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~ Chidori-Kun

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Render: 2uz2bro.jpg

Stock: You're the guy. You pick.

Text: Buggy Rock 'n Roll

Vertical or Horizontal: Horizonal

Color or Black and White: Color

Additional Information: Make the sig and text quite big (easy to see, black bold is recommended) It would be best if it had rounded corners.


p.s You want 200 points? Sure ;)


EDIT: I want an avi too. 50 points if you like (I'm leaving soon anyway)


Render (or Image): Above

Additional Information: Eh, just get the head on it. It would be best if it had rounded corners.

Text: Buggy

Color or Black and White: Color

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I would like a Sig, and an avatar. Using the same image.







Stock: None

Text: I teach them. I command them. I punish them.

Vertical or Horizontal: Vertical

Color or Black and White: Black and White

Additional Information: The three sentences should be split apart so they can fit? Perhaps top has first line, bottom has second, middle, in somewhat bolder lettering, has the final line?



Render (or Image): See sig's

Additional Information: Center it around the head?

Text: This is power.

Color or Black and White: Black and White


Please tell me if there is something wrong with it. Anyway, wish you luck!

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Ok... I think I have a render now (not that I'd know, I was told it was, so I figure it probably is), alas catman's store was closed, so I went to another nice render shop :). I'll give this another shot. Hope I'm not wasting your time again!


I would like a Sig, and an avatar. Using the same image.







Stock: None

Text: I teach them. I command them. I punish them.

Vertical or Horizontal: Vertical

Color or Black and White: Black and White

Additional Information: The three sentences should be split apart so they can fit? Perhaps top has first line, bottom has second, middle, in somewhat bolder lettering, has the final line?



Render (or Image): See sig's

Additional Information: Center it around the head?

Text: This is power.

Color or Black and White: Black and White


Please tell me if there is something wrong with it. Anyway, wish you luck with your shop!

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Signature order form:


Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-13756


Stock: Up to you, really.


Text: Chaotic Angel


Vertical or Horizontal: Horizontal


Color or Black and White: Colour, of course.


Additional Information: None



Avatar order form:


Render (or Image): Same as sig.


Additional Information: None


Text: Chaotic Angel


Color or Black and White: Colour

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Render: x1cdac.jpg

Stock: You're the guy. You pick.

Text: Buggy Rock 'n Roll

Vertical or Horizontal: Horizonal

Color or Black and White: Color

Additional Information: Make the sig and text quite big (easy to see, black bold is recommended) It would be best if it had rounded corners.


p.s You want 200 points? Sure ;)


EDIT: I want an avi too. 50 points if you like (I'm leaving soon anyway)


Render (or Image): Above

Additional Information: Eh, just get the head on it. It would be best if it had rounded corners.

Text: Buggy

Color or Black and White: Color


Now it's a render. Hope you can do it!

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Vertical or Horizontal: Horizontal.

Color or Black and White: Color.

Additional Information:

The image was a screenshot, so it might be poor quality. If it won't work, I can find another image.

If you do work on it, I'd like it the same size as the last one.

Do whatever you feel is necessary.

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