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Official Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Thread


Who will your starter be.  

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  1. 1. Who will your starter be.

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Well' date=' let's see something, eh?


Red, Blue, Yellow (Gen I)

Gold, Silver, Crystal (Gen II)

Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald (Gen III)

Fire Red, Leaf Green (Gen I Remakes on a Gen III Engine)

Diamond, Pearl, Platinum (Gen IV)

Heart Gold, Soul Silver (Gen II Remakes on a Gen IV Engine)


So my guess is that Gen V will eventually release 3 games. After that, they will make Ruby and Sapphire (not Emerald) remakes on the Gen V engine. That's if the pattern stands true.




I'm just going to take a wild guess at the remake names...


Shining Sapphire and Flawless Ruby


It seems like the kind of thing they would do :D




I was sort of expecting them to do a Fire/Ice theme based on Groudon and Kyogre being Land and Water.


Like... Burning Ruby and Ice Sapphire. Not like that, but that sort of theme.

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Well' date=' Imma let Furret take a break.


For now, I'm going to use my Extremespeed Dratini.


When I get it, I might use [b']Raikou[/b], or I'll stick with Dratini/Furret.


You mean Mr.ElectricSquareOfFailure, right?


Better than that tard Ampharos.

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Well' date=' let's see something, eh?


Red, Blue, Yellow (Gen I)

Gold, Silver, Crystal (Gen II)

Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald (Gen III)

Fire Red, Leaf Green (Gen I Remakes on a Gen III Engine)

Diamond, Pearl, Platinum (Gen IV)

Heart Gold, Soul Silver (Gen II Remakes on a Gen IV Engine)


So my guess is that Gen V will eventually release 3 games. After that, they will make Ruby and Sapphire (not Emerald) remakes on the Gen V engine. That's if the pattern stands true.




I'm just going to take a wild guess at the remake names...


Shining Sapphire and Flawless Ruby


It seems like the kind of thing they would do :D




I was sort of expecting them to do a Fire/Ice theme based on Groudon and Kyogre being Land and Water.


Like... Burning Ruby and Ice Sapphire. Not like that, but that sort of theme.


Flaming Ruby and Subzero Sapphire. xD


Well' date=' Imma let Furret take a break.


For now, I'm going to use my Extremespeed Dratini.


When I get it, I might use Raikou, or I'll stick with Dratini/Furret.



You got all the questions in the Den right, then? ^^


I'm going to start Battle Frontier now.

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Well' date=' Imma let Furret take a break.


For now, I'm going to use my Extremespeed Dratini.


When I get it, I might use [b']Raikou[/b], or I'll stick with Dratini/Furret.


You mean Mr.ElectricSquareOfFailure, right?


Better than that tard Ampharos.


You do not diss Amphy. I wish i had one, but ZAP!!! (Voltorb) is an awesome Electric pokemon for me. I was in the Whirl islands cave trying to find Lugia early like a n00b, and i kept Sparking everything.

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Well' date=' Imma let Furret take a break.


For now, I'm going to use my Extremespeed Dratini.


When I get it, I might use [b']Raikou[/b], or I'll stick with Dratini/Furret.


You mean Mr.ElectricSquareOfFailure, right?


Better than that tard Ampharos.


You do not diss Amphy. I wish i had one, but ZAP!!! (Voltorb) is an awesome Electric pokemon for me. I was in the Whirl islands cave trying to find Lugia early like a n00b, and i kept Sparking everything.


Amphy is too overused and a tad bit overrated, tbqh.


I'd much rather use a legend like Raikou, but the problem is most people feel they 'need' an early-game electric type.


When is Lanturn first available, again?

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Well' date=' Imma let Furret take a break.


For now, I'm going to use my Extremespeed Dratini.


When I get it, I might use [b']Raikou[/b], or I'll stick with Dratini/Furret.


You mean Mr.ElectricSquareOfFailure, right?


Better than that tard Ampharos.


You do not diss Amphy. I wish i had one, but ZAP!!! (Voltorb) is an awesome Electric pokemon for me. I was in the Whirl islands cave trying to find Lugia early like a n00b, and i kept Sparking everything.


Amphy is too overused and a tad bit overrated, tbqh.


I'd much rather use a legend like Raikou, but the problem is most people feel they 'need' an early-game electric type.


When is Lanturn first available, again?


I think Olivine. Plus, I haven't used an Electric type all game. Not even an Electric move. I'm gangsta like that.

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I started freaking out when I first went in cause he didn't give me the Dratini. Then I found out I had to go get Dragon Pulse. xD


The Dratini is Lv21 now' date=' only 29 Levels to go. -_-

Yay for Action Replays


Wow. How'd you level up so fast? D:


Using AR for Pokemon level grinding = win.


Well' date=' Imma let Furret take a break.


For now, I'm going to use my Extremespeed Dratini.


When I get it, I might use [b']Raikou[/b], or I'll stick with Dratini/Furret.


You mean Mr.ElectricSquareOfFailure, right?


Better than that tard Ampharos.


You do not diss Amphy. I wish i had one, but ZAP!!! (Voltorb) is an awesome Electric pokemon for me. I was in the Whirl islands cave trying to find Lugia early like a n00b, and i kept Sparking everything.


Too bad you can only get a Johto Voltorb via in-game trade. -_-


@Dark: Fish for Chinchou in Olivine Harbor.

