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Yu-Gi-Oh! GN (My Fan Fic)Chapter 6 posted!

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[color=#FF0000] [center][size=x-large]Yu-Gi-Oh! GN[/size][/center][size=x-large][/color]
[spoiler=Matt Hawk's Theme Song]
[spoiler=Zack's Theme Song]
[spoiler=Alice Rhode's Theme Song]
[spoiler=Tim Truesdale's Theme Song]
[spoiler=Zorc and The Society of Shadow's Theme Song]

This story takes about three years after Jaden was at the school.The teachers have been replaced,and the chancellor has resigned and been replaced.The story begins with the intro of Matt Hawk.(Note:In some cases,there will be made up cards.)

[spoiler=Chapter 1-The Entrance Exams]
"I got hurry up.",said Matt,"If I don't hurry up,I wont be able to get into that school!!" Matt Hawk was a fifteen year old teenager who was a duelist.He was running to the "Kaiba Dome" to get in the Duel Academy opening duels.If he won this one duel,he could get into Duel Academy.Soon he had finally arrived,and just in the nick of time,he got there when his name was called."Just made it.",Matt said.He got into his part of the arena and stood there waiting for the teacher he'd be dueling.Finally,a teacher with a blue over coat,walked across from Matt.He looked at Matt and said,"So you want to get into duel academy?Well no one goes without beating me,Professor Christopher!" Matt smiled and said,"Well,I'll beat you,and my deck will show you." Christopher asked for Matt's name and he replied,"My name is Matt Hawk,your looking at the next "King of Games.",So now teach,DUEL ON!!"

Matt and Christopher both drew five cards from there deck and Matt went first."I'll start,so I'll use Pot of Greed.Now two cards are mine." He drew his two cards then looked at his hand and said,"I play this monster in defense mode and throw these cards face down,now its your turn." Christopher drew and said,"This how its done,I summon my Celectic Guardian and I'll let his 1400 attack points strike your monster." His Celectic Guardian struck Matt's face down monster and Matt reveled that his monster was Mystical Elf,with a defense of 2000,which inflicted Christopher with 600 points of damage,this left him with 3400 life points."Grr,I play this card face down and end my turn." Matt,drew his next card then said,"Alright,first I use the spell card Emblem of Dragon Destroyer,now I can add one Buster Blader from my deck and add it to my hand",Matt took one Buster Blader from his deck and added it to his hand then said,"Now go Polymerization,I fuse my Dark Magician and Buster Blader to summon Dark Paladin.Now attack his Celectic Guardian!!" Matt's monster attack Christopher and destroyed,inflicting 1500 points of damage and decreasing his life points to 1900.Matt then said,"Thats the end of my turn." Christopher thought to himself,"This boy is amazing." He then drew his next card and said this,"Now I play Gravity Bind now level four or higher can't attack.Thats my turn." Matt was smiling then said,"I am sorry,but this duel is over,cause is use Mystical Space Typhoon,so your Gravity Bind is gone.Now I summon Elemental Hero Neo Alius,then I use Cocoon Party,now I can summon one " Chrysalis" monster from my deck,so I choose Chrysalis Larvae.Now I tribute Chrysalis Larvae to summon Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab and my Neo Alius is treated as Neos so go CONTACT FUSION!!!!!" Matt's Neo Alius and Flare Scarab fused together to make Elemental Hero Flare Neos,then Matt said,"Now Dark Paladin and Flare Neos,school this teacher,attack him directly!!!!!" Dark Paladin and Flare Neos attacked Christopher directly and his life points dropped to zero.

