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Who will your starter be.  

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  1. 1. Who will your starter be.

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But Surf is actually a decent HM (Waterfall' date=' too, but I wouldn't recommend that for a starter).


I always thought Strength was a decent HM to use, until I realized my Pokemon were all special attackers, none of them got STAB, and it was a waste of a moveslot. <_<



Feraligatr is a very physical Sweeper so Waterfall is better than surf for him...

Same for Swampert


EMpoleon and Blastoise have More SP ATK so they can learn surf anyday


Strenght is a Stong attack now...80 Base is decent in a Good physical Attacker Normal Pokemon like Snorlax


And I tought My Torterra to Rock Climb coz he is just that awesome...XD


But in-game, Feraligatr and Blastoise can make decent mixed attackers, and their movepools consist of mainly physical moves. And their special attack is decent, so why not stick a strong STAB special Water-type move in 'em?


I'm very tempted to masterball Ho-oh. Someone stop me!


I'm about to set out to catch a Ho-oh in a Pokeball. Grow a pair and use Dusk Balls. <_<


I'm planning on using my Masterball on Rayquaza, so someone stop me when I get to that point.

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I'm very tempted to masterball Ho-oh. Someone stop me!

Ho-Oh is an easy catch.

You just need to have moves that do a small ammount of damage agenst it' date=' while also bieng able to hit it with a status condition.


Then you just need patients, and a lot of Dusk Balls. Yes, I'm recomending you do this at night.


The move "Flash" also works really well.


I used mine on Lugia, I probly shouldn't have though.

But Ho-Oh was stupid easy to catch DX

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Have fun trying to catch Mewtwo. Mewtwo has an even lower catch rate' date=' so if you were going to use your Masterball on anything, it'd be him. <_<



Oh damn it I gress I am going to buy 300 ulta balls, 300 other random balls



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I capped Ho-Oh in 7 Ultras, Lugia in 14, Suicune in 2, Zapdos in...... With all my resets.... at least 70 sum. Articuno, 14. I used the Masterball on Raikou. I was on the bus to DC, and I wasn't paying attention. I planned on using it for Mewtwo, but.....


Let's just say I wanna win the lottery >.> Highest I've gotten in that is 3rd Prize.

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I will build a special team just for the legendaries. I'll make it similar to the team I used in Diamond: At least 2 Intimidaters, paralizers (I used Luxray with Spark, but now there are a lot of legendaries that can be fainted unwillingly with that. Maybe I'll try Force Palm or Dragonbreath). Some tanks with stat-decreasing moves and maybe a pokemon with Super Fang or False Swipe. I remember capturing Giratina like this in Diamond: Sent Luxray, intimidated. Spark, paralyzed soon. Kept attacking until HP was almost over. Swapped with Staraptor 3 times, then a couple of Leer, and then, 1 single Ultra Ball. I hope I can catch something like that again...

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With enough soft resets, you can catch any legend in 1 Pokeball. It will take awhile, though.


I will build a special team just for the legendaries. I'll make it similar to the team I used in Diamond: At least 2 Intimidaters' date=' paralizers (I used Luxray with Spark, but now there are a lot of legendaries that can be fainted unwillingly with that. Maybe I'll try Force Palm or Dragonbreath). Some tanks with stat-decreasing moves and maybe a pokemon with Super Fang or False Swipe. I remember capturing Giratina like this in Diamond: Sent Luxray, intimidated. Spark, paralyzed soon. Kept attacking until HP was almost over. Swapped with Staraptor 3 times, then a couple of Leer, and then, 1 single Ultra Ball. I hope I can catch something like that again...



Or just get a Smeargle with False Swipe, Swords Dance and Spore. <_<


I used my Masterball on Lv70 Ho-oh. I had one use of it, so I decided that this was the time. That means, however, that Mewtwo and Rayquaza will have to be caught in Pokeballs. So when that time comes, it should be fun. <_<


Ho-oh - Adamant - Max HP - Masterball - 1

10 / 23 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 10


And again, HP is listed first and Speed last.


EDIT: Yes, I'm pretty sure Yellow Forest is wiped out once you reset your game, because you'll also have to reset your Pokewalker. But no one cares about Yellow Forest. If you do reset it, do it before an important event comes out, like the Celebi event or something.

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I'm about to fight the 2nd Gym...

Anyone want to rate my team...?


Quilava Lv17

Item: None


-Quick Attack




Hoothoot Lv15

Item: None






Flaffy Lv15

Item: None






Bellsprout Lv15

Item: Miracle Seed

-Vine Whip

-Bullet Seed


-Sleep Powder

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That doesn't mean I can't trade ARd items from my Diamond to SS

....I did smething like that with Platinum.

I would transfer like 6 Pokemon a day, each with Rare Candies.


........In the end, I have like 3 level 75s, a level 66, and a Kyogre thats level100(I transfered it)


Legit cheating ftw :>

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