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Revised Arcana Force Deck

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you play bad decks then.


you not only told me what your poor definition of spam is, you threatened me.

and you continue to threaten me.


spam is, by definition, not relevant to the topic. this post was relevant.

all this off topic discussion here is irrelevant. this is more closely defined as spam, regardless of its length.

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NO, simplt, is not SPAM To you?

How am I threatening you, I'm telling you what I'm about to do, which is not kill you.


And, if I JUST SAID that my arcana deck pwned all decks it played, how, exactly, am I playing a bad deck? Explain that one to me.


Everyone is titled to their opinion, I'm just saying that a 2 letter word does not simmarize anything.

NO, simplt, is not SPAM To you?

How am I threatening you, I'm telling you what I'm about to do, which is not kill you.


And, if I JUST SAID that my arcana deck pwned all decks it played, how, exactly, am I playing a bad deck? Explain that one to me.


Everyone is titled to their opinion, I'm just saying that a 2 letter word does not summarize anything.

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well its not a death threat jarvis, but you keep threatening to report me.

you are playing against bad decks, that misconception i should have noted as a possible interpretation.

also, your grasp of the english language is annoying to me.

its "entitled", not "titled"

and i dont even know what "simplt" is.

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... okay, all the arguing aside (which will probably get you guys in trouble since you're not exactly helping this guy), I'd say his deck is pretty good in terms of strategy, since he can basically "cheat Fate" with the various other cards in his deck. To the guy helping him by giving advice, great job as well. :)

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the problem with arcana force is that even if you get the desired effects, theyre still bad.

let me run through the monsters here:


[1] Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler - dark ruler is better, but it doesnt even need to be in arcanas.

[1] Arcana Force XXI - The World - only in world lockdown. otherwise, stop it.

[1] Tethys, Goddess of Light - run at 3, theyre ALL fairies.

[1] Splendid Venus (so Light Barrier can't negate itself) - i am actually stunned by the intelligence exhibited in this move. kudos. however, run at 3.

[2] Kaiser Sea Horse - no. never. stop it. run gellenduo.

[2] Arcana Force VII - The Chariot - 17 is not enough. situational goyo, or just a -1 from your hand a +1 beater to your opponent. even assuming we raised his attack, its not enough.

[3] Arcana Force XI - The Emperor - since arcana force's only psuedo cognitive goal seems to be beefing attack points and failing but attempting at swarming, im going to say that this guy can make or break the play. thats too much power to put in one guys hands. you should run burden over this.

[2] Arcana Force III - The Empress - very minusy and situational at best. i dont like its backfire effect. it also has weak attack.

[2] Arcana Force I - The Magician - one of the few arcana force i find to be alright. assuming you get the heads effect. a 22 beater is fun. the tails effect gives it cancer though.

[3] Arcana Force 0 - The Fool - once more, gellenduo, since you would have to be a "fool" to do anything but set this. unless you special it with valhalla.

[1] Nobleman Eater Bug - wtf were you thinking?



now the spells


[2] Cup of Ace - really guy? with second coin toss at 2? just run dwd or hand dest or something that doesnt kill you.

[2] Light Barrier - bump to 3, also, throw in terra

[2] Second Coin Toss - 2 is fine, you are expecting to have barrier.

[1] Monster Reborn - staple

[1] Mystical Space Typhoon - staple

[1] Heavy Storm - staple

[1] Brain Control - staple

-no valhalla? are you high? +3 valhalla and a hecatrice. and athena.


and traps:

[3] Reversal of Fate - yes.

[1] Trap of Darkness (for emergency reversals) - no.

[1] Torrential Tribute - staple-ish.

[2] Dust Tornado - no.

[1] Bottomless Trap Hole - at one? run at 3.

[3] Draining Shield - mediocre




so since this guy is an expert at being a... well, a troll, let me see if i cant help you out.

this deck wants to swarm beaters. right? well then, here, THIS should be your deck:


Monsters: 23

[3] Tethys, Goddess of Light

[2] Splendid Venus

[1] athena

[2] gellenduo

[3] Arcana Force VII - The Chariot

[3] Arcana Force XI - The Emperor

[3] Arcana Force I - The Magician

[1] hecatrice

[3] honest

[1] plaguey

[1] dark ruler (for arcana call, and arcana call only)


Spells: 13

[1] terraforming

[3] Light Barrier

[2] burden of the mighty

[1] card dest

[1] Monster Reborn

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Brain Control

[3] valhalla


Traps: 5

[1] arcana call

[1] beckoning light

[3] reckless greed


deck 42.


+generic extra deck at 15




thats not terrible actually.

i dont like the lack of roar in this meta, but if youre running this, youre clearly not playing against this meta, so you should be fine.

run that jank. see how it goes.

if you can afford the honests. if not, run shrink or something.


pfft, arcana force expert...

your help is so hit and miss. one moment you say something good like honest, the next you say mirror force is an essential, and to run vortex!

you also suggest kaiser seahorse. how poor of you.

i am the resident expert on fairies, self proclaimed of course, but none the less, and using that expertise, you can easily make this deck quite a bit better by incorporating fairy support.

furthermore, there is nothing wrong with running 42 cards if it has a reliable draw engine. and this does. 42 is my cap though. i refuse to run more.

