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  1. 1. Who will your starter be.

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You should use Smeargle for cathing legendaries with a legitamate Pokemon. Spore' date=' Block, SD, FalseSwipe.



Duh, can't believe I didn't think of that.


In case you don't know, Block makes it so fleeing legends can't run away. :D




It's hard to get specific moves on Smeargle. D:


If you suck at Pokemon then yeah, it probably would be quite difficult.

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If you suck at Pokemon then yeah' date=' it probably would be quite difficult.



It probably would be.


There is some double-battle trick to get any move on a Smeargle assuming the other Pokemon you have knows it.


But I completley forgot it. I think you target that move on Smeargle and then Smeargle uses Sketch on that Pokemon.




Double Battles weren't around when I used Smeargle... it's so obvious now. DX

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Guys' date=' Dusk balls are the best to use.



That's if you have the effort to constantly play at night.


Or change your DS internal clock. :D


Dusk Balls work just as well in caves, too. ^^


Which is where most Legendaries are.

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Blah, I forgot Dusk Balls work in caves, too. D:


I may be a Pokemon nerd, but I don't know everything.


As I said in another thread, I have SS in my possession. But because of my high test count this week, I'll postpone opening (even touching) it until Friday. So it's locked away. D:


So I'm replaying LeafGreen to make up for my lack of SS gameplay.

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Another post time Guys.


[spoiler=Another Cool Story Bro]Taichi and Agu looked at the nice shore side around Cerulean City. It had that calm feeling. Both of them knew that all the things they had gone through were definitely worth it. Taichi then looked to his buddy Agu, the latter looking back at his friend as well. Taichi smiled. "We've come along way, huh Agu?" Taichi patted his companion on the back. Agu responded with a nod. Taichi and Agu reminisced over what had happen recently.


"We've finally gotten past the Elite Four guys. Now on to the Champion." Taichi said as he headed into the next room. What had happened next would shock him. There stood a man with spiky red hair and a cape facing Taichi in the opposite direction. The man turned around and greeted Taichi. "Hello Taichi. Welcome to the greatest battle of champions" Lance had said. Taichi was standing silently with Agu next to him, having the same expression. The tension was very thick. The waves of battle were about to commence. Friends were now adversaries for this one battle...


Taichi was leaning on the ground with Agu. They were staring at the night sky. Taichi then nodded in agreement of Agu. "Yeah, that sure was surprising. Then we came back after everything was going against us as always." Taichi then put his fist in the air and released his grip of the air and swooshed his hand around, as if he was waving through the stars. "The stars...were nice on that night also....


"Okay mom, I'm in Olivine City. I'll call you when I'm in Vermilion City. Bye" Taichi said as he hung up the phone. Professor Oak had just upgraded his Pokedex so he can experience more wonders of the world of Pokemon, wider than Johto can give him. A new start and a new beginning. He then started walking toward the sailor that was checking tickets. He then stopped, thinking he heard something. Was it...her? Taichi turned slighty to see if it was. There was nobody behind him. Taichi then sighed. "Oh well Agu. I thought she would come to see me off, but I guess not. Let's go buddy." Taichi said walking off. Before he got on the ship he heard a giant yell. "TAICHI!!! WAIT!!!" He heard. The boy turned back and saw someone running towards him. As the person cam closer, he could clearly see who it was. He smiled. It was Lyra, he hadn't seen her since the whole Kimono Girls and Lugia thing. He waved to her as she ran closer and closer. Taichi then was enveloped in a hug by the girl trainer. With Marill panting slightly after Lyra stopped right in front of Taichi, Agu greeted the Pokemon. Taichi then chuckled, while Lyra giggled.


"So your off now, huh Tai?" Lyra asked the boy. Taichi nodded. "Yeah, there's alot of things that I just gotta see. I know that I've done plenty of things that some could never say they have done. Still...I feel as though my path isn't done yet. There's something else calling to me. Something telling me to finish there." Taichi explained to her. Lyra then bowed her head and was blushing. "So...how'd that thing with Lugia go...?" She said trying to stall him. "I'm still alive aren't I? As to what actually happened in there...I'll save that for when I get back" Taichi winked to Lyra. She started to turn even more red. Taichi started to notice this, but in the wrong way. "Hey Lyra, are you getting sick or something, your getting kind of red." Taichi spoke to her. Lyra then noticed how flushed she was and shook her head. "I'm fine Taichi. I'm going to miss you is all". Taichi nodded and then turned his head toward the boat named S.S. Anne. "Well, I gotta get on the boat before it leave so... I'll guess I'l-" Taichi got cut off by some moist lips touching his. He then realized what was happening as he closed his eyes and got into it with the female. They were kissing. Finally it was about time their feelings had caught up for one another. After their lips stopped touching, Lyra held Taichi tightly.


