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god deck: fun project

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now befor u all tell me this deck is forbidden in even traditional(I ALREDY NO THAT). its only a fun project. ive put together my dino deck and want to try out the gods. please rate this deck and if their is any mistakes in the deck please tell me and help me fix it thnks



Obelisk the Tormentor

the winged dragon of ra

Slifer the Sky Dragon

Gilasaurus x3

cyber dragon

Marauding Captain x3

chainsaw insect x3

tree born frog

spirit reaper

Gene Warped Warwolf x3

Cyber Jar

goblin attack force



soul exchange x3

monster reborn

scape goat

brain control

Swords of Revealing Light

Lightning Vortex

shallow grave x3

Mystical Space Typhoon

Mausoleum of the Emperor



metal reflect slime x3

dust tornado x2

Solemn Judgement x2

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lol using all 3 god cards


First off, Each god card has its own stratagy, And requires it owns specific deck-type. Craming them all into 1 deck with a bunch of Special Summoning monsters, will not work, and will just be inconsistant

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