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My fairy knowledge is better that yours.

First of all, where's honest? That is a MUST in all light decks.

Kaiser sea horse is much more reliable than gellenduo since it dosent have a self destruct effect. And burn is popular these days.

Lightning vortex is there for emergencies, duh.

The dark ruler can be summoned wtf are you talking about? Its better thanin the grave, it creates an otk very quickly with either effect!

So-called fairy expert, you got lots to learn. Valhalla is not really needed that's why its not there.

The whole point of Arcana Force is to get their heads effect, not swarm the field! In my eyes, 1 arcana can completely change the field in a matter of turns. That's the true meaning of them.

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My, how this topic has degraded! Lets put it this way, Goldenboy and Tronta; both your deck recipes are completely viable. I appreciate both of your help. I do find that i would use Goldenboy's suggestions before Tronta's, but thats simply because i already have most of the cards needed for it.


My own opinion on this is, first of all, i prefer Kaiser sea horse since he has no drawback effect and, as goldenboy stated, burn decks are popular nowadays. Also, i find that Light Ruler is equally useful in a Deck, since you can bring back stuff from your graveyard very quickly. Also, if your opponent tries to destroy him/return him/etc. you can use reversal of fate to give him his tails effect and negate it.

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This topic made me lol so hard at goldenboy. Talk about the internet being some serious damn business. Actually, Tronta's deck ain't half bad. Goldenboy, if this guy is running Arcanas, I'm pretty sure he can't afford Honest (I run Monarchs and I can't afford it) so shut up. Fool, take Tronta's advice even though he's a silly little troll like me.


liek kthxbai

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thanks intelligent player.


grievances addressed in order:


1) there are 3 honests maindecked in my build. check again silly.

2) burn? popular? oh youre so silly. burn hasnt been popular, since... ever. and kaiser with 17 attack is way too weak to survive on his own. anything from jain to laquari can just eat it. but you must be playing terrible decks not to see that.

3) lightning vortex is a bad card. -2 for emergencies isnt a good idea.

4) if somebody lets you summon a ruler at your rate of 1 monster per turn, seeing as how your deck build has no specialing ability other than like, empress, then you seriously need to play better people, or you will never improve.

5) dark ruler + arcana call. nuff said. THAT is an otk machine. and guess what? it doesnt cost you 3 monsters who between them likely have greater effects and greater combined prowess.

6) valhalla not needed? i shouldnt even waste my time addressing this one. thats ridiculous. when gyzarus or jd blows up your field (two cards you likely dont see, since you play noobs), you need to respond with speed. the only way to maintain speed in fairies is valhalla. play it, summon venus straight from the hand at no cost, then normal summon something. big money. they blow up your field next turn? do it again.

7) ok, let me list arcana force heads effects. i want to know where you see one of them completely changing the game:

magician - 22 attack. weaker than a monarch. not changing the game there.

empress - situational +1 monster. this is field swarming jarvis. still, +1 monster, especially arcana force, are not changing the game.

emperor - 19 attack. weaker than... everything. this isnt changing the game.

chariot - miniature goyo. not changing the game either, since it only has 17 attack.

the fool - not destroyed by your targeting. with tails effect, not destroyed by his targeting. stalls. not really a god either. dont see this doing anything else but stalling. not a game changer.

the light ruler - heads: niev reincarnate. nothing game changing there. tails: negates targeting at the cost of muscle. stronger, but eh. this one could have some change over the game, but since you need 3 tributes, it doesnt sound too effective. not enough bang for your buck.

the dark ruler - heads: double attack. with 8k total, this can make or break the game. tails: nuke the field if it dies. this can also change the game. this is why i included one of him, with arcana call, to make it much easier to use him to make or break the game.

summon an arcana with the tails effect, because it happens. set arcana call with dark ruler in the grave. your opponent nukes with jd or something, chain call, giving your arcana the tails effect of ruler. your guy still dies, but they lose jd too. same thing onto gyzarus, or whatever meathead blows the field.


ok. weve established that only the dark ruler can change the game alone. and even he cant do it alone, since he needs 3 tributes or arcana call.

clearly you dont understand how limited these guys are.

maybe this jank runs well against the losers you play against, but in a real competition, theyd be dead in the water in 20 seconds.

your fairies are laughable, and without any fairy support, aside from honest. pathetic.

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Retard. If u like LODT and cant afford lightsworn use batteryman, but arcana force is all on chance and very unreliable. Use counter fairy.WTF celestia, lyla, ryko, blackrose all kill "damage soakers". What type of lightworn decks do you play.


Scarp the deck its bad beyond revival.

Use macro

Use Jinzo returner

Use Zombie monarchs


Use Beatdown lol just not this.

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i laugh at the fool.

for being so foolish.

clearly you ignore ryko, celestia, and jd, who can easily troll right past a marshmallon.

how does lyla kill not-destroyed-by-battles?

and counterfairies are terribad, not to mention expensive as sheet.

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