The duel was over and Matt won against Christopher.Matt walked over to Christopher and said,"Game over,nice duel teach,so am I in??" Christopher got up and said,"Yes your in Duel Academy." Matt jumped and said,"YES!!!!Finally I'll be able to follow in Jaden Yuki's footsteps." Christopher thought to himself and said,"Now I understand why the Chancellor is interested in this boy.She'll be so happy to finally meet him.And right now he has a deck with a combo of the two "King of Games" decks,and maybe more than those two.Well we'll see what he has in store." Christopher then got on the loudspeaker and said,"Those who have passed these Entrance Exams can pack your things and go to the harbor,we'll leave for Duel Academy Island in two hours." Matt ran home,packed his clothes,toothbrush,toothpaste,comb,his deck,and his duel disk.He then ran to the harbor and got to the boat.Everyone else got on then they were off for Duel Academy Island,the school made by Seto Kiba and the place where duelist Jaden Yuki was born.Now it was Matt's turn to face the academy like Jaden did.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Chapter 2-The New Kid on the Island]After being on that ship for three days,the wait was over.Over the horizon,Matt could see the island.Matt said with a smile,"The time has finally come.Watch out Duel Academy,here comes Matt Hawk!" Before they got off the boat,Professor Christoper said over the intercom,"When we reach Duel Academy Island,gather your belongings,and follow the teachers to the Auditorium to find out where you'll will be bunking at.Thank you." As soon as Christopher was done talking,the ship had arrived at Duel Academy.Matt gathered his things and followed the rest of the students into the auditorium.As the students came in,a woman with a dark red overcoat walked in front of them.She then said,"Welcome students,to Duel Academy!!My name is Abigail Freedmen,you can call me Chancellor Freedmen." She talked to the students for over an hour,about the rules and their classes.Finally she got to the dorm assigning.She said,"Those who a perfect on their test score and dueling score are moved to Obelisk Blue,your dorm is over on the other side of the island.Those that did,not so bad on their scores go to Ra Yellow.Lastly,those who didn't do so good are put in Silfer Red,your dorm is next to the bridge for across from the harbor." The teachers and chancellor assigned students to their dorms based on their scores.Matt gasped,"Oh no!I wasn't there to take the test!" When Matt got up to get assigned,it was no surprise,he was stuck in Silfer Red.

When he got out of the auditorium,he noticed a blond haired girl in a Obelisk Blue uniform.Matt walked over to her and said,"Hello." He would have said more,but he was nervous.The girl turned to him and said,"Hi,your new aren't you?" Matt replied by saying,"Yes I am,I'm Matt Hawk.Whats yours?" The girl smiled and said,"I am Alice Rhodes." Matt heard the last name and asked,"You wouldn't be the daughter of the famous Alexis Rhodes?" "Yes the exact one.",Alice said smiling,then said,"You might want to go to your dorm before they think your missing." Matt nodded then grabbed his stuff and ran to his dorm.He looked for his room number,and then he found it.He opened the door and saw another Silfer Red sitting in the middle of the floor messing with his cards.The boy turned and said,"May I help you?" Matt plainly said to him,"I'm Matt Hawk and I'm supposed to Matt,I'm Timothy Truesdale,the son of Syrus Trusedale,but you can call me Tim." Saskutpo gasped and said,"I meet Alexis Rhodes daughter and now I meet Syrus Truesdales son." Matt then looked at Tim's cards and said,"So you duel with a machine deck like your father,sweet.Wanna look at my deck?" Tim was curious to find out about this guy,so he took a look.To his surprise,this deck was built of a few of the best duelists decks."You bulit a deck with a combo of Kaiba's,Yugi's,and Jaden's cards?",asked Tim.Matt said,"Yeah,but there are a few cards that are mine alone."

