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Who will your starter be.  

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  1. 1. Who will your starter be.

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I've just started playing HG and I have Cyndaquil as my starter' date=' like in my Crystal GB game. I've noticed a lot of differences from the two games.

So anyway, are there Sudowoodo trees in this game as well?

And is everything where is should be like in the previous games?

Or have some things changed other than the text and acting?



1. Yep, that same Sudowoodo blocking the path.

2. No. The game is very different involving lots of stuffs.

3. Yes.

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I've just started playing HG and I have Cyndaquil as my starter' date=' like in my Crystal GB game. I've noticed a lot of differences from the two games.

So anyway, are there Sudowoodo trees in this game as well?

And is everything where is should be like in the previous games?

Or have some things changed other than the text and acting?



1. Yep, that same Sudowoodo blocking the path.

2. No. The game is very different involving lots of stuffs.

3. Yes.




What about Ho-Oh's tower? Is it the same?

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I decided to full train a EV team for my match agaisnt the League...

I breed some pokes I'm interested into using still needothers but I'll see later currently...




You mean speed EVs? Karp give one Speed EVs each so if you don't mind grinding up 252 points worth they are your best bet.

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I've just started playing HG and I have Cyndaquil as my starter' date=' like in my Crystal GB game. I've noticed a lot of differences from the two games.

So anyway, are there Sudowoodo trees in this game as well?

And is everything where is should be like in the previous games?

Or have some things changed other than the text and acting?



1. Yep, that same Sudowoodo blocking the path.

2. No. The game is very different involving lots of stuffs.

3. Yes.




What about Ho-Oh's tower? Is it the same?

The inside, pretty much. But I like what happens when you get to the top. (After Clair for HG players.)

I decided to full train a EV team for my match agaisnt the League...

I breed some pokes I'm interested into using still needothers but I'll see later currently...




You mean speed EVs? Karp give one Speed EVs each so if you don't mind grinding up 252 points worth they are your best bet.


Diglet's Cave. They give 1 speed EV and the Dugtrio's in there give 2.


EDIT: Oh, PRIOR to the league. Don't Rattatas and Raticates give speed EVs as well?

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I decided to full train a EV team for my match agaisnt the League...

I breed some pokes I'm interested into using still needothers but I'll see later currently...




You mean speed EVs? Karp give one Speed EVs each so if you don't mind grinding up 252 points worth they are your best bet.


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the sheet a little with that...

Better by the fact that Karps will never touch me...(Coz of the Splash)



And yeah I'm trying to find the Raticate place too...

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First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the s*** a little with that...

....Do Macho Braces just decrese speed during battle, or decrese the speed stat during the level-up proces?


Or what?

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First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


Weakest being 40, strongest being 50. Second time is much worse though. Starts off at 58 and ends at 75. Lance's weakest Pokémon is 4 levels higher than the 4th Elite Four member's strongest.

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First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the s*** a little with that...

....Do Macho Braces just decrese speed during battle' date=' or decrese the speed stat during the level-up proces?


Or what?



I'm staring a team from 0...that's why

And Macho Brace only cuts speed in battle...

Once I beat the E4...I'm going to the Battle frontier to get the EV enhacing Items...

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First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the s*** a little with that...

....Do Macho Braces just decrese speed during battle' date=' or decrese the speed stat during the level-up proces?


Or what?



I'm staring a team from 0...that's why

And Macho Brace only cuts speed in battle...

Once I beat the E4...I'm going to the Battle frontier to get the EV enhacing Items...


I can show you how to EV and IV Pokemon correctly if you want. The Speed cutting EV increasing Items arent really worth it.

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First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the s*** a little with that...

....Do Macho Braces just decrese speed during battle' date=' or decrese the speed stat during the level-up proces?


Or what?



I'm staring a team from 0...that's why

And Macho Brace only cuts speed in battle...

Once I beat the E4...I'm going to the Battle frontier to get the EV enhacing Items...


I can show you how to EV and IV Pokemon correctly if you want. The Speed cutting EV increasing Items arent really worth it.


There's a way to do it correctly? I just thought you slaughtered pokemon with the effort points you wanted.

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You would have to trust your friends to trade it back' date=' like I trusted my friend to give my Meganium back when he finished with it....thanks to changing to Sky it was several months before I got her back.I did alright out of my friends though, getting ok Pokes, or pokemon just to fill my dex for random eggs.


Well I've got a Hitmonlee now,and I'm heading through Illex forest, gonna have to go for brute force against Whitney since Hitmonlee doesn't learn its first fighting move until Lv 29. (Unless I want to steal Diamond's Heart Scales)


Quilava made me laugh with its dislike of the rain, I did like the 'concern' and 'dancing' around the pillar in the Sprout Tower. I do like Bugsy's Gym.



As soon as I learned Headbutt I headbutted trees looking for a Heracross. At lv. 19 it learns Brick Break. Perfect for Whitney. Plus, if you level it up enough, it could even take on Red's Snorlax and Lapras. The moment my Heracross learns Megahorn, I'm getting rid of Close Combat.The moves my Heracross has so far are Close Combat, Brick Break, Night Slash and Aerial Ace. It was pretty handy against Chuck, Jasmine and Pryce.