"Wow, that sure....was...something. I'll pay it back someday." Taichi smiled as he saw her still holding on to him with her head down. They both know that she had to let go soon. She wanted to be like this forever with him. She then looked up into his eyes and whispered softly "Hurry back, 'kay?". Taichi reassured her with a nod as Lyra slowly let go. She stood in that same spot as Taichi and Agu started walking to the S.S. Anne, Taichi's head turned to her the entire walk there. As the he got inside of the boat he saw once last glimpse of Lyra before the door started closing. The last words he muttered in Johto were "Bye". With everything in Johto complete as far as he knew, Taichi and Agu headed to there room and watched some TV as the boat sailed off to Kanto. Toward a new, unfinished path.


Taichi then got up off the ground and started walking. "Alright Agu, time to go find a quick place to stay for the night." The trainer said as the moon was in the sky and his first week in Kanto was soon coming to an end.



Current Party:

AGU Lv45 (Male Ampharos)

APOLLO Lv40 (Male Typhlosion)

DRAGOON Lv30 (Red Male Gyrados)

SHO Lv34 (Male Nidoking)

TOTIUS Lv37 (Male Togekiss)

ZERA Lv32 (Female Scizor)


In Storage: GLUE Lv10 (Ditto), SANTY Lv22 (Female Delibird), MOON Lv9 (Male Dratini), SAGITARIUS Lv20 (MALE TAUROS), KASSHOKU Lv22 (Male Sudowoodo), KURA lv5 (Female Eevee) and possibly another Pokemon? I'm not saying. lol

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Blah' date=' I forgot Dusk Balls work in caves, too. D:


I may be a Pokemon nerd, but I don't know [i']everything[/i].


As I said in another thread, I have SS in my possession. But because of my high test count this week, I'll postpone opening (even touching) it until Friday. So it's locked away. D:


So I'm replaying LeafGreen to make up for my lack of SS gameplay.


Good plan with SS.


I opened mine too early, and was immediately hooked. D:

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So far I plan to have my team consist of Typhlosion' date=' Noctowl, Furret, and Ampharos, and maybe Scizor and [b']Octillery[/b]. Any suggestions for the rest of the team?


Octillery is kind of lulzy.


Maybe replace it with a better Water? Like Starmie/Lapras?


Typhlosion/Ampharos... never seen that combo before. xD

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I've beaten every single trainer in Kanto and Johto and none of my pokemon are remotely strong enough to defeat Red >.>

Agreed. At least my team is close to the level I wan them to be at when I fight Red. Going to take him down when their between 60 and 70.


Going to try to get some Gym rematches to get some training.


So far I plan to have my team consist of Typhlosion' date=' Noctowl, Furret, and Ampharos, and maybe Scizor and Octillery. Any suggestions for the rest of the team?


Ok, I'm going to break this Ampharos trend right now.






Really, Lanturn is a good pokemon with two great Stabs and not many weaknesses.

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Ok' date=' I'm going to break this Ampharos trend right now.






Really, Lanturn is a good pokemon with two great Stabs and not many weaknesses.



I like Lanturn. ^^


Sparking all the Swimmers en route to Cianwood while Surfing on it was pretty lulzy.


But, I guess people don't want to wait that long for an Electric option, so they opt out for Mareep instead.

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Ok' date=' I'm going to break this Ampharos trend right now.






Really, Lanturn is a good pokemon with two great Stabs and not many weaknesses.



I like Lanturn. ^^


Sparking all the Swimmers en route to Cianwood while Surfing on it was pretty lulzy.


But, I guess people don't want to wait that long for an Electric option, so they opt out for Mareep instead.

But you don't really need an Electric. Yea it helps against the first gym, but he is still easy. You can use and Rock type and just laugh at him.


And since I'm talking about Lanturn, and Rock types, my new SS team



Yes I know it still has the 3 Ice Weak pokemon, but I don't really care. If anything it will make it harder. plus Lanturn can beat any Ice types since most are part Water and he takes 1/2 damage from their attacks..

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