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Well, this is my second RP. Enjoy!


[spoiler=Plot]We are gamers in a virtual reality game that keeps changing and never ends. A virus avoided the security system and trapped all of us in the game. Now the game is trying to kill us, and we have to find a way to get out...


[spoiler=Eras]We need to get pass throught 3 different eras to get out:

Old Era: All the magic, dragons and swords thingy...

Modern Era: Guns and knifes, year 2009...

Futuristic Era: Laser beams, Mechas and flying machines...





Appeareance in Era 1(image):

Appeareance in Era 2(image):

Appeareance in Era 3(image):

Weapos in Era 1:

Weapos in Era 2:

Weapos in Era 3:

Spells(Era 1 only)(Max. 3):


[spoiler=My Form]Name: Markus Kress

Appeareance in Era 1(image):


Appeareance in Era 2(image)


Appeareance in Era 3(image):


Weapos in Era 1: Terra Sword

Weapos in Era 2: Skill Gun

Weapos in Era 3: NONE


Spells(Era 1 only)(Max. 3): NONE




[spoiler=Rules]Every Roleplay and YCM Rules...


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Appeareance in Era 1(image): asasin.jpg

Appeareance in Era 2(image): DallyDays.jpg

Appeareance in Era 3(image): zoids.jpg (The one on the left)

Weapos in Era 1: Two Daggers

Weapos in Era 2: Twin duil pistals and a elec-knife

Weapos in Era 3: Lazer Sniper and twin lazer pistals

Spells(Era 1 only)(Max. 3): Gravity difyation and Slight Invis.

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Name: Alex Sparks

Appeareance in Era 1(image): http://media.photobucket.com/image/Medieval%20ANime%20guy/Yoishan/Anime/AnimeGuy2.jpg

Appeareance in Era 2(image): http://media.photobucket.com/image/Anome%20guy/Aprile-Bear/Anime%20Guys/animeguy.jpg

Appeareance in Era 3(image): http://s.bebo.com/app-image/7927789569/5411656627/PROFILE/i.quizzaz.com/img/q/u/08/06/30/anime_guy.jpg

Weapos in Era 1: Leathered Dragon Sword

Weapos in Era 2: Shotgun and Sniper Rifle

Weapos in Era 3: 3 Electric gravity swords (In the picture)

Spells(Era 1 only)(Max. 3): Fire-casting

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Name: Akihiko

[spoiler=Appeareance in Era 1]




[spoiler=Appeareance in Era 2]




[spoiler=Appeareance in Era 3]




Weapos in Era 1:Sword

Weapos in Era 2: Knife,Gun

Weapos in Era 3: Sniper, Laser Gun

Spells(Era 1 only)(Max. 3): Firaga, Inferno Blade, Curaga

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I'm not joining' date=' but I just wanted to say, KWLegend, your Era 1 character looks like Kakashi mixed with Volke.



I'm not spamming, but I just wanted to join, Forlorn, don't spam.


Name: Nora Magari (Anybody who knows where these names are from will get a rep.)

Appeareance: 089.jpg (same in every era

Weapons in Era 1: Giant sword, chain

Weapons in Era 2: Twin pistols, chain

Weapons in Era 3: Custom Sword Type-V (Able to act as a sort of hover board and can be split in half to be revealed as a storage case for twin pistols), chain space (Chain that can create a special of antigravity field.)

Spells(Era 1 only)(Max. 3): Special technique: Hover Sword(Allows to use the sword as a hover board.), Special Technique: Anti-Chain (Creates a special gravity field with the chain.), Final Technique: Chain Restrict

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On year 2013, a new game was created. It wasn't like normal games: It was real. Players could enter the game and feel what the character is feeling. On 2020, a virus avoided the security system and hacked the game, trapping everybody inside. They were then downgraded to LVL 1 and they appeared in Start Town. Not a very original name, if you ask me. Nothing there: No shops, some Npcs and some quests.






Lisa Wellington: She can give you a potion and an ether if you give her her necklace (Quest: "The Necklace and the Cave").


John Kurtner: He will give you some GOLD and Exp. points if you battle him.




The Necklace and the Cave: Lisa Wellington had lost her necklace in a dark cave. If you can take it back to her, she will reward you (Prize: Potion, Ether)




Potion: + 25 HP

Ether: Gives the user a little boost of energy




Cave Bat: 20 HP (Dark Cave)(Common)

Cave Goblin: 50 HP (Dark Cave)(Common)

Cave Guardian Troll: 80 HP (Dark Cave)(Only 1)(End of the Quest)(Prize for battle: "Lisa's Necklace")




Every player starts with 100 HP


You can do whatever you want, but the story will continue when I say it

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"First era appearence Akihiko get ready" The game voice stated as he then appeared with his drawn sword he then goes to the first person he sees its an NPC Lisa Wellington

"Good evening young adventurer I need your help I seem to have lost my neckless that was given to me by my father can you retrieve it? It may have been taken by the monsters in the Dark Cave West From here"

Will you accept Or Decline

He accepts

He runs to the cave where he soons gets ambushed by 2 cave bats he strikes at them costing them 10hp each hit easily killing them! He runs around until He finds The Cave Golem everyone seems to talk about, he soons stumbles onto its hideout and gets attack he loses 20HP and he strikes back at him "Inferno Blade!" His blade turns into flames as he strikes at the golem dealing 20 damage each hit soon killing him. Akihiko finds a necklace on the floor"This must be Lisa's" He runs back to her

"Great young traveler you are strong I will spread the word of you helping me For your bravery I reward you with some items"

(You obtained a potion) (You obtained an Ether)

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Name: Zacaria Armidayle

Appeareance in Era 1(image): 99a4307.png

Appeareance in Era 2(image): 50b5523.png

Appeareance in Era 3(image): 52b1598.png

Weapos in Era 1: Steel Spears

Weapos in Era 2: Pair Mini-Guns

Weapos in Era 3: Plasma Blades

Spells(Era 1 only)(Max. 3): Curaja, Esuna and Raise

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Appeareance in Era 1(image): f16c154.png

Appeareance in Era 2(image):b885795.png

Appeareance in Era 3(image):467a954.png

Weapos in Era 1:sword of ice

Weapos in Era 2:two pistols

Weapos in Era 3:Blast cannon,mounted cannon,plasma sword, anima adamantia

Spells(Era 1 only)(Max. 3):rea, dou,heveren (heveren makes it were anything he touthches besides ground he can change anything about it ANYTHING

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Name: Kirimono Murusaga


Appearance in Era 1(image):Anime_Warrior_by_chaotixwol.jpg


Appearance in Era 2(image):anime_boy.gif


Appearance in Era 3(image):draw_simple_robot003.jpg


Weapons in Era 1: Longsword and metal shield

Weapons in Era 2: Double Pistol Shotguns

Weapons in Era 3: Roboscythe, Chest Plate Eye Blaster.

Spells(Era 1 only)(Max. 3): NONE

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