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Official Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Thread


Who will your starter be.  

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  1. 1. Who will your starter be.

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I once more decided to restart my game. I'm currently watching Lyra show me how to catch pokemon (I have no idea how to catch them and I've been playing Pokemon since Yellow). Anyway, I heard about the Yellow Forest for the PokeWalker, hopefully I'll know how to get it.


I never understood EV/IV training (or whatever it is called). Just never got it.

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Grrr.. I can't play right now because my DSI XL froze. And its not turning off.


that's what you get for wasting money on a brick with an abnormally large screen.




Anyways' date=' my game is messed up. I EV train for Spec. Atk. and get +8 def and +1 Spec. Atk..... wtf?



That makes no sense. Even when I EV train, I never get +8 for anything, even when I put 252 Speed EVs into a Ninjask. The highest I've ever seen was +6, and that's with positive nature, high base stat and 252 EVs. So that's impossible.


It also depends what level your Dratini is at, IVs and nature. So while you may be EVing for SpA, the stat boost might not come until later.


Maybe...you just lucked out? But I do notice that SS and HG have some problems.....like when my Aerodactyl was fighting a Tangela and it used Ancient Power on me the game took it as a Super Effective hit instead of a normal one....I was like "WTF?!".


No, Rock-type attacks are supereffective against Aero. That's because Rock is neutral on Rock. I know that because Aero takes 25% when switching into Stealth Rock.

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Grrr.. I can't play right now because my DSI XL froze. And its not turning off.


that's what you get for wasting money on a brick with an abnormally large screen.




Anyways' date=' my game is messed up. I EV train for Spec. Atk. and get +8 def and +1 Spec. Atk..... wtf?



That makes no sense. Even when I EV train, I never get +8 for anything, even when I put 252 Speed EVs into a Ninjask. The highest I've ever seen was +6, and that's with positive nature, high base stat and 252 EVs. So that's impossible.


It also depends what level your Dratini is at, IVs and nature. So while you may be EVing for SpA, the stat boost might not come until later.


Maybe...you just lucked out? But I do notice that SS and HG have some problems.....like when my Aerodactyl was fighting a Tangela and it used Ancient Power on me the game took it as a Super Effective hit instead of a normal one....I was like "WTF?!".


No' date=' Rock-type attacks are supereffective against Aero. That's because Rock is neutral on Rock. I know that because Aero takes 25% when switching into Stealth Rock.



Actually, my Gabite got +10 Attack and +8 Sp. Atk while I fought Unowns with it. It all depends on your Pokemon's level. The higher it is, the more you need to fight, the more EVs you get.


Hmmm...you're right about the Rock Thing...but then.....there's still a problem. Because alot of the time, Rock is normal effective against Aero......This game is weird......

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It depends how fast you EV train. If you have a level 99 Pokemon with no EVs, and you use AR to give it 252 EVs, when it levels up, its ATK will go up by 63. :/


Using normal, non-hacking EV training, I've only seen +6. But it depends how fast you EV train, really. If 252 EVs are spaced out over 25 levels, you won't see anything more than +4. If they are spaced out over 2 levels, you'll catch some +8s or 9s.


Rock is normal effective against Aero


Not possible. GameFreak has not been notorious for its glitches/messups. It's either in your imagination, or the attacks that are neutral are not Rock-types attacks.


Or maybe it's just a defect in your game.

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First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the s*** a little with that...

....Do Macho Braces just decrese speed during battle' date=' or decrese the speed stat during the level-up proces?


Or what?



I'm staring a team from 0...that's why

And Macho Brace only cuts speed in battle...

Once I beat the E4...I'm going to the Battle frontier to get the EV enhacing Items...


I can show you how to EV and IV Pokemon correctly if you want. The Speed cutting EV increasing Items arent really worth it.


There's a way to do it correctly? I just thought you slaughtered pokemon with the effort points you wanted.


The simple side of it is that it's a waste of time EVing in game Pokemon because there is such a lack of control. A Pokemon has 510 EVs in total that can be applied to it with a maximum of 255 for each stat. For every 4 EVs you get 1 extra point of a stat at level 100. This makes 255 redundant and 252 to be the primary value to aim for. IVs are more complicated and can be difficult to control. HG/SS makes it easier though.

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First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the s*** a little with that...

....Do Macho Braces just decrese speed during battle' date=' or decrese the speed stat during the level-up proces?


Or what?



I'm staring a team from 0...that's why

And Macho Brace only cuts speed in battle...

Once I beat the E4...I'm going to the Battle frontier to get the EV enhacing Items...


I can show you how to EV and IV Pokemon correctly if you want. The Speed cutting EV increasing Items arent really worth it.


There's a way to do it correctly? I just thought you slaughtered pokemon with the effort points you wanted.


The simple side of it is that it's a waste of time EVing in game Pokemon because there is such a lack of control. A Pokemon has 510 EVs in total that can be applied to it with a maximum of 255 for each stat. For every 4 EVs you get 1 extra point of a stat at level 100. This makes 255 redundant and 252 to be the primary value to aim for. IVs are more complicated and can be difficult to control. HG/SS makes it easier though.


Assuming a neutral nature, a Pokemon with 0 EVs in a stat and a Pokemon with 252 EVs will have a difference of 63. This is because 252 divided by 4 is 63.


You want to EV train based on what your Pokemon is doing. Need a fast special sweeper? Train SpA and Spe. Need a good physical wall? HP and DEF.


