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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 4!!! ~Ended~ look out for the new beginings in part 5!


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Poseidon: And now I present to you two, your duel disks.

Poseidon held up two Duel Disks, lightweight, with the colour of the dorms on them

Poseidon: The rest will be commisioned after the opening duel.

Poseidon walks over to Seijin and Michak and whispers: "Good luck boys, you're gonna love this" he then winks and walks backwards, allowing the ceremony duel to take place, this was going to be great, and the only two people who knew what was about to happen was Poseion and Chancellor Sheppard.


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  'awesome66 said:

Michael: "My go! I play my continues spell Card Trader! I will set a monster' date=' then I will activate double summon to set yet another monster. I set 1 card face down and end.




OOC: Ok.. now you can start...


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Michael: "My turn! I activate Pot of Greed! I draw two cards, next I use Card Traders effect, I send my Wall of Illusion to my deck and shuffle." He shuffles his deck "Next I draw 1 card!" He drew a card. "I activate Graceful Charity! I draw 3 cards, and I will discard my two Molten Zombies. I end."


Field: 2 set


S&T: 1 face down, Card Trader (continuos)


Hand: 2


Life Points: 8000

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  'Majoras said:

OOC: So many banned cards... @.@ I know there's no ban list in this RP' date=' but it's still weird to me. XD




OOC: Same here. But If they can use banned cards, we can too :D


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OOC: Is it? Alright. That's less of a nightmare then. I keep my decks tight to the latest banlists as well, but. I may just build a partially banned deck for this RP. No worries though, I probably won't go around running the Envoy's. XD (I might though. :O)

OOC: Are they planning on commencing this duel? >.>;

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Seijin: okay...now I activate the Mystic Garden!(OOC:I'm sure DA knows which deck I'm using by now)



Then I summon the Mystic Guardian! Ayemi!



And her effect allows me to special summon another Mystic Guardian! So I choose Mystic Guardian Chibi!




And sinc I special Summoned A Mystic Guardian I can activate one of my Garden's effects, so I'll discard two cards from your hand!Then I end My turn








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Michael: "First, I activate a second Pot of Greed! I draw 2 cards...I activarte MST to destroy your field spell, next I activate Dark Hole! It destroys all monsters on the field. My face downs were Emissaries of the Afterlife! We each put 1 level 3 or lower Normal Monster from our decks to our hands and show them to our opponent. I choose the left and right arms of the forbidden one! Next, now that I have 6 monsters in my Graveyard, I activate my face down Backup Soldier! I get back my legs. I end."


Hand: 4


Field: 0


S&T: 1 Card Trader


LP: 8000

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