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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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LArxene? Why not Clairex?


How about the ability to absorb the feelings of fer from others and use it strengthen yourself? That way if you rip a guys through out with your nails in ront of people you will gain a huge amount of energy just from killing tht guy.


It's like being paid to sit around' date=' you were doing it anyway, now you just have benefits for it.


Lar just fill out he form, the club has one so you are technically accusing Animablade of being a fat idiot.



Yes, use this as my ability. It sounds awesome.


And go with Larxene cause I'm more well known on YCM with that name.



Also, give me a badass final form.


To get the form please go to my thread in general.

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Ugh. Stubborn. >>;;




Name In Game: Larxene

Part: Main Villain / Final Boss

Any skills you want: Gaining power from absorbing people's fear' date=' or whatever Nexev said.

Why you want to take part: Because I said so.

Are you active on ycm? Extremely. I just don't post much.



Accepted. Could you please post it in the thread please? Cause that is were I am getting the data.

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Don't worry Lar not only am I a in game shop keeper I am also the story writer.


I plan on making you orchastrate a near genocidal event and even though you are defeated the plan is commenced and the world learns to fear your name, which you absorb to become the ultimate boss (complete with a remix of Dancing Mad).


At charzard, I'll do it for her.

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Don't worry Lar not only am I a in game shop keeper I am also the story writer.


I plan on making you orchastrate a near genocidal event and even though you are defeated the plan is commenced and the world learns to fear your name' date=' which you absorb to become the ultimate boss (complete with a remix of Dancing Mad).


At charzard, I'll do it for her.




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Forms are for idiots and fat people.


Make me the final boss or I castrate you.


you just called 65% of our club idiots and fat people XD



Copy and paste.


I'm much lazier than you are' date=' so just copy my form and add it to your post yourself.



Wow lar, your laziness unshines like a dark hole. You really showed your laziness today.

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Oh, my, God... I just remembered that you have to fight this Fortress/Tank like Heartless in Beasts Castle. For me, it was a Betch...

When I played the Japanese version I said: "Wow, I'm never doing that again."

Well... looks like I'm going to, but I havent gotten to that point. I hope I do soon, just to get it over with >_>

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I filled out the form because I noticed people getting refused when they didn't.



I remember laughing at the amazement of "Oh my God he filled out the form!" XD


Also' date=' discuss how epic the moogles are in Days: [img']http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/1/1d/Organization_Moogle.png[/img]



They actually look like that? O.o


I want Days even moar now.

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Lux' date=' that challenge you submitted wasn't hard at all. =/



Also, I second being Lar's Minion-but-not-really.


Fill this form



Name In Game:

Part: (Examples include: Storyline writer, Main character, Villain, Npc's, Normal Character, Spriters, And basically whatever you want)

Any skills you want: (Stuff like special moves, If you want I can even put stuff like a rick rolling skill in this.)

Why you want to take part:

Are you active on ycm?


Hair Color:

Hair Style:

Armor Color:

Wing Color (Optional):

Male Or Female:

Class (Warrior, Paladin, Doom Knight, Priest, e.t.c):

Anything Else:


@ what you would be topic: I would be the guy people ask to do things for, because I'll wind up doing them if I am bothered enough to keep me from getting side tracked.


I'll also be a recluse who chats on the internet allot. (His weapon is a laptop which also makes him the only member to always have his weapon out).

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