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Official Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Thread


Who will your starter be.  

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  1. 1. Who will your starter be.

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To me' date=' no one has Truely "Beaten the game" until they've managed to beat Red without any Legendaries. Also, to my knowledge:

I am the first reported person to have gathered all 16 badges in the English Version and am the ONLY person in this thread thus far that has done every Special Event in the game up to this point. NO HACKING INVOLVED EITHER! [b']My Arceus is a legit special event from Toys R' Us.[/b]


Arceus = Free Pass. >_>


Free Pass?


Arceus is basically a 'free pass' through the game. At least, that's my opinion.


Does anyone know where to get Stones in this game? I seem to have forgotten. D:


Oh no! I only used Arceus to start the event, nothing more.


You can get the stones from the Bug Catching Contests and the Pokeathalon. You can also get them by showing Bill's Dad certain Pokemon at his house north of Cerulean City. I remember that vividly.

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To me' date=' no one has Truely "Beaten the game" until they've managed to beat Red without any Legendaries. Also, to my knowledge:

I am the first reported person to have gathered all 16 badges in the English Version and am the ONLY person in this thread thus far that has done every Special Event in the game up to this point. NO HACKING INVOLVED EITHER! [b']My Arceus is a legit special event from Toys R' Us.[/b]


Arceus = Free Pass. >_>


Free Pass?


Arceus is basically a 'free pass' through the game. At least, that's my opinion.


Does anyone know where to get Stones in this game? I seem to have forgotten. D:


Oh no! I only used Arceus to start the event, nothing more.


You can get the stones from the Bug Catching Contests and the Pokeathalon. You can also get them by showing Bill's Dad certain Pokemon at his house north of Cerulean City. I remember that vividly.


That's a relief. ^^


Thanks for the info, Omega. ;D

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Does anyone know where to get Stones in this game? I seem to have forgotten. D:

I remember being able to buy them in the town with the Rainbow badge back in FR/LG, so that might have carried.


Side from that everything the above person said.


Taking a break. Have a fair amount of home work and I have the first half of a term paper due on Friday so I WANt to start it tonight. However knowing me I might not. Still, I need to allow some time to try.

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Does anyone know where to get Stones in this game? I seem to have forgotten. D:

I remember being able to buy them in the town with the Rainbow badge back in FR/LG' date=' so that might have carried.


Side from that everything the above person said.


Taking a break. Have a fair amount of home work and I have the first half of a term paper due on Friday so I WANt to start it tonight. However knowing me I might not. Still, I need to allow some time to try.



Nah....Cerulean City doesn't sell them. They weren't sold there in the Original Silver and Gold either. They're very difficult to get a hold of, but the GTS sort of makes up for it in a way so they're obtainable even if the stone isn't.

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Does anyone know where to get Stones in this game? I seem to have forgotten. D:

I remember being able to buy them in the town with the Rainbow badge back in FR/LG' date=' so that might have carried.


Side from that everything the above person said.


Taking a break. Have a fair amount of home work and I have the first half of a term paper due on Friday so I WANt to start it tonight. However knowing me I might not. Still, I need to allow some time to try.



Nah....Cerulean City doesn't sell them. They weren't sold there in the Original Silver and Gold either. They're very difficult to get a hold of, but the GTS sort of makes up for it in a way so they're obtainable even if the stone isn't.


Still, if you have FR/LG you can move pokemon over from their with the Stones to make things a little easier.

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Does anyone know where to get Stones in this game? I seem to have forgotten. D:

I remember being able to buy them in the town with the Rainbow badge back in FR/LG' date=' so that might have carried.


Side from that everything the above person said.


Taking a break. Have a fair amount of home work and I have the first half of a term paper due on Friday so I WANt to start it tonight. However knowing me I might not. Still, I need to allow some time to try.



Nah....Cerulean City doesn't sell them. They weren't sold there in the Original Silver and Gold either. They're very difficult to get a hold of, but the GTS sort of makes up for it in a way so they're obtainable even if the stone isn't.


Still, if you have FR/LG you can move pokemon over from their with the Stones to make things a little easier.


True, but a little to much effort, if you ask me.

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Should I get Snorlax for my team? That is if I ever figure out how to get this Pokeflute working. >_<


You need the Kanto Radio Card. And I was confused about the Poke Flute too until I started messing around. On the radio' date=' move the little pointer on the globe to the very top, the Poke Flute channel is a hidden one now.


@Xing - You're just jealous because I have no life :P


I just did what I vowed not to do, just traded over some lvl 100s from my Diamond to beat Red just this one time. I want access to all of the legendary events.



I beat you to it :P

I beat Red last night.


So therefor, I am the first reported person on YCM to beat the entire English version of the game, as far as I can recall in this thread

To an extent of course, as I do count Red as "needed to beat the game"


Read a couple pages back, myself and other person beat it before you did.

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I beat you to it :P

I beat Red last night.


So therefor' date=' I am the first reported person on YCM to beat the entire English version of the game, as far as I can recall in this thread

To an extent of course, as I do count Red as "needed to beat the game"


I'm assuming you just traded over pokemon from Diamond at the get go, which made doing so a lot easier since you could just run though the game.

Nope, actually only traded a few from Platinum for the Elite Four only. I continued to use my regular pokemon afterwards.



