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[DISC] Best Quote Ever!


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[align=center]You say Eminem - I say Skillet > Pwnt

You say britney spears - I say Nirvana > Pwnt

You say akon - I say Slip knot > Pwnt

You say jonas brothers -I say Dragon Force > Pwnt

You say justin timberlake - I say ACDC > Pwnt

You say high school musical - I say Avenged Sevenfold > Pwnt

You say miley cyrus - I say Old Metallica; funk new metallica > Pwnt[/align]


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What win? There is no win in that "quote". It's not really even a quote. It's more of you just saying, "lemme name a bunch of groups that are popular with 10 year old girls and then name some other bands and the 10 year old girls are somehow horribly offended".


I really don't follow.


At least you like SlipKnoT. And I'm hoping that by "SlipKnoT'' you mean "the first two SlipKnoT albums".

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A (slightly) better 'quote' would be "You like [that terrible sheet]? funk you, I listen to funking Brain Drill and Cannibal Corpse".


Anyone who listens to any of the bands mentioned would be horrified by Brain Drill and Cannibal Corpse

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