While Matt was talking to Tim at this time,Alice was just getting to her dorm,when she heard a voice."So you had a Silfer Slacker talk to you?",the voice asked her.Alice,looking annoyed said,"Yes,whats it to you,Zack?" Zack appeared from behind a tree and walked towards her.Zack was brown haired guy,that had a certain crush on Alice. "Besides,Zack I heard that Matt,the Silfer Red I talked to,beat Professor Christopher,in a few moves.",Alice said to him.Zack turned and said,"Well I'll have to see it for myself.Tell,Matt,to meet me in the Duel Arena and to bring his duel disk and deck." Alice sighed and said,"Alright,Zack.Have it your way." After she said that she ran to the Red dorm and found Matt's room.Before she opened the door,she heard him talking to Tim."You see,I am the only one with these sets of cards,only because I met Maxillion Pegasus and he helped me make those cards.And one has a spirit inside it." When it sounded like he was done talking,Alice opened the door.Matt looked up and saw Alice in the doorway and said,"Hey Alice,what brings you to Silfer Red?" "Well you got a challenge.By an Obelisk Blue named Zack wants to beat you.",Alice said.A big grin appeared on his face and said,"Then I'm there." Matt grabbed his duel disk and his deck and ran to the duel arena,with Alice leading him and Tim following behind.Inside the arena stood a lone Obelisk Blue,so Matt assumed that it was Zack."I see that you made it,Slacker.",Zack said looking at Matt.Matt replied by saying,"I'm not a slacker,I just choose to be lazy." "Blah,Blah.",Zack said putting his deck into his duel disk."Fine,lets have the cards talk for us.",Matt said putting his deck into his duel disk then said,"Duel On!!"

Both boys drew five cards from their decks and Matt said,"I'll go first." He drew hes sixth card,then looked at his hand and though,"Ok,the cards I've got in my hand is Clayman,Pot of Greed,World of the Capsule Monsters,Blue-Eyes White Dragon,Negate Attack,and Duel Armor Yugi.So what move should I do?" His thought train was interrupted by the sound of this,"Hey Slacker,hurry up.I don't have all night." Matt glared and said,"Fine,a play Pot of Greed,so two cards become mine." He drew his two cards and saw that they were Polymerization and Pride of the Blue-Eyes.He continued by saying,"I play one card face down and play a monster in defense mode,and I'll call my turn over." After hearing this,Zack drew his next card and said,"You end up losing,just like that other Slacker lost,when I dueled him today." He pointed at Tim when he said that laughed saying,"You beating Christopher was luck.Now for my turn,I summon in attack mode,Harpie's Brother,with 1800 attack points.Now take those attack points and hit Matt's monster with it." The hologram of Harpie's Brother did just that,until Clayman appear from the card with his 2000 defense points,making Zack lose 200 life points."Well I set two cards face down and end my turn.",Zack said becoming annoyed with Matt."Alright my turn.",Matt said drawing his next card.To his surprise,it was Giant Trunade."So now I activate Giant Trunade,so all trap and spell on the field return to the owners hand." Matt,took back Negate Attack from the field,then placed it back on the field and said,"Now I use Polymerization to fuse my Blue-Eyes White Dragon with my Duel Armor Yugi!" Zack cut Matt off before he could finish,"Duel Armor Yugi,no such thing." Matt smiled and said,"Not until Pegasus made it for me.Now fuse Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Duel Armor Yugi to summon Blue-Eyes White Draco-Solider!" The monster came down in all its glory and surprised Zack."Oh my gosh!",was all Zack could say."Now for his ability.",Matt continued,"My solider gains 1000 ATK points for every "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" or "Duel Armor Yugi" monsters in my graveyard.So now hes at 5000 attack points,but I'm just starting.Go Pride of the Blue Eyes!Now with this card I equip it to my solider and he gains 1000 more attack points and is able to attack you directly." Zack was shocked but said,"I use Hinotama and Ookazi,now you lose 1300 life points bringing you down to 2700 life points." Matt shot back,"So what,my monster 6000 attack points and he can attack directly,Go my Solider,use White Lighting Slash!" Saskuto's solider attacked Zack and the duel came to a close."Game Over.",Matt said to Zack offereing to help him up. "Nice dueling,for a slacker.",Zack said walking out of the arena.Matt won first of many battles at the academy,and it was only the first day.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Chapter 3-Collide]The next day,Mat woke up to the voice of his duel spirit,Blue-Eyes White Draco-Solider."Whats up Draco-Solider?",Matt asked half asleep."Do you sense it Matt?Its some evil that threatens my kind.",the duel spirit replied.Matt got up quickly and said,"You mean like Sartorius,when he was consumed by the "Light of Destruction", and Viper?" "Exactly,but different.",the duel spirit said returning to his card.Matt got dressed and said,"Well with you,I'll be able to find out who it is.Until then,time get going to class."

