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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Apparently we're going to do a Club RP thing based on what Nex said, instead of Rox writing it as a fic. But apparently we just need your approval or something before we start. And no, we're not using KH characters, we're using ourselves. :P

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Probably not.


Since Roxas was the one to make the fic piece he contributed the most to it so if it get's popular he should be the one to start it. Or maybe me, though I don't know what to do as an opening post.


Sorry but I think it is important for people to get rewarded for thier work.


Plus applying your logic we might as well let Awesome/Sakuya/Xirno/Luxlord/Dvok/Skuldur start the rp since they never had posted a club rp thread period.

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Can you guys promise me somthing... can you promise me that no matter what happens' date=' we will all remember eachother, so that we can all feel like we will never leave eachother even though we haven't met.

So many people are leaving me in my life and forgetting me, I need to know that we will never forget eachother.

*right now I am actually crying*



Oh get over it you whiny jabroni.






Hah! Due the great emotional trauma I have caused Luxlord, this event will most likely torment him for the rest of his life, thus preventing him from forgetting me and, by extension, Organization XIII. Therefore I have managed to managed to do the right thing and be a blunt insensitive jerk at the same time.


I will then gather some of the finest innovative minds and use our combined intellect to establish a company so powerful it controls the world (I think I'll call it Silver Hourai Innovations Northwest - Revolutionary Arcana). Then, when Luxlord marries a generic bishonen, I'll show up at his wedding and shoot him in just the right point of his brain to render him in a comatose state.


About 3 months later he'll wake up and go on a killing spree attempting to avenge his groom (Luxlord would obviously be the more effeminate one, thus making him the bride) which he thought was killed, but was really just absorbed into darkness, manipulated by Davok (who was simply bored), and was corrupted and mind haxxorzed into believing it was Luxlord who killed him.


After surprising Luxlord and hitting him with some evil fire, the generic bishonen (who has by now developed an insane superiority complex) will take his sword and try to kill Davok for his power, leaving Lux with a wooden sword for no adequately explored reason, other than to alert everyone reading this (that hasn't already realized it) that the generic bishonen is modeled after a complete ripoff of Riku.


However, in his despair induced rage, Luxlord will throw his wooden sword into a pool of nearby water. A fairy will then arise from the depths and toss his sword back at him, newly transformed into something that can actually cut paper.


After 50 episodes of generic filler, Luxlord will finally arrive at the Domain of Davok, and his plot advancement senses will tell him that the groom is nearby. Upon stumbling into Davok's throne room, he will find the two of them engaged in a battle, because he was pissed that Davok beat him in a game of checkers, accusing him of cheating (because Davok is really really bad at checkers). While stopping to grumble about how chess is better, Davok lets himself get knocked over, because he grew bored again.


The Groom will then stand over Davok, thinking he has won, and begin to say that overused "I have become death, destroyer of worlds!" line. However as he says "I am death!" Luxlord will shout "Then allow me to be your Dealer!" and throw a card that manages to strike him right in the jugular.


As Luxlord kneels over him, he holds out his hand, begging for help. Luxlord will respond by slapping him, saying "That's for letting my cookies burn because you were busy god modding in an RP thread, Mineku."


Luxlord will then proceed to break into my unnecessarily tall building, and proceed to kill all the great minds I collected. However, little does he know that when the last one falls, the company will be under my absolute control.


As he is about to strike me down (I'm calmly sitting in my office, enjoying a crepe) I'll just smirk as a figure appears behind him and stabs him through the heart with an odd, key-shaped blade. He'll then approach my desk expectantly, and I'll hand him a toasty smore I baked earlier, explaining "My end of the bargain, just as promised". Roxas will then exclaim "Hell yes!" and teleport away with his treat.


After rifling through my desk a bit, I'll produce a dark red crystal and siphon Luxlord's soul into it. After compressing his soul into pure energy, I will then insert the gem into a strange machine behind me. As the smoke clears from the chamber attached to it, an Organization Coat Moogle will step out and we will have tea and be BESTEST KUPO FRIENDS!


As Roxas sits on the clock tower about to enjoy his toasty smore, Davok will suddenly appear, grab the smore, and run off. The scene will then fade to black as Roxas chases Davok yelling a string of profanities.


And then the credits shalt roll onwards!



Achievement Unlocked: Magnificent Bastard

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