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Official Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Thread


Who will your starter be.  

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  1. 1. Who will your starter be.

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I don't think I tried using Magnemite yet. EVER. I might try that' date=' I want to try using pokemon I never used before, and I used Mareep before.


Also, I thought legendary pokemon were banned? Or are only a few are?



Raikou isn't an Uber. ;D


For Magnemite, Lock On/Zap Cannon is win.

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Magnemite' date=' Voltorb, Lanturn, and Raikou are the only ones available in Johto, I believe. D:



don't forget the event pichu


Notch-Eared Pichu is lulzy.


I don't have the time or desire to go to events. ^^'


You didn't have to go. You could just do it from your house <_<

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I don't think I tried using Magnemite yet. EVER. I might try that' date=' I want to try using pokemon I never used before, and I used Mareep before.


Also, I thought legendary pokemon were banned? Or are only a few are?



Raikou isn't an Uber. ;D


For Magnemite, Lock On/Zap Cannon is win.


Damb it Clair stop giving away my moves...

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It's decent. Seems like everyone uses Ampharos.

I know. It's making me so mad now. I only used it because it wasn't the best and thought no one else would. At least I was one of the first people to say they were going to use it since I've known my team for months.


going to go clear all the routes. It should take a while and my team should get a good amount stronger.


what's your current team? I'm running a training business with my friends for trainers too lazy to train their pokemon or don have the time to. I don't use the hacker's way or the daycare. I just pin the pokemon against a pokemon it has a huge advantage over and have it equipped with the power series or the macho brace.

I posted it a page ago. Ty' date=' Lap, Yan, Don, Amp, and Champ.


Magnemite, Voltorb, Lanturn, and Raikou are the only ones available in Johto, I believe. D:

You missing the best one, Jolteon.


I'd say go with that or Lanturn. Both are really good.

In fact I'm using Lanturn for my SS run.

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here's another one


Blaziken @ Salac Berry

ability: Blaze

nature: Jolly


Blaze Kick



Swords Dance



Gardevoir @ Leftovers

ability: Trace

nature: Timid




Calm Mind




Salamence @ Yache Berry

ability: Intimidate

nature: Jolly



Fire Blast


Dragon dance



Roserade @ Focus Sash

ability: Natural Cure

nature: Timid


Leaf Storm

Sludge Bomb

Hidden Power (fire)

Sleep Powder



Milotic @ Leftovers

ability: Marvel Scale

nature: Bold





Ice Beam



Metagross @ Life Orb

ability: Clear Body

nature: Adamant


Meteor Mash




I now have all 16 badges.


Current levels.


Yanmega: 49

Lapras: 49

Donphan: 49

Machamp: 49

Ampharos: 51

Typlosion: 53


overall good but wouldn't fare well due to the inability to cooperate. For example, jolteon 2x and have them both equipped with leftovers and use discharge

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here's another one


Blaziken @ Salac Berry

ability: Blaze

nature: Jolly


Blaze Kick



Swords Dance



Gardevoir @ Leftovers

ability: Trace

nature: Timid




Calm Mind




Salamence @ Yache Berry

ability: Intimidate

nature: Jolly



Fire Blast


Dragon dance



Roserade @ Focus Sash

ability: Natural Cure

nature: Timid


Leaf Storm

Sludge Bomb

Hidden Power (fire)

Sleep Powder



Milotic @ Leftovers

ability: Marvel Scale

nature: Bold





Ice Beam



Metagross @ Life Orb

ability: Clear Body

nature: Adamant


Meteor Mash




I now have all 16 badges.


Current levels.


Yanmega: 49

Lapras: 49

Donphan: 49

Machamp: 49

Ampharos: 51

Typlosion: 53


overall good but wouldn't fare well due to the inability to cooperate. For example' date=' jolteon 2x and have them both equipped with leftovers and use discharge



That looks like a real team and not an in game one so that should go in the general pokemon thread.


