be.

Humbty lock- A lock that let people and Charas come to gether to make a stronger form. Used by the Gaurdinas.

Dumtey key- A key that let people and Charas come to gether to make a stronger form. Used by Easter.

Embryo- An egg of are hearts that can grant any wish

X Egg- An egg of are hearts that the owners dreams has been forgoten about, given up, or the owner is very dipressed.

X Cartitar- An Chara that hatched from a X-Egg all of its attacks come from why the owner is having a X Egg.

Caritar Change- Its when a Chara or X Egg changes the owner's attude. As an exampil when Ran Caritar Changes with (beeep) she becomes honest and good at sports thanks to Ran. There is all ways way to tell wether they are in this mode. X Eggs show it in there eyes they look very out of it. As any expaile When Tadase Hotori does one he gets a crown.

And one more thing only people that have Charas can see Charas.

If you have any more questions about what im saing just ask.


There is a test if you want to have 3 Charas you have to take a test any thing below that you can have them. The test is about Shugo Chara! You must PM me your test if you post it are only aloud one Chara. You must get a 60 or above to have 3 Charas. People that have 3 on the Gardiuns must take the posion Joker. They are only three 3 Chara users per side. Later i will choose one person to have 4 Charas.



Who was Amu first in love in at the start of the sires?

Name the 4 of Amu Charas?

What is Rima Mashiro's Chara Tatlent?

Who is Nadeshiko real idently?

What Nadeshiko's male Chara named?


Poisions for gaurdains

King - taken




Joker- Taken



Form for gardinas (also they are elemetry school students)






Age (10-13):

Grade (4th-6th):

Apperans(pic or distipsion):

Anything speialy about him/her:

Bio (opisonal):


Form for Easter






Apperans(pic or distipsion):



Form for Charas



What is it good at (EX Ran is good at sports)(only one):

personalty(only one):

Apperans(pic or distipsion)(also it is easier to do a distipsion on this one):


You are aloud to have only 3 people with there Charas


My forms

Name: Jake

Poision: King

Pesonaly: nice kind scaried cat

Dream: to be brave but also be cool

Age (10-13): 12

Grade (4th-6th): 6th

Apperans(pic or distipsion): 2v1kl0x.jpg

Anything speialy about him/her: he is the captain of the scoocer team

Bio (opisonal):


Name: Fenas

What is it good at (EX Ran is good at sports)(only one): fighting

personalty(only one): Brave

Apperans(pic or distipsion)(also it is easier to do a distipsion on this one): a knight in armor when he takes off his helmet his face is exaly like Jake.


Name: Spier

What is it good at (EX Ran is good at sports)(only one): sports

personalty(only one): Cool

Apperans(pic or distipsion)(also it is easier to do a distipsion on this one): with a spider head and a human mouth wears a red shirt and pants


Name: Clarie

Poision: Joker

Pesonaly: alittle mean funny

Dream: to be nicer and get resept from people

Age (10-13): 11

Grade (4th-6th): 5th

Apperans(pic or distipsion): 10zybnd.jpg

Anything speialy about him/her: she has a crush on Jake

Bio (opisonal):


Name: Ami

What is it good at (EX Ran is good at sports)(only one): sports

personalty(only one): nice

Apperans(pic or distipsion)(also it is easier to do a distipsion on this one): wheres a scoocer uniform with green hair.


Name: mimi

What is it good at (EX Ran is good at sports)(only one): making all kinds of friends (espsaly boy friends)

personalty(only one): smart

Apperans(pic or distipsion)(also it is easier to do a distipsion on this one): wear a shirt that says peace has yellow hair


Name: heto

What is it good at (EX Ran is good at sports)(only one): getting respect

personalty(only one): prissy

Apperans(pic or distipsion)(also it is easier to do a distipsion on this one): wheres a pink dress a pink bow and red hair


Name: Hermes

Pesonaly: flirty cool mean

Dream: to be a god

Age: 16

Apperans(pic or distipsion): 29o0bpj.jpg



Name: mini herm

What is it good at (EX Ran is good at sports)(only one): stealing

personalty(only one): snotty

Apperans(pic or distipsion)(also it is easier to do a distipsion on this one): he wheres red bone sandlys a yellow toga elf ears and eyes


also they is something i forgot if u want to be just tranfured to schools for gradins side that ok and you can have your charas already if u are a 3 charas u have to have only one the eggs hatch if you have been to the school for a 1 year (if u choose u want to be here) you cant have your charas untell the day after you fall asleep (also they wont be charas yet they will be eggs just saying)

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Name: Zeke Tranis

Poision: Ace

Pesonaly: Kind, friendly, overprotective of his sister.

Dream: To be able to protect his twin sister.

Age (10-13): 11

Grade (4th-6th): 5th

Apperans(pic or distipsion): DallyDays.jpg

Anything speialy about him/her: He is an orphan

Bio (opisonal): His parents died and know he is an orphan with his twin, Terri Tranis. There foster parents are mean and abbusive. They live like kings while the two orphans do the work.


Zekes Charas


Name: Zero

What is it good at (EX Ran is good at sports)(only one): Acrobatics

personalty(only one): Calm

Apperans(pic or distipsion)(also it is easier to do a distipsion on this one): He wears a scarf over his face and only shows his eyes. Has broen hair.



Name: Terri Tranis

Poision: Jack

Pesonaly: Head on and strait forward. Has a short temper

Dream: To protect her twin, Zeke Tranis

Age (10-13): 11

Grade (4th-6th):5th

Apperans(pic or distipsion): animagirl21.jpg

Anything speialy about him/her: She is very, very, very social

Bio (opisonal): Same as Zeke's


Terris Chara

Name: Yumi

What is it good at (EX Ran is good at sports)(only one): Sports

personalty(only one): Shy

Apperans(pic or distipsion)(also it is easier to do a distipsion on this one): Wears a headband and has brown hair. She wears a skirt.

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Name: Zack Caystellin

Poision: Joker

Pesonaly:To be revealed

Dream: To find his brother

Age (10-13):11

Grade (4th-6th):5th

Apperans(pic or distipsion):A kid who usually wears ripped jeans and a tattered T-shirt

Anything speialy about him/her:He Cheated Death

Bio (opisonal):A kid who is odd and his Chara was first known when he broke a kids neck.



What is it good at (EX Ran is good at sports)(only one):Magic

personalty(only one):Protective

Apperans(pic or distipsion)(also it is easier to do a distipsion on this one):A Person with three faces but using his magic he looks like a regular 11 year old boy.

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