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First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the s*** a little with that...

....Do Macho Braces just decrese speed during battle' date=' or decrese the speed stat during the level-up proces?


Or what?



I'm staring a team from 0...that's why

And Macho Brace only cuts speed in battle...

Once I beat the E4...I'm going to the Battle frontier to get the EV enhacing Items...


I can show you how to EV and IV Pokemon correctly if you want. The Speed cutting EV increasing Items arent really worth it.


I'll be glad to learn...


For the record here is a screenshot of my recently evolved mamoswine...




I spend my only Heart scale and my only max pp on it....

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Bah, I finally defeated Falkner. I may seem extremely behind, but mind you I started on last Friday, reset my game yesterday, reset it again today, and got in just shy of 2 hours of playing time. Hell, I'm going to be playing this game until midnight today, since I actually have time on my hands, which is quite a shock. Ehh... I'mma do some 'splorin' before I head for the second gym badge. I named myself DARK and my rival AKIO. Don't ask why (for either of 'em). :D


If anyone actually cares about my team...


[spoiler=Dark's Team]


Hasty Totodile (Lv13)

Bite, Leer, Water Gun, Rage


Bold Mareep (Lv11)

Tackle, Growl, Thundershock


-gets shot by Flame Dragon-


Relaxed Pidgey (Lv11)

Tackle, Sand-Attack, Gust


-gets shot by Flame Dragon again-




Yeah, my team is a bit overleveled. I am trying to make it a challenge for me by keeping my levels 3 to 5 levels lower than gym leaders, but it's going to be hard. I have a habit of fighting every single trainer I see. So that means no wild Pokemon battles for me. D:


Planning on teaching Roost to Pidgey after it evolves, and Flash to Mareep (maybe). Mareep is still a tentative team member, but unless a Chinchou I find is high-leveled enough to replace her, I'm keeping it.


In my PC, I have a male Mareep (Lv6). I slaved for a whole 3 minutes to find a female one, as I wanted my team to be gender-balanced (and I wanted something to stand up to Attract). So, yeah.


My natures are horrible. For all of my Pokemon. Totodile with Hasty is still okay, but I got tired of soft resetting and left it. I would've preferred Naive more than anything (since I somewhat wanted to use it as a mixed attacker), since it's SpD isn't all that good. But Hasty is still decent. Mareep is freaking BOLD. I wanted Modest or at least something that raises SpA. But it's still not too bad. IIRC, Mareep doesn't get many good physical moves, and having some extra physical buff won't hurt. Relaxed on Pidgey is also horrible. I'm fine with some extra defense, but my Speed needs to stay relatively high. I'm just happy natures don't affect stats too much, otherwise I'd be slaving over getting a +Spe natured Pidgey.


I don't know what's in the egg (don't spoil it, please), but it's definitely not being on my team.





Remember that tomorrow starts the Pikachu Pokewalker event, so if you have a WiFi connection, be sure to get it.

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First Time

The E4 then is only like in the 40s. You dont really need to worry about it that much XD


I have a macho Brace so I can fast the s*** a little with that...

....Do Macho Braces just decrese speed during battle' date=' or decrese the speed stat during the level-up proces?


Or what?



I'm staring a team from 0...that's why

And Macho Brace only cuts speed in battle...

Once I beat the E4...I'm going to the Battle frontier to get the EV enhacing Items...


I can show you how to EV and IV Pokemon correctly if you want. The Speed cutting EV increasing Items arent really worth it.


I'll be glad to learn...


For the record here is a screenshot of my recently evolved mamoswine...




I spend my only Heart scale and my only max pp on it....


OMFG that ATK is insane. My Mamoswine only had about 110 ATK at that level!


I replaced my team's Staraptor with the Steelix that I got from Jasmine. I get to train it really good because I traded a level 1 Pokemon for it....which means Level 1 Steelix. Best part is, it's Nature insanely increases it's ATK while lowering it's Speed (Like Steelixs were meant to be fast anyway....) So it's ATK is higher than most Steelixs and i'm kicking ass with it =D


Also, i'm open to trading. If there's a certain pokemon you're looking for, PM me for a trade....and please, don't be retarded and ask me for any Lvl 100s or something like a Level 1 Charizard or something....I don't hack.

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Grrr.. I can't play right now because my DSI XL froze. And its not turning off.


that's what you get for wasting money on a brick with an abnormally large screen.




Anyways, my game is messed up. I EV train for Spec. Atk. and get +8 def and +1 Spec. Atk..... wtf?

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Grrr.. I can't play right now because my DSI XL froze. And its not turning off.


that's what you get for wasting money on a brick with an abnormally large screen.




Anyways' date=' my game is messed up. I EV train for Spec. Atk. and get +8 def and +1 Spec. Atk..... wtf?



Thanks for the fix, your description is better.


What did you EV train on? And what Pokemon did you use?

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