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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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To be honest' date=' the Disney worlds were one the things that made KH2 fun for me. "/


I'm not getting it.


I'm saving up for a PS3 and I would need the birthday money that I would otherwise spend.


I'm saving up on tabletop wargames and RPGs!




KH3. <3




My brother will probably be getting a PS3 for Christmas. :D

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Steal it?


Where would put it I may ask?


Host is too young to have a house and if Davok were to revel himself in order to obtain one he will be captured for breaking the parole the immortals sent upon him.


I would like to play tabletop but no one to ply with. They should make a virtual one (that way you can play online using virtual pieces and can communicate via microphone or text).


Edit: Either Demyx played with the colors or Host's life just got a whole lot harder.

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Steal it?


Where would put it I may ask?


Host is too young to have a house and if Davok were to revel himself in order to obtain one he will be captured for breaking the parole the immortals sent upon him.


I would like to play tabletop but no one to ply with. They should make a virtual one (that way you can play online using virtual pieces and can communicate via microphone or text).


Any other thing is' date=' [i']how the hell will we be able to steal it?[/i] We live in the same freaking body for My sake. What will we do? Close our eyes and pretend it's gone?


Actually, I think in Games Workshop stores they might host games or intro games or something like that. Still, @bolded: Same here. <:(

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Wheeee, I haz my Fays nao. Gonna play it~


@Nex: Sephiroth isn't SUPPOSED to do anything useful in KH. KH is supposed to be driven by its own plot and villains - Nomura stated multiple times that the FF cameos were just that, cameos. They are not intended to have big roles.


This is also why there will not be any FF worlds.


@Phoenix: Do it. FFVII is a GREAT game. Like I said, the only thing that destroys Cloud and Sephiroth is the fact that their fanbases totally overhype them ridiculously. By themselves, they're still awesome characters. They're just not friggin gods.


Besides, Cloud and Sephiroth in their actual games have a few significant differences from their KH counterparts.


@NEX again: Setzer was from FFVI. He was in KH.

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I had someone go fetch Days earlier today, so on the off chance it's some sort of competition, I've had mine since 6 or 7 hours ago.


Also, I got ODST and Dissidia.






I think we all know that by now.



Also' date=' the (not so) new club thread needs this picture, and this seems a perfect opportunity to present it:



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I said more, I did not imply that their were no characters before final fantasy 7. I would just like to see more characters of the older generations in Birth By Sleep.


Especally since BBS is in the past, it seems like a good enough excuse as any to make one.


Finally: KH had a huge amount of the storyline (both long term and shot term) driven by Disney villians. Giving FF a better presence is therefore not to uneasonable.


This is if the world are affected in a major way by the heartless so you aren't jut redoing the game. For example what if Garland was attempting to sacrifice Princess Sarah in a spell that will cover the worlds hearts in darkness (essentially like spicing up a meal). Thus making the world easy pickings for the heartless and making the heartless made from he hearts in this world much more powerful. He is stopped but uses the ritual on himself and becomes the great heartless Chaos.


The plot is reminiscent of Final Fantasy but not to the point where it is like replaying the game. Also the plot is short so it can fit into one level.


Edit: Gasp, Churro did not offer anybody a delicious home cooked meal with a carbonated beverage! Clearly he is a impostor.


I have my eye on you...

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No' date=' but you could blame Host like you did with that murder charge.



What murder charge?


This one


Zex' date=' do what you must to get me that PSP. xD I kid, I'll be getting my job at Gamestop soon. <3 40% discounts ftw.



I could kill to get it. <3


No. No way. You are not getting my body on a murder charge again. Remember last time?


Okay, how was I suppose to know that social worker would suddenly retroactively jump in the way of my raised knife? That's just crazy talk.

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No' date=' but you could blame Host like you did with that murder charge.



What murder charge?


This one


Zex' date=' do what you must to get me that PSP. xD I kid, I'll be getting my job at Gamestop soon. <3 40% discounts ftw.



I could kill to get it. <3


No. No way. You are not getting my body on a murder charge again. Remember last time?


Okay, how was I suppose to know that social worker would suddenly retroactively jump in the way of my raised knife? That's just crazy talk.


That's what we call deliberate manslaughter.

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