Matt had taken every class,except the one where Professor Christopher was teaching.After Matt got inside,the class started,the professor was talking about Duel Monsters back in Egypt,something called the shadow games,and duel spirits.Matt already knew all this,he was about to nap in class when the Christopher was talking about something he didn't know yet.The professor was talking about those who tired to take over the world using powers beyond this world.Matt knew a few who did try to do just that.The first was "The Seven Shadow Riders" who tired to obtain the sacred beast cards.The second was Sartorius with the power of the "Light of Destruction" and created the group called,"The Socitey of Light." Then it was Viper and his Bio-Bands that drained the duel energy from the duelist when they duel,just so he could bring back Yubel.Finally,Yubel caused some damage,but was fused with Jaden's soul.But the thing Matt didn't know was even though Jaden fought those who wanted the world for their own,he never fought alone.He always had his friends by his side when he dueled.Matt thought of himself dueling a evil that no one fought before and had his friends by his side,like Jaden did.After class,Matt's duel spirit sensed something and said,"He is close by." Matt replied saying,"Which way?" The spirit pointed down the hall,to the person running.Matt took a short cut and beat the person outside and said,"Who are you and what do you want with my duel spirit?" The man was wearing a purple robe and was carrying a duel disk.He lifted his robe to show his light blue hair and said,"So that Draco-Solider is yours?I see.My name is Collide." Matt looked puzzled and asked,"Why is your name Collide?" The man chuckled and said,"Because,when I was younger,my pain and hate collided together.I changed my name to Collide for that reason.Now I serve my master,the founder of the Socitey of Shadows." "Tell me your master's name!",Matt said in a rage.Collide just said,"That rage you have,you'll soon be consumed in it,like I was." After he said that,Collide vanished from Matt's sight.Matt thought to himself saying,"Socitey of Shadows?Looks like I just got my wish.I think I'll call someone to ask fro advice.He took out his cell phone and called the one person that might be able to help him.

"Matt-boy,Long time no talk!",said Pegasus,from his uncharted island retreat."Hey Pegasus,hey I need a favor.",Matt asked.Pegasus got glad and said,"I would love to help you ,so what card would you like today?" Matt sighed and said,"As tempting as a new card sounds thats not the favor.I would like you to do a search on the Society of Shadows." Pegasus said from the other side of the line,"The Society of Shadows,how do you know about them?" "Because,I just met the man named Collide.He mentioned that group to me.",Matt replied. "Well,Matt-boy,the Society of Shadows is like the "Society of Light" but wants to use the shadow games to over-run the world in darkness.Their leader is,you won't believe this but,their leader is Zorc of Necrophades!",Pegasus said in a shock.Matt was stunned as he heard this and asked,"Is it possible,that Zorc obtained an new body,like he did with Bakura a long time ago." Pegasus thought a moment and replied saying,"Thats possible." Matt's thoughts raced and said,"I know who Zorc's new body is!"