I beat Red last night.




And I consider legitly catching the legends (meaning 1 Master Ball max.) as part of fully completing the game.


Did that as well, so far at least. Used the Master Ball on Lv. 70 Ho-Oh. Otherwise, all Ultra Balls =/

jabroni. :P


@Mr Sir- kewl beens

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Does anyone know where to get Stones in this game? I seem to have forgotten. D:

I remember being able to buy them in the town with the Rainbow badge back in FR/LG' date=' so that might have carried.


Side from that everything the above person said.


Taking a break. Have a fair amount of home work and I have the first half of a term paper due on Friday so I WANt to start it tonight. However knowing me I might not. Still, I need to allow some time to try.



Nah....Cerulean City doesn't sell them. They weren't sold there in the Original Silver and Gold either. They're very difficult to get a hold of, but the GTS sort of makes up for it in a way so they're obtainable even if the stone isn't.


Still, if you have FR/LG you can move pokemon over from their with the Stones to make things a little easier.


True, but a little to much effort, if you ask me.

Not really. Plus it helps for people that want to move their pokemon from their old GBA games.



I beat you to it :P

I beat Red last night.


So therefor' date=' I am the first reported person on YCM to beat the entire English version of the game, as far as I can recall in this thread

To an extent of course, as I do count Red as "needed to beat the game"


I'm assuming you just traded over pokemon from Diamond at the get go, which made doing so a lot easier since you could just run though the game.

Nope, actually only traded a few from Platinum for the Elite Four only. I continued to use my regular pokemon afterwards.

Nice. It seemed like you used them for the whole game


I beat Red last night.




And I consider legitly catching the legends (meaning 1 Master Ball max.) as part of fully completing the game.


Did that as well' date=' so far at least. Used the Master Ball on Lv. 70 Ho-Oh. Otherwise, all Ultra Balls =/


A bit of a waste, since IMO, it would be better to use it for the runners.

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i r challenging teh 1337 4 now.

Sorry, i just had to.

Got past koga.


Zerk, Gyarados (Red), Level 30, Surf Dragon Rage Waterfall and Strength. Trainer's comments: Meh, it unwillingly became the HM Slave, but, who can help it.

Eggzar, Togekiss,Level 30, Metronome Aura Sphere Rock Smash and Fly. Trainer's comments: This one, oh boy, this was the winning player of the Ice gym, if you are wondering, Aura Sphere was gained early, i traded it to Platinum, as well as a Shiny Stone from a shiny pichu that i gave a Shiny Stone.

SharpEdges, Nidoking, Level 33, Shadow Ball Blizzard Double Kick and Thunder. Trainer's comments: My Primary Variety Player, with all the strange types of moves. All i can say is it's a good Pokemon.

AntiMatter, Giratina, Level 37, Dragon Claw Aura Sphere Ominous Wind and Ancient Power. Trainer's comments: All i can, and want to, say is this: don't trust ghost dragons.

Frenzy, Meganium, Level 37, Petal Dance Synthesis Magical Leaf and PoisonPowder. Trainer's comments: My starter, i unwillingly chose the hard path of the game.

Sky Flare, Ho-oh, Level 45, Extrasensory Sunny Day Fire Blast and... DUN DUN A DUN! Sacred Fire. Trainer's comments: My strongest pokemon.

Also, i have a Bag of Full Restores, PP recovering items, and, my secret weapon, Sacred Ash, with the powers to revive all fainted pokemon in your party, WITH FULL HEALTH.

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anybody want to help me with my team? I plan to use these guys when I challenge the first round of the Elite4.





~Arial Ace

~Steel Wing





~Signal Beam

~Power Gem

~Cotton Spore




~Close Combat/Brick Break

~Night Slash





~Ice Fang

~Thunder Fang

~Dragon Dance



~Mean Look (for when I encounter the beasts)

~Shadow Ball

~Focus Blast





~Focus Blast

~Shadow Claw






I'm not that far in the game, like at all. This is just what I had in mind. Any tips?

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I'm going for my 3rd badge right now' date=' my friend in school had the game before me and i'm stronger already, FAIL!!!


The only main pokemon in my team is my

Lv 35 Meganium

Iron Tail, Toxic

Petal Dance, Synthesis



you should be able to take it on no problem if you already have Meganium that strong.


Me? Thank god I picked up a Heracross before challenging it. lol

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I'm going for my 3rd badge right now' date=' my friend in school had the game before me and i'm stronger already, FAIL!!!


The only main pokemon in my team is my

Lv 35 Meganium

Iron Tail, Toxic

Petal Dance, Synthesis



you should be able to take it on no problem if you already have Meganium that strong.


Me? Thank god I picked up a Heracross before challenging it. lol


I cheated a little, Meganiums moves where vrap so i traded over the Iron Tail and Toxic TM


I trained it myself though, it's what you call lots of spare time to train it that strong.

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Little girl just yelled at sisters HOLY sheet A SOLAR ECLIPSE and they like TO THE funking HUGE TOWER!!!!

So I'm like, TO THE SUN!!!!!


Anyways, onto Ho-Oh, then the Elite Four.


34 Feraligator

33 Gyarados

32 Pidgeotto

33 Graveler

37 Ampharos

29 Belle, to be replaced by Ho-Oh.

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