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Who will your starter be.  

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  1. 1. Who will your starter be.

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Walking into the Indigo Plateau atm.

I wasted my entire day training a stupid Jynx for a battle against Clair' date=' and Jynx turned out to be useless.

So, as usual Ampharos had to do all the work.



Just get an Alakazam to around level 60, and get a bunch of extra TMs, and just teach him new moves to counter what the other trainer has, he OHK'd everything. I did that up to Lance, then I switched to Gyarados/Dragonite


It's expensive, but it's worth the monies.



That just sounds like a lot of work. Ima just use my pokemon. I blew through Will and muscled through Koga. I'm just restore spamming Bruno right now.


I just use Type Advantage to beat the Elite Four.


Will is a pushover, so I toasted him easily.

Espeon took care of Koga and Bruno.

Used Type Advantage to beat lulzy Karen.

And I powered my way through Lance. ^^


I'm headed towards Saffron now... It's nice to see how the new games have spiced up the Kanto region. ^^

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I changed my mind and went for Ho-oh. Killed it because of a crit' date=' but then I found out if you kill it it still comes back :D.


Meh, going to get it now.



Didn't they start that with Giratina in Plati?


Well I'm gonna egg a team just as soon as I can figure what Ground/Rock type to replace Dugtrio with (I'm raising what I haven't already, and I raised one on XD)

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Status Update!


Caught Ho-Oh

Caught Derptwo (I mean Mewtwo......seriously, ONE USEFUL ATTACK?)

I just completed the "Arceus and the Sinjoh Ruins" Event. Got a Level 1 Origin-Forme Giratina! Which now means i've completed every special Pokemon-Triggered event in the game up until we get the Special Celebi that gives access to a fight with Giovanni, which is coming later this year.

Came close to completing the Second Elite Four run-through, but I had limited time to do the Arceus event so I quit when I got to the 4th Leader.


If anyone wants to know how to trigger the Arceus event, PM me.


@Yin - I suggest Graveler or Golem. They're usually staples in my team because even Geodude is extremely useful throughout the majority of the game.

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^I don't give a damn about anything this dude says!


I literally just beat Petrel. My Team:

Level 24 Weepinbell (Question, around what level should I evolve it into Victribell? I want it to know some good moves before I evolve it.)

Level 26 Flaaffy

Level 26 Pidgeotto

Level 27 Graveler (I will never evolve this Graveler. EVER. I can do it at any time, I just refuse too.)

Level 28 Croconaw ('Bout to go to the ocean and level it up.)

Level 30 Red Gyarados (So sad that he's the highest level.


I think the Day Care gave Togepi Steroids. He gained 19 levels in 5 hours. Not a clue how much he's leveled in 24 hours.

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Should I get Snorlax for my team? That is if I ever figure out how to get this Pokeflute working. >_<


You need the Kanto Radio Card. And I was confused about the Poke Flute too until I started messing around. On the radio, move the little pointer on the globe to the very top, the Poke Flute channel is a hidden one now.


@Xing - You're just jealous because I have no life :P


I just did what I vowed not to do, just traded over some lvl 100s from my Diamond to beat Red just this one time. I want access to all of the legendary events.

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Should I get Snorlax for my team? That is if I ever figure out how to get this Pokeflute working. >_<


You need the Kanto Radio Card. And I was confused about the Poke Flute too until I started messing around. On the radio' date=' move the little pointer on the globe to the very top, the Poke Flute channel is a hidden one now.


@Xing - You're just jealous because I have no life :P


I just did what I vowed not to do, just traded over some lvl 100s from my Diamond to beat Red just this one time. I want access to all of the legendary events.



I beat you to it :P

I beat Red last night.


So therefor, I am the first reported person on YCM to beat the entire English version of the game, as far as I can recall in this thread

To an extent of course, as I do count Red as "needed to beat the game"

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And so I have beaten the game. E4 wasn't as easy as I thought they would be, but they still weren't that hard. Still, I think if Dactal had EQ I might have lost again Lance. Speaking of which, he was the hardest of the 5.


So, my team when I beat the game

Donphan: 38

Machamp: 39

Yanmega: 40

Lapras: 41

Ampharos: 42

Typhlosion: 44


If all my other pokemon has a high level I would have loled. I wasn't even trying to do that.


Took me about 26 hours to beat the game.


Should I get Snorlax for my team? That is if I ever figure out how to get this Pokeflute working. >_


You need the Kanto Radio Card. And I was confused about the Poke Flute too until I started messing around. On the radio' date=' move the little pointer on the globe to the very top, the Poke Flute channel is a hidden one now.


@Xing - You're just jealous because I have no life :P


I just did what I vowed not to do, just traded over some lvl 100s from my Diamond to beat Red just this one time. I want access to all of the legendary events.



I beat you to it :P

I beat Red last night.


So therefor, I am the first reported person on YCM to beat the entire English version of the game, as far as I can recall in this thread

To an extent of course, as I do count Red as "needed to beat the game"

I'm assuming you just traded over pokemon from Diamond at the get go, which made doing so a lot easier since you could just run though the game.

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Should I get Snorlax for my team? That is if I ever figure out how to get this Pokeflute working. >_<


You need the Kanto Radio Card. And I was confused about the Poke Flute too until I started messing around. On the radio' date=' move the little pointer on the globe to the very top, the Poke Flute channel is a hidden one now.


@Xing - You're just jealous because I have no life :P


I just did what I vowed not to do, just traded over some lvl 100s from my Diamond to beat Red just this one time. I want access to all of the legendary events.



I beat you to it :P

I beat Red last night.


So therefor, I am the first reported person on YCM to beat the entire English version of the game, as far as I can recall in this thread

To an extent of course, as I do count Red as "needed to beat the game"


To me, no one has Truely "Beaten the game" until they've managed to beat Red without any Legendaries. Also, to my knowledge:

I am the first reported person to have gathered all 16 badges in the English Version and am the ONLY person in this thread thus far that has done every Special Event in the game up to this point. NO HACKING INVOLVED EITHER! My Arceus is a legit special event from Toys R' Us.

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To me' date=' no one has Truely "Beaten the game" until they've managed to beat Red without any Legendaries. Also, to my knowledge:

I am the first reported person to have gathered all 16 badges in the English Version and am the ONLY person in this thread thus far that has done every Special Event in the game up to this point. NO HACKING INVOLVED EITHER! [b']My Arceus is a legit special event from Toys R' Us.[/b]


Arceus = Free Pass. >_>

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To me' date=' no one has Truely "Beaten the game" until they've managed to beat Red without any Legendaries. Also, to my knowledge:

I am the first reported person to have gathered all 16 badges in the English Version and am the ONLY person in this thread thus far that has done every Special Event in the game up to this point. NO HACKING INVOLVED EITHER! [b']My Arceus is a legit special event from Toys R' Us.[/b]


Arceus = Free Pass. >_>


Free Pass?

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To me' date=' no one has Truely "Beaten the game" until they've managed to beat Red without any Legendaries. Also, to my knowledge:

I am the first reported person to have gathered all 16 badges in the English Version and am the ONLY person in this thread thus far that has done every Special Event in the game up to this point. NO HACKING INVOLVED EITHER! [b']My Arceus is a legit special event from Toys R' Us.[/b]


Arceus = Free Pass. >_>


Free Pass?


Arceus is basically a 'free pass' through the game. At least, that's my opinion.


Does anyone know where to get Stones in this game? I seem to have forgotten. D:

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