Meanwhile,at Domino City,a dark figure walks into an alley.There he opens a door that has a case of stairs leading down into darkness.After walking down those stair,the man opens another door and waiting inside is another man in a dark purple robe.The man that waiting said,"So Collide,how did it go?" Collide took off his hood and replied,"Well actually,I just met the duelist with a duel spirit I was following for the last couple of days.The duelist's name is Matt Hawk." The man that was waiting said,"Good,then soon our dream will be a reality." "Yes and your shell of a body",Collide said,"named Sartorius can be disposed of and your true body,master Zorc,can be resurrected!" Zorc,in the body of Sartorius,and Collide laughed maniacally at this thought.Soon the world would live in a age of darkness and shadows.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Chapter 4-Information:The Duel Against the Chancellor]The following day,Matt decided to see the head of the Academy,besides Seto Kiba.He went to the Chancellor's office while he was in the middle of talking to Professor Christopher. "Ah,Matt.Coming in here because you were asleep in class again?",Chancellor Freedman asked him.Matt laughed a litte bit then said,"No Chancellor,its something else." Chancellor Freedman dismissed Professor Christopher and asked Matt,"What happened?" Matt drew the courage and said,"A man came yesterday.His name was Collide,he said he was with the group called the "Society of Shadows" and he was working with his master,Sartorius,who is a shell of himself and his body is holding the ancient evil,Zorc of Necrophades." When Chancellor Freedman heard this,she turned white as a ghost.Matt noticed this and said,"You know something,tell me." Chancellor Freedman stood up and replied saying,"I'll do that,only",she then pulled out her duel disk and continued,"only if you beat me in a duel." Matt was then faced with an ultimatum,he could duel the Chancellor and get the answers he needs,or there may be a twist if he loses."Heres the twist,Matt.If you lose,you leave the Academy.",the Chancellor said.Now Matt was scared,if he lost he'd leave this school and never come back.Now things were heated up here.Matt finally said after thinking it over,"I accept,Chancellor." The only problem was,the Chancellor saw Matt duel,but he never saw the Chancellor duel."Give me two hours to get ready.",Matt said.Chancellor Freedman nodded yes to his request,and Matt ran back to the Red dorm as fast as possible."Timothy!!!",Matt yelled.Timothy opened the rooms door and in came Matt."Do we have a computer here?",Matt asked.Timothy pointed to a laptop on the desk across from them.Matt got on there and started to surf the web to find anything on the Chancellor."If your looking for files on people on the island,go to the Duel Academy website,right here.",Timothy said pointing at a file on the laptop.Matt opened it and looked for the Chancellor."Ah,she uses a Zombie type deck.Her main monster is the "Vampire Genesis".Interesting.And she only has one Spellcaster and one Warrior monster.Those two monsters are the only ones that she uses in fusion.",Matt read aloud.Now Matt found out about his Chancellor and her deck and know what monsters he'll need to summon to counter her.

Two hours passed and Matt ran to the Duel Arena where he found Chancellor Freedman standing there waiting for him."I thought you weren't going to make it.",Chancellor Freedman said.Matt replied,"I thought so too,I just had to brush up on my dueling facts." The Chancellor put her deck into the duel disk and Matt did the same."Duel On!",Matt said before drawing his hand."Ladies first",the Chancellor said drawing her first card."All right,I summon Vampire Lady in attack mode.Her 1550 attack points will sink into soon.Then I play Reload,now I put my hand of five cards back in my deck,shuffle and draw five new cards.Now I play one card face down,end turn.",she said.Matt drew his first card from his deck and said,"Now I use Giant Trunade,take that face down card off the field." When the card activated,the Chancellor took her card off the field.Matt continued,"Now I use Fake Hero.This spell card allows me to summon an Elemental Hero from my hand to the field,but then it comes back to my hand after this turn.So,go Neos!Then I summon Neo-Spacian Dark Panther.Now Neos and Panther,Contact Fusion!" After Matt said that,Neos and Dark Panther,flew up into the cosmos and returned as a fused warrior."Now meet Elemental Hero Dark Neos.The I use Instant Neo Space.Now I equip it to Dark Neos and he won't have to return to my deck after this turn.Now I use Dark Neos effect.Now I can select one monster on the your side of the field and negate its effect,until it is removed from the field.Now go Dark Neo with your 2500 attack points,slay that vampire lady.",Matt said as the hologram of Dark Neos attacked Vampire Lady.That attack left the Chancellor with 3050 Life Points and Matt at 4000 Life Points."With that,I end my turn.",Matt said after the attack was finished.Chancellor Freedman drew her next card and said,"Pot of Greed,two cards from the deck." She drew the next two cards from her deck and then said,"I use the spell called Book of Life to summon my Vampire Lady from the grave.Then I can remove one monster from your grave.I chose your Neos!" With that,Vampire Lady appeared on the field and Neos was taken out of the grave."Now I sacrifice my Lady to summon my Vampire Lord.",she said as her lady was sacrificed and out came her Vampire Lord,with his demonic smile."Now I use the spell know as Sword of Concealing Light,now all monsters on your side of the field are changed to face-down defense mode and they can't change their battle position until my second standby phase after this activation.After that I end my turn.",she said finishing her move.Matt drew his next card and said,"Go Mystical Space Typoon,now your Concealing Light spell is gone,now my Dark Neos returns into attack mode.Now I use Neo-Space,now my Dark Neos gains 500 attack points putting him at 3000 attack points.Now I use my Polymerization from my hand to fuse Avain and Burstinatrix to summon Flame Wingman.Now Dark Neos attack Vampire Lord,with all 3000 attack points.",Matt said that and Dark Neos attack Vampire Lord and reduced the Chancellor's Life points down to 2050,but then Matt said,"Now Flame Wingman,attack her directly with all 2100 attack points,use Skylight Scorcher!" Then Flame Wingman attack the chancellor and her Life points went down to zero.

