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Deck of the Immortals

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Monsters: 15


2X Earth Immortal - Aslla Piscu

2X Earth Immortal - Ccapac Apu

2X Earth Immortal - Ccarayhua

2X Earth Immortal - Chaunce Challhua

2X Earth Immortal Cusillu

2X Earth Immortal - Uru

3X Double Coston



Spells: 17


1X Monster Reborn

3X Field Barrier

2X Magical City of Endymion

3X Monster Reincarnation

1X Swords of Revealing Light

3X Double Summon

1X Mega Morph

1X Scapegoat

1X Confiscation

1X Illumanents of Disguise ( OCG Only ) [spoiler=Effect]

Discard 1 Card, Select 1 Card on Your Side of The Field, The Selected Cards Name is Treated as The Discarded Card, Until the End Phase.



2X Cost Down

1X Axe of Despair


Traps: 10


3X Altar of the Bound God

3X Earthbound Whirlwind

1X Glowing Image of the Guardian God

2X Roar of the Bound God

1X The Impure Earth


Summon Double Coston, Double Summon And Tribute Double Coston to Summon Uru, Confiscation ( Your LP 7000 ), Axe of Despair , Mega Morph, Attack , OTK

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Its a Manga Card' date=' It Comes out in 2011



And from what chapter is the card from may I ask? You say such things, yet, you have no proof whatsoever.


And btw, if it's a Manga card, it's not even real, not even in OCG fool.

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