They only need to cooperate in tag battles, and those are rare. Plus I already have an Elec type and I don't want to use the same pokemon on my team. And what do you mean won't fair well? I've beaten the game.

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here's another one


Blaziken @ Salac Berry

ability: Blaze

nature: Jolly


Blaze Kick



Swords Dance



Gardevoir @ Leftovers

ability: Trace

nature: Timid




Calm Mind




Salamence @ Yache Berry

ability: Intimidate

nature: Jolly



Fire Blast


Dragon dance



Roserade @ Focus Sash

ability: Natural Cure

nature: Timid


Leaf Storm

Sludge Bomb

Hidden Power (fire)

Sleep Powder



Milotic @ Leftovers

ability: Marvel Scale

nature: Bold





Ice Beam



Metagross @ Life Orb

ability: Clear Body

nature: Adamant


Meteor Mash




I now have all 16 badges.


Current levels.


Yanmega: 49

Lapras: 49

Donphan: 49

Machamp: 49

Ampharos: 51

Typlosion: 53


overall good but wouldn't fare well due to the inability to cooperate. For example' date=' jolteon 2x and have them both equipped with leftovers and use discharge



That looks like a real team and not an in game one so that should go in the general pokemon thread.


They only need to cooperate in tag battles, and those are rare. Plus I already have an Elec type and I don't want to use the same pokemon on my team. And what do you mean won't fair well? I've beaten the game.


you still have to face Red

Anyone want to fight me on wi-fi? I'm free for a couple hours starting now.


FC: 3739 1704 6715


PM me if you wanna challenge me....just 1 rule to fight me though' date=' NO LEGENDARIES!



i'll try and get my wi-fi working

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you still have to face Red

And how will having 2 Jolteons help me their?


for double battles they would be. Your team would lose right now due to their levels. They have an even lower chance because of the types you chose.

But why would I waste team space when double battles are rare? Really no one thinks about double battles when they make their team.


Reds team type is








My team can beat all those types and only 2 are hit by a super effective attack from any any one of them side Lapras.


And yea' date=' I know my team is 30 levels lower then Reds. I'm not going after him till me team is 60-70.


you still have to face Red


I don't count that as beating the game. I say beating the game is when you:


1. Capture the Legendary the game is based on

2. Beat the Elite 4


Everything after that is extra to me.....

Agreed. That is the "main game."

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I hope Red is more of a challenge in this game. In the original games I had a lvl 100 Typhloshion and beat all of his pokemon in one hit..... even took out his Blastoise with a Flamethrower........


He isn't that hard, unless all of your Pokemon have a lower level than his, then it becomes a problem.

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@Xazeon: Define "efficient".


You want movesets' date=' too?


A team that won't lose easily.


I could provide them, but if you prefer a moveset go ahead and post it.


'Kay. ;D


I'll post it later. Don't have time now. D:


Sit tight~


I hope Red is more of a challenge in this game. In the original games I had a lvl 100 Typhloshion and beat all of his pokemon in one hit..... even took out his Blastoise with a Flamethrower........


He isn't. I beat him with one magikarp



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I hope Red is more of a challenge in this game. In the original games I had a lvl 100 Typhloshion and beat all of his pokemon in one hit..... even took out his Blastoise with a Flamethrower........


A few changes have been made:


-All pokemon recieve higher levels.

-Lapras replaces Espeon

-Pikachu's Atk (or Sp. Atk) is doubled.

-Non-damage inflecting attacks have been changed to Volt Takle(Pika), Blast Burn (Char) Hydro Cannon (Blast) Frenzy Plant (Venus)


I'm still training for him at the moment. In that time, I've caught Mewtwo and Lugia.

Mewtwo was average.

Lugia was a complete bish

I restarted the first time, because I ran out of pokeballs.

The first, I used 5 Quickballs (in which time Lugia paralyzed himself), then got him in the Red and used 2 heavy balls, then used 22 Ultra balls and 1 Timer ball and didn't catch him.

The second time, I caught him after the 22 ultraballs, but saved a Heavy ball for it.

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