Matt walked over,helped the Chancellor up,then said,"Game Over,Chancellor.Now tell me what you know about the "Society of Shadows" and why you looked like you saw a ghost when I said the groups name." The Chancellor finally said,"Ok,when I was in my teens,I joined the Society of Shadows.This time,Jaden Yuki just graduated the Academy and Sartorius was overcome by Zorc.I was young and stupid for joining that group.But,nevertheless,I became one of them,the main objective of that group is to spread Zorc's darkness around the world and capture duel spirits to revive Zorc with." Matt thought of all this and said,"So how many are there?" Chancellor Freedman tired to remember the amount of people,then said,"Not counting me,there is 13 people there,all male,except me.The main reason I duel with a zombie deck,was because I was give that monster type.But when I left,I started gaining a bond with my deck,then eventually I saw my own duel spirit,the Vampire Lord." As soon as she said that about her duel spirit,Vampire Lord's duel spirit appeared next to her.Matt was happy he wasn't the only person on this island who could duel spirits,but then he said,"Is there anything else you know?" Chancellor Freedman replied saying,"No thats the main stuff.That fact that Collide came to you,must mean they are going to strike you and take your duel spirit.Or they might take my Vampire Lord instead." Matt then said,"No duel spirit is getting taken on my watch." Now this threat to him,the Chancellor,and both their duel spirits are now on his shoulders.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Chapter 5-The Meeting] A week went by since the Chancellor told Matt some information on the "Society of Shadows" and about her duel spirit.All he could think of was the thought of other duel spirits that children had,being taken by Collide and the other twelve members of the society,not counting Sartorius.Matt had a reason for fighting this evil,to set the other duel spirits,defeat the thirteen members of the society,then face Sartorius.Only a duel with Sartorius would make Zorc return into the place where he belonged,which was oblivion."You seem troubled Matt.",Matt's second duel spirit said.Matt jumped and saw that his other duel armor fusion was standing there talking to him."Oh Mage-Knight,its you.Yeah,its the whole "Society of Shadows" thing,I don't know if I can beat them myself.",Matt replied to Mage-Knight."Matt,your not by yourself anymore.",the knight said pointing to Tim,Alice,and Zack who were outside waiting for him,then the knight continued,"How was Jaden and Yugi able to defeat their opponents and evil?Because they believed in their deck and their friends who were always there for them." Matt smiled and said,"Thanks,Mage-Knight.",then Matt got outside and met the others who were waiting for him.