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I started freaking out when I first went in cause he didn't give me the Dratini. Then I found out I had to go get Dragon Pulse. xD


The Dratini is Lv21 now' date=' only 29 Levels to go. -_-

Yay for Action Replays


Wow. How'd you level up so fast? D:


Using AR for Pokemon level grinding = win.


Indeed. I have a code that multiplies earned exp. by 4. It's awesome.


Well' date=' Imma let Furret take a break.


For now, I'm going to use my Extremespeed Dratini.


When I get it, I might use [b']Raikou[/b], or I'll stick with Dratini/Furret.


You mean Mr.ElectricSquareOfFailure, right?


Better than that tard Ampharos.


You do not diss Amphy. I wish i had one, but ZAP!!! (Voltorb) is an awesome Electric pokemon for me. I was in the Whirl islands cave trying to find Lugia early like a n00b, and i kept Sparking everything.


Too bad you can only get a Johto Voltorb via in-game trade. -_-


You can always catch Electrode at the hideout.

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Wow... absolutely no love for Zapdos. All of you guys are losers. *sniffle*


I knew I forgot someone. D:


I really wanted a Jolteon' date=' but then I realized that it was really hard to get Stones in this game. And I was too lazy to get someone to trade a Pokemon over from D/P with a Thunderstone. D:


Ehhh... I like my Espeon just fine. ;D



There's a chick on Route 38 or something who gives you a Thunderstone if you register her.

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Wow... absolutely no love for Zapdos. All of you guys are losers. *sniffle*


zapdos isnt as gud becuz he iz week to ice


I really wanted a Jolteon' date=' but then I realized that it was really hard to get Stones in this game. And I was too lazy to get someone to trade a Pokemon over from D/P with a Thunderstone. D:


Ehhh... I like my Espeon just fine. ;D



There's a chick on Route 38 or something who gives you a Thunderstone if you register her.


Cool. Thanks for the tip. ^^

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You have to wait for her to call you though. She called me pretty quick. About 2 hours after I registered her.


The only person that ever calls me is my mom.


She keeps spending my money on stuff. D:


That's the only thing that I hate about this game. The mom calls too much. At least we get a delivery man and don't have to go all the way back to New Bark to get our gifts.

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You have to wait for her to call you though. She called me pretty quick. About 2 hours after I registered her.


The only person that ever calls me is my mom.


She keeps spending my money on stuff. D:


That's the only thing that I hate about this game. The mom calls too much. At least we get a delivery man and don't have to go all the way back to New Bark to get our gifts.


This is true. But most of the time I just end up getting Berries...


I missed the old Berry trees of G/S. When the Berries had names like PSNCURE BERRY.


Classic. ^^

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Red Battle Results:

In spite of my better judgement, I only trained my 2nd strongest pokemon to Lv. 77.

(Also, I didn't record what happened, so this is by memory)



Vs. Pikachu (88)

Called out Zulu (90)

Pikachu used Volt Tackle (recoil)

Zulu used Earthquake

Pikachu fainted


Vs. Lapras

Called out Tagi

Tagi used Discharge

Lapras used Blizzard

Tagi used Discharge

Lapras fainted.


Vs. Blastiose

Blastoise used Blizzard

Tagi froze (I kept saying to myself, as long as he doesn't freeze, I have this in the bag.)

Swapped out for a wall when I healed everyone (Soliantu)

Blastioise used several Focus Blasts

Soliantu fainted

Called out Tagi

Blastoise with Blizzard

Tagi used Discharge

Red used Full restore

Blastoise used Focus Blast

Tagi used Discharge

I use Full Restore

Blastoise used Hydro Cannon

Tagi used Discharge

Tagi used Discharge

Blastoise fainted.


Vs. Snorlax

(This one lasted really, really long because Red used 2 Full Restores because of the stupid Hail put Snorlax over the red every time I got him low.)

Called out Zulu (Didn't know Snor knew Blizzard... nor did I know that Blizzard hits every. single. time.)

Zulu used Earthquake

Snorlax used Blizzard

Zulu used Earthquake (I thought this would kill it, but Snor was left with a little more than half of a red bar)

Blizzard fainted Zulu

Used another wall, who only lasted long enough for me to revive Zulu, only because Red Restored Snor (Forza)

I decided to sacrifice Borneo to restore Tagi and Zulu

Borneo did manage to get Snor to the red, which Red then Restored.

Called out Tagi


Crunch (Paralyzed Snor. This gave me hope, I then knew that I could outspeed a Snorlax)

I'm not sure how, but somehow Tagi fainted in the next serveral exchange of attacks. The point is Tagi lost.

1 Dragon Pulse killed Snorlax.


Vs. Charizard

(There were exchanges of Surfs and Dragonpulses... and Red restoring Charizard cause Hail sucks at life.)

In the end, Charizard didn't phase Zulu much (Red zone)


Vs. Venusaur

At this point, I only had Zulu left so I had to Restore when Venus used some poison attack.

Next I used a critical Earthquake, and got put to sleep.

Restores from both ends

Another Earthquake, and another some poison attack.

1 more Earthquake finished Venusaur.




So I used my nicknames because their real names were to long to type. If somebody could decipher which pokemon are which, I'd be delighted.

Also, I know at some point my HMGeodude fought against Blastoise, but I can't remember everything about the battle.

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Now all we get is stupid Apricorns. D:


At least we get good berries though.


Dratini Lv25' date=' almost 26. :D



lolAR. ^^


Good luck... cheating.


@Ficko:Crunch (Paralyzed him. This gave me hope, I then knew that I could outspeed a Snorlax)




Also, is Tagi an Ampharos?

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