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ƒαļşε Ħộþē's PokéSplices and PokéRecolours!


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[align=center]Here are some of the best Splices I have made. Hope you like 'em! ^_^


[spoiler=PokéSplices][spoiler=Charphlosion (Charizard + Typhlosion)]untitled-8-1.png


[spoiler=Dragander (Charmander + Dragonite)]DraganderEDIT.png


[spoiler=Bronzion (Bronzor + Shieldon)]Bronzion.png


[spoiler=Pialga (Palkia + Dialga)]Pialga.png


[spoiler=Cyndarisu (Cyndaquil + Pachirisu)]untitled1.png


[spoiler=Vulporichu (Vulpix + Pichu + Vaporeon]untitled-7.png


[spoiler=Bulbachu (Bulbasaur + Pikachu)]Bulbachu-1.png


[spoiler=Abrespyx (Abra + Espeon + Deoxys)]Abbrespyx.png


[spoiler=Goltrode (Golem + Electrode)]Goltrode.png


[spoiler=Rayxys (Rayquaza + Deoxys)]Raxys.png



[spoiler=Baltoink (Baltoy + Spoink)]Baltoink.png



[spoiler=Metaperior (Metagross + Rhyperior)]Metaperior.png





Personally, My favourites are, 'Bulbachu' and 'Dragander'.



[spoiler=Lunatone (Bannette colours)]Lunatone.png


[spoiler=Solrock (Dusklops colours)]Solrock.png












[spoiler=Torterra (Rhyperior colours)]TorterraRecolour.png





I will post all of my best Splices and Recolours here. It will be updated Daily/Weekly.


ENJOY! ^_^[/align]

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Pretty awesome.


The creepiest has to be Bulbachu, although Rayxys comes a close second. They aren't BAD, in fact they are pretty good, but they ARE creepy. I mean, look at Bulbachu's mouth...


The cutest are Cyndarisu and Vulporichu


The least interesting ones are Bronzion and Pialga. I mean, ones just got a new head instead of really 'blending' (Well, i suppose you changed the color of the bronzor). The other... Really just has a new head as far as I can tell. But perhaps it's just my rather lacklustre vision.


And what is this? Abrespyx? That's the one I wanted to see LOL. It's awesome to see it here. You did a cool job with it, although it is a bit... I dunno, difficult to perceive? Too full? Should be spread out so you can see it in all it's glory? Not quite sure how to describe...


Now, which ones haven't I said anything about...


Charphlosion: The new colors make it look strange... in a good way! The flaming collar from Typhlosion is a nice touch.


Dragander: Not much to say on this one, it seems like the 'average' one out of them. Better then the lackluster, not as cool as the good. Still fine to me though.


Goltrode: Something about it I like, even though from what I have said, logic would dictate I wouldn't. But something about it...


Well, anyway, good job! They are pretty awesome...

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[align=center]Thanks. ^_^ And thats where that Abrespyx came from. MY SHOP D= It was an order for you. =O And you know what, since it took so long, it's free. ^_^





Glad you like 'em. ^_^


Pialga... I hate it. My worst one. =S Bronzion, I really liked that one. It was very simple but a very good outcome. I like it. =P [/align]

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You have border issues on quite a few splices.

A lot of your work doesn't look natural, example is Abra+Espeon+Deoxys, to many parts thrown on to a small base.

Your other problems are re-shading and scratching.

The only form of scratching I see is on Charmander+Dragonite, but the lines you've added don't follow shading rules or come up to each side as they should.

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