Later,Matt told Tim,Alice,and Zack about the
society."Sartorius,huh.Jaden beat him about twice when he was here.Now you have to beat Sartorius in a duel to be rid of Zorc?",Tim asked Matt.All Matt could do is nod his head.Without warning,Alice said,"Well I'm in.I'm going to help you." As soon as she said that Tim got up and said,"I'm helping too!" Alice and Tim looked at Zack who was standing up at this point,then he finally said,"You'll need help from,the Z.So I'm in." Matt was so glad he almost cried,but didn't.Instead he said,"Thank you guys.Now we'll save the duel spirits,defeat the thirteen members of the society,beat Sartorius,and banish Zorc from this world together." They continued to talk,as they continued to talk,someone was watching them."Master Zorc,I found the one you seek.",said the hooded man talking into a cell phone.From the other side of the line,you heard Zorc in the voice of Sartorius say,"Excellent.Now continue the job." The hooded man closed his cell phone and jumped out from behind a bunch of trees.The students jumped when they saw him.Matt said,"So,you are you?" The hooded man lifted his hood to let his red hair out,then he said,"I'm Crush.I'm as you would say,number thirteen in the society.Now,Matt Hawk,I challenge you to a duel!" Crush put his deck in his duel disk and waited for Matt to do the same.Matt was about to when he heard this,"No,you'll duel me!" Matt turned to find that Zack said that.Zack put his deck in his duel disk and said,"Lets see how you fair against an Obelisk Blue!" Then they both yelled,after activating their duel disks and drew five cards from their deck,"Duel On!!!"

"I'll start first!",Zack said drawing his sixth card.He smirked as he said,"I use Polymerization,So I can fuse my Gaia The Fierce Knight and my Curse of Dragon to summon,Gaia The Dragon Champion!" The holograms of Gaia and Curse of Dragon appeared.Then they were fused,the new monster came to the field."I place two cards face down.My turn is over.",Zack said placing two cards on the field.Crush was amused by Zack's first move,then he said,"You use a Wind attributed deck.Very nice.My turn.I send The White Stone of Legend to the graveyard,so I can activate its effect." The stone returned to the field,but it was glowing,Zack knew it couldn't be a good thing.Crush continued,"Since I sent it to the grave,I can special summon my,Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" The hologram stone shattered then the mighty Blue-Eyes was standing in front of Zack."Now my dragon,attack his Champion!",Crush said to his dragon.Zack smirked again then said,"Go Magic Cylinder!Now you lose 3000 Life Points!" Crush's Life Points went from 4000 to 1000.Crush angry said,"I end my turn!" Zack,knowing what he had to do,drew his next card.Surprisingly,it was the card he needed.Zack laughed and said,"Your dragon,is going to fall.I use Raigeki!!!!" The hologram of Raigeki struck the dragon and he blew up.Crush,astonished,said,"No my dragon!!!" Then Zack said,"Gaia,finish him off." The Dragon Champion rode swiftly and stabbed Crush in his chest,then his Life Points were at zero.Then for some reason,Crush began to disappear.Zack said,"What your telling me your a clone?!?!" Crush smiled and replied,"No,I'm real.This is what happens when your dueling with the powers of the shadows.It helps you rage and anger,but if you lose,you'll disappear in the darkness." After Crush said the word darkness,he was gone.Now Matt and the others knew about what would happen if they beat the society members,but the question now was,would that happen to them if they lose?[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Chapter 6-Duels and Ghouls,Oh My!]
The next day,Matt and the others were eating lunch when a bunch of students come from outside,into the cafeteria,and into the auditorium.Matt then said,"What in the world is going on?" One of the students that were running said this to Matt and the others,"Its the return of the Duel Ghouls!!!" Matt knew about the Duel Ghouls,they were here when Jaden was around.The thing is,they were only here because of Yubel."Why would the Duel Ghouls be back?",Matt thought.Matt then motioned Zack,Alice,and Timmy to run to the auditorium.After Matt and the others got in,the other students closed and locked the door,so the Ghouls wouldn't get in.Suddenly the Chancellor got on the loud speaker and said,"Attetion students.As you know,for some mysterious reason,most of the students have turned into Duel Ghouls.We are telling you to stay here until we figure out a plan of action.Thank you." Matt thought long and hard to figure out how this could have happened,then he got an idea."Of coruse!",he said out loud.At this time,the Chancellor heard Matt and said,"Yes,Mr.Hawk.Do you have something?" Matt nodded,got on the loud speaker and said these words,"I know why this is happening.",he looked at the Chancellor and saw that he nodded.Matt took a deep breath and explained about the Society of Shadows."My theory is,that Zorc is using that same power that Yubel used to make the Ghouls before to make them now.I know which of the Ghouls in the leader.I'm going to duel him,and the rest of the Ghouls should return back to normal.",with that he put his deck inside his duel disk and activated it.He was ready.The students opened the doors and there stood the lead Ghoul.The Ghould smirked and said,"Me challenge you to duel." Matt smiled and said,"Bring it on!" The Ghoul activated his duel disk and they both said,"Duel On!!"

