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Official Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Thread


Who will your starter be.  

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  1. 1. Who will your starter be.

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IIRC' date=' Mudshot doesn't have 100% accuracy.


And at that stage in the game, Sonicboom is easily a 2HKO. Maybe 3HKO, but I doubt your Pokemon would have 41+ HP.



This is true. Mud Shot was the best Ground move I had at the time, so I went with it. ^^


As for the SonicBooms, he just kept trying to Shock Wave me.


My current party is

Flaaffy(AGU) Lv21

Nidorino (SHO) Lv22

Quilava (APOLLO) Lv22

Togepi (TOTIUS) Lv20

Scizor (ZERA) Lv 26


All are male except Scizor. I just beat Whitney. lol


I just beat Whitney too. O_o


You have a Scizor already?!

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Man' date=' how do you guys go so fast? I haven't even beaten Falkner yet......



We have no lives and play Pokemon all day? I do that, at least.


But I don't have SS, and I'm not entirely sure why I am still in this thread.

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He traded it from another game' date=' I say!


And I remember Whitney. Damn Miltank with Milk Drink. D:


Clair, what are you going to do when you have to beat Clair and steal her [s']virginity[/s] gym badge?


Damn her Clefairy with Horn Drill Metronome. -_- How unlucky is that?


After I beat her, (which is disappointing because her Pokemanz should be so much more epic) I'm going to the Dragon's Den to find her effing fang.


Then I'll steal both those things

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Man' date=' how do you guys go so fast? I haven't even beaten Falkner yet......


I started playing around 10:30 and that is all I've done with my day.


Man' date=' how do you guys go so fast? I haven't even beaten Falkner yet......



We have no lives and play Pokemon all day? I do that, at least.


But I don't have SS, and I'm not entirely sure why I am still in this thread.



It's because you want to game.


Finally got Yanma (never try to get a pokemon with a 1% encounter rate). It has the right ability and a not bad nature as well. Thank god.


On to train it and to get my 3rd badge.





For all of you that know SMYN their doing their ep on HG/Ss so check it out.

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I've been at Pokecommunity and I've notice that a lot of people who use Cyndaquil/Typholsion also most likely have Mareep/Ampharos in their party.


It's either that or Lanturn.


got my 3rd badge. Milk Drink was SUCH a pain. Got my Machop, 3 in fact. Two were Sassy one was Naive. Going to go with Naive. On second thought, going to us one of the Sassy since I just got killed by a thundershock.


Also Yanma is a pain to train.

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I got Heart Gold today.

Here is my Team


Fred, Sentret, Lv 9, Scratch Foresight and Quick Attack.

Frenzy, my starter, Chikorita, Lv 10, Tackle Growl Razor Leaf and PoisonPowder.

Rocky, Onix, Lv 9, Mud Sport Tackle Rock Throw and Bind.

AntiMatter, Giratina, Unknown Pokedex Number (From other Game) Lv 10, DrageonBreath Scary Face Ominous Wind and AncientPower.



By the way, if you have the Event Arceus you can get your Legendary Pokemon (Not Spoiling It)

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I haven't got the games yet. However, I asked one of my family members to buy SoulSilver for me for my birthday. Either they will get it or I'll buy it with the money I get for my birthday. And by the way, birthday is tomorrow.


I don't know my team yet, however, I know I'm going with Typhlosion and Ampharos as two of my pokemon. After that though, I have no idea. Also, can you trade with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl at the start of the game or not until after the Elite Four?

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I haven't got the games yet. However' date=' I asked one of my family members to buy SoulSilver for me for my birthday. Either they will get it or I'll buy it with the money I get for my birthday. And by the way, birthday is tomorrow.


I don't know my team yet, however, I know I'm going with Typhlosion and Ampharos as two of my pokemon. After that though, I have no idea. Also, can you trade with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl at the start of the game or not until after the Elite Four?



I'm assuming as soon as you get access to a Pokemon center you can trade with DPPt.


Don't quote me on that, though.

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*already well-aware of said Legendary event*

By the way' date=' if you have the Event Arceus you can get your Legendary Pokemon (Not Spoiling It)



......You can get Dialga/Palkia/Giratina THAT early in the game?



Level 1, so it's not cheating and having a level 70-47 Pokemon that early.

I does not enter it in the pokedex until you get the upgrade.

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