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Flurry of Synchros!

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this is my attempt at using Synchros, i've never used them before so this will fail, but wtf. i'll give it a shot!


Monsters: 22

x3 Caius

x2 Raiza

x1 Mobius

x3 Krebons

x3 Rose Warrior of Revenge

x1 Cyber Dragon

x3 Tricky

x1 Shiba Warrior Taro (DOGGY!!!)

x1 Plaguespreader

x1 Treeborn

x1 Summoner Monk

x1 Marshmalon

x1 Sangan


Spells: 10

x1 Reborn

x1 MST

x1 Heavy

x1 Vortex

x3 Cold Wave

x1 Brain Control

x1 Bait Doll

x1 Soul Exchange


Traps: 9

x3 Solemn

x1 Torrental

x3 Roar

x1 Mirror

x1 Drastic Dropoff (filler)



The regular stuff


Total: 41


bad isn't it? help me out a bit, i need to know what to fix.

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Not bad however please consider.


-1 Swords

-1 The Tricky

-1 Siprit Reaper

-1 Mobius

+1 Caius

+1 Cyber Dragon

+1(at least) Summoner Monk

+1 Soul Exchange


(I like this. Just consider this.I'm not going to put this down there.)

-1 Dark Resignator

+1 Krebons(for Monarchs)

-1 Drastic Dropoff (filler)

+1 Summoner Monk


Monsters: 21

x3 Caius

x2 Raiza

x1 Mobius

x2 Krebons

x1 Dark Resinator

x3 Rose Warrior of Revenge

x2 Tricky

x1 Shiba Warrior Taro (DOGGY!!!)

x1 Plaguespreader

x1 Treeborn

x1 Summoner Monk

x1 Marshmalon

x1 Sangan

x1 Cyber dragon


Spells: 10

x1 Reborn

x1 MST

x1 Heavy

x1 Vortex

x3 Cold Wave

x1 Brain Control

x1 Bait Doll

x1 Soul Exchange


Traps: 8

x3 Solemn

x1 Torrental

x3 Roar

x1 Mirror

x1 Drastic Dropoff (filler)


I just joined this website, so I may not be as great as editing, but this is what i think you might want to consider.=)

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