The Ghoul drew his five cards and said,"Me go first." His first move began when he placed a monster in defense mode and placed one card face-down.Matt thought,"He must be wanting me to attack his monster so he can use his face down." Then the Ghoul said,"Me end turn." "About time!",Matt said drawing his next card.In his hand he had Card Destruction,Giant Trunade,Jak-Precursor Warrior,Father and Son Reunited,Green Eco-Health Boost,and Look Jak,New Eco.Matt had his move planned out with just one glance of his cards."First I summon Jak-Precursor Warrior in attack mode.",Matt said as his monster came onto the field.Then he continued,"Next I'll use the Spell known as Father and Son Reunited,now I can special summon one Damas-The Father of Mar since Jak is on the field." Once he said that,his new monster emerged onto the field. "Now,I'll use Giant Trunade to take your spell card and return it to your hand.I play a card face-down then I use Green Eco-Health Boost.Now for every Spell card in my grave,I gain 1000 Life Points.Now I have 6000 Life Points.Finally I end my turn with Card Destruction.You have to discard all the cards you have in your hand to the grave and draw brand new ones.",Matt said that and ended his turn.The Ghoul looked angry sending his cards to his grave and drawing brand new ones,but now Matt had the advantage in this duel.The Ghoul then said,"Me draw.",he said drawing his next card,then he said,"Me summon another monster in defense mode.Me end turn." Matt drew his next card and smiled then said,"I use the power of the Spell called Blue Eco-Speed Power Up.Now I can draw three more cards from my deck." With that he drew three cards.The cards in his hand were Pot of Greed,another Card Destruction,and Red Eco-Power's Key.Again he knew his move.He then said,"I use Pot of Greed to draw two cards." His next two cards were Light Eco-Eco of the Angels and Dark Eco-Eco Hazard.Matt continued,"Then I use Card Destuction.Now both of us send our hands to the grave and draw new cards." Matt sent his three Eco cards to the grave and drew three more cards.To his surprise,the first card was the last Eco card he needed and the second card was the one he was going to bring out.Matt then said,"Now I use Yellow Eco-Hidden Strength.Now I take 2000 Life Points from you,now I have 8000 Life Points and you have 2000 Life Points.Now Everything is in place." Matt held the last card he was going to play.He then said,"Now I summon from my hand,Dorban and Aleria-Grandchildren of Jak!!" When he said that,a monster with two people appear.One was a boy who controlled Dark,Red,and Yellow Eco;while the girl next to the boy controlled Light,Green,and Blue Eco.Matt smiled and said,"I could only summon them if I had six cards in the grave with 'Eco' in its name.Now they gain 1000 extra attack and defense points for each.So my monster has a total of 9700 attack points." The Ghoul laughed and said,"Me have monsters in defense,no damage to me." Matt snickered and said,"You wish,I have one more card to play.Here it is.Metal Heads Curse,your monsters return to your hand,now Grandchildren of Jak,attack the Ghoul directy!!!!" The grandchildren of Jak used all their powers of eco and blasted the Ghoul's Life Points to zero.Matt smiled and said,"Game Over!"

As soon as Matt said that,the whole student body saw this massive body of darkness that came out of the Ghouls.Then Matt heard a voice from that darkness.It said this to him,Zack,Alice,and Timmy;"You have proven yourselves to be worthy adversaries.You beat my Ghouls and Crush,but the next member of the Socitey won't be as beatable." And with that darkness was gone.The student body then were cheering Matt's name and held a party for him.Matt was happy when that happened,and he thought this,"This school is going to be better than I thought."[/spoiler]
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