There was an EV training guide on Smogon; go look for it.

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Say I mistakenly OVer Ep my pokemon....then I know there are berries that low down EV while increasing happiness...



Notice I said Stats not EVs


Well, if you are at level 100 and you have 252 EVs in a stat, one berry will reduce it down to 100 EVs.


So your stat will go down by 38. But it's less of a stat change at a lower level.

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My first wild battle was against a shiny rattata. Well...


And I'm guessing you didn't have any PokeBalls. That sucks.

I haven't encountered a shiny pokemon in the game yet; probably won't ever find one' date=' the only shiny pokemon I have fought (excluding the Shiny Gyarados) is a shiny Starly in Diamond. I killed it...I funking killed it.


I'm about to battle the first gym...again. Once I get my [s']Geolady[/s] Geodude level up another level, then it's on. Then I'm dumping him...I mean her.

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Say I mistakenly OVer Ep my pokemon....then I know there are berries that low down EV while increasing happiness...



Notice I said Stats not EVs


Since the berries remove EVs, it'll make the state go down.

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You would have to trust your friends to trade it back' date=' like I trusted my friend to give my Meganium back when he finished with it....thanks to changing to Sky it was several months before I got her back.I did alright out of my friends though, getting ok Pokes, or pokemon just to fill my dex for random eggs.


Well I've got a Hitmonlee now,and I'm heading through Illex forest, gonna have to go for brute force against Whitney since Hitmonlee doesn't learn its first fighting move until Lv 29. (Unless I want to steal Diamond's Heart Scales)


Quilava made me laugh with its dislike of the rain, I did like the 'concern' and 'dancing' around the pillar in the Sprout Tower. I do like Bugsy's Gym.



As soon as I learned Headbutt I headbutted trees looking for a Heracross. At lv. 19 it learns Brick Break. Perfect for Whitney. Plus, if you level it up enough, it could even take on Red's Snorlax and Lapras. The moment my Heracross learns Megahorn, I'm getting rid of Close Combat.The moves my Heracross has so far are Close Combat, Brick Break, Night Slash and Aerial Ace. It was pretty handy against Chuck, Jasmine and Pryce.

Um.......what? Your getting rid of Close Combat? Why? It's base power is a bit less then twice of Brick Breaks. Counting STAB it's even stronger. It's one of the best moves in the game so why the hell would you drop it? Really drop Aerial Ace since you don't need it.

First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the s*** a little with that...

....Do Macho Braces just decrese speed during battle' date=' or decrese the speed stat during the level-up proces?


Or what?



I'm staring a team from 0...that's why

And Macho Brace only cuts speed in battle...

Once I beat the E4...I'm going to the Battle frontier to get the EV enhacing Items...


I can show you how to EV and IV Pokemon correctly if you want. The Speed cutting EV increasing Items arent really worth it.


I'll be glad to learn...


For the record here is a screenshot of my recently evolved mamoswine...




I spend my only Heart scale and my only max pp on it....

Why did you max Ice Shard? When will you ever use it more then 30 times?


First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the s*** a little with that...

....Do Macho Braces just decrese speed during battle' date=' or decrese the speed stat during the level-up proces?


Or what?



I'm staring a team from 0...that's why

And Macho Brace only cuts speed in battle...

Once I beat the E4...I'm going to the Battle frontier to get the EV enhacing Items...


I can show you how to EV and IV Pokemon correctly if you want. The Speed cutting EV increasing Items arent really worth it.


I'll be glad to learn...


For the record here is a screenshot of my recently evolved mamoswine...




I spend my only Heart scale and my only max pp on it....


OMFG that ATK is insane. My Mamoswine only had about 110 ATK at that level!

That is what happens when you EV train.

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As for that mini shiny discussion thingy, I've ran into, and caught, 3 different shinies. All on Emerald. A shiny Golbat, a shiny Machoke, and a shiny Bagon.


Unless that is a competitive team Mamoswine' date=' why do you have Stealth Rock on him?



Lance? It really hurts him. And his Pokémon are beasts.

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As for that mini shiny discussion thingy' date=' I've ran into, and caught, 3 different shinies. All on Emerald. A shiny Golbat, a shiny Machoke, and a shiny Bagon.


Unless that is a competitive team Mamoswine, why do you have Stealth Rock on him?


Lance? It really hurts him. And his Pokémon are beasts.

Ice Shard hurts them a lot more. Yea it's nice to make sure it will kill with the SR, but they aren't needed.

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I've been training for awhile. This is what it looks like.



Lv. 30





Quick Attack



Lv. 30


Flame Wheel


Quick Attack


P.S. I need help on Quilava's moves if you haven't noticed.



Lv. 30








Lv. 30


Fury Swipes




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Sorry about the long wait, I've been living with my bf for almost a week now so sorry to the person I was going to trade with. Anyway I'm working on a new team. This is what I have so far. It's a starter team btw


Meganium- 100

moves-ingrain, leech seed, substitute, magical leaf



moves- close combat, fire punch, flamethrower, slack off

item- life orb


moves- mirror coat, counter, earthquake, hammer arm

item- focus band


moves- ingrain, leech seed, substitute, earthquake

item- black sludge


moves-eruption, flame wheel, earthquake, brick break

item- charcoal


moves-superpower, ice punch,earthquake, water gun

item- enigma berry


That's what I have. Any comments? suggestions?

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