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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Well I dont believe my gamestop has FFX-2... so I'll have to skip that.

As for FFXII, I believe they have ONE copy of it.


But I have to wait till Wednesday to go to gamestop... the day AFTER Days comes out... but I dont have to worry about finishing it last because I already beat it. You all just have to compete for second... (Wow I sound like a doosh and I dont mean to...)

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I did this once before. For me, it goes:


10) Final Fantasy - Kinda boring, and with very little development.


9) FF2 - Much more storyline than 1, but still a little boring. Also frustrating at times.


8) FF3 - Story-wise, it was about as good as FF2, no doubt. But it had much more fun-factor in the gameplay.


7) FF9 - Eh, I just really didn't like this game. Most of the characters were bland and uninteresting. The story was among the lower rungs in the series, and it just didn't tickle my fancy. Zidane and Kuja are alright characters, but they weren't good enough for the story to center around them, in my opinion.


6) FF5 - Never actually played it, but it's supposed to be pretty good. Plus, it has Bartz, and he's cool. =P And GIRUGAMESH.


5) FF6 - Epic game is epic, with teh Kefkas and teh Tinas, and teh Setzer gambling away his money. Needz remakes PLZKTHX.


4) FF4 - Most underrated game EVAR. Srsly. FF4 is awesome, and Cecil and Golbez are awesome, and teh story is awesome, and teh moosic is awesome. GOOD GAMES MAEK MEH TAK LAIK DIS.


3) FFXII - Hugest Final Fantasy ever. So much to do, so much extra content. The story is also very epic. Not as good as the next three, but still incredibly epic. Vaan is kinda annoying at times, and most of the resentment for him comes from the fact that the story was told from his PoV, and he's a pretty bad Main Character. But Ashe and balthier are both awesome, and are far more important to the storyline than Vaan is. Anyway, great game.


2) FF7 - This one would be above 8, except that I'm rating it singularly here. As a series collective (as in, if we rate this game based on every game in the FFVII continuity), then it would be above 8, and maybe even X. But, rating it as just by itself, it's not that high. still epic though. The amount of storyline in this game is amazing, and it can get really addictive. This game is by far the most overrated series in the title, but it's still great, nonetheless.


1) FF8 - I don't really know what to say here. Just that the story is wow. I really got into it. Squall is also an epic Main character, and a total badass. Kingdom Hearts does not do him proper justice. In fact, just about the entire cast of characters in this game were pretty awesome, which is a first for the series. Anyway, you'd love it.


I didn't include FFX, since you already played it, but I rate it highest, for the record.

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Everything about FFVIII is pure win.


Squall is my favorite main character, and The Extreme is one of the most awesome final battle themes ever. It's seriously on Touhou's level of musical awesomeness.


Also, here's my ranking for it...


I posted it on Drift a while back.



Keep in mind that for FF7, I'm only ranking the original game.


And I DO now own the PSP version of FF2, but I haven't played much of it.


I wrote this months ago, so ignore any obvious faults.




#12. Final Fantasy II

The leveling up system is just stupid. I haven't played much of this game, since I don't own it. I've only played it on emulators. I've heard that the PSP version is better, but I really can't say.


#11. Final Fantasy XI

I don't like MMORPGs. I've never played this game, nor do I have any desire ever to play it. Also, I think you have to pay to get online with it. I don't know, that's what my brother said. The only reason I've put this above FF2 was because I've never played it, and for all I know it might be okay.


#10. Final Fantasy IX

Everyone I know who's ever played this game says it's terrible. There are other people who love this game, and some who completely hate it. I've also heard that it's really slow. Once again, I've never played this one, and I'm just judging based on what I know about it.


#9. Final Fantasy I

I actually do like this game. However, it takes an extremely long time to find Gil, so much to the point where I end up being so over leveled that it takes a lot of the fun out sometimes. I'm hoping that this will change later in the game, but I haven't gotten very far yet so I wouldn't know.


#8. Final Fantasy III

Another game I liked, but unfortunately I liked most of them. Obviously some of them are going to be near the bottom. The job system is okay, but it's so much better in FF5 which surpasses this game in every way. I just wish they would remake FF5 for DS too. (And FF6.) Leveling up early in the game is extremely tedious, to the point where I literally spent hours just trying to get strong enough to survive the next area. The Final Boss was a bit disappointing once I knew what to do though.


#7. Final Fantasy V

It's like FF3 except better. I haven't gotten very far in it yet, so I won't go into too much detail. From what I've heard though, this has some of the best game play in the entire series. The only disappointment is the story. It sucks. Which is sad, considering that the games directly before and after it both had amazing stories. Also, Gilgamesh's battle theme kicks serious ass.


#6. Final Fantasy X

Don't get me wrong, I really like this game. The sphere grid system kind of annoys me though. I guess it's just one of those things you either love or you hate. Also, the voice acting is pretty terrible, Tidus is a cry baby, and I want to stab Wakka in the face. I like Seymour and Yuna though. They're two of my favorite characters in the entire series.


#5. Final Fantasy VII

I know what you're all thinking. "Final Fantasy VII isn't #1? BLASPHEMY!!!". To be honest, FF7 is the most overrated game in the series. Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but there are some flaws. First of all, the graphics are just annoying. I know it was the first 3D Final Fantasy, but I just wish they would have waited. I spent 20 minutes stuck in the Train Graveyard because I was 1 pixel off. I couldn't get out. Also, they changed the Fanfare. Other than that, I liked pretty much everything else about this game. This is a game that needs to be remade. Once they do, I'll probably move it up.


#4. Final Fantasy XII

This is, by far, the longest Final Fantasy game. Seriously, there is just so much to do. There's the hunts, the secret Espers, the Sky Pirate's Den, and so many other things to do. However, the storyline isn't that great. It also has the worst "main character" in the entire series, Vaan. He annoys me. A lot. I want to shoot him in the face. Also, Gambits make this a game for the extremely lazy. Like me! =D


#3. Final Fantasy VI

This was where it got really hard to choose for me. I'm only putting FF6 here because I haven't played very far into it. However, my brother will not shut up about how good this game is. Not to mention the fact that it has one of the best villains and some of the best music in the series. If it's as good as my brother says it is, this will probably move up once I play it.


#2. Final Fantasy IV

If FF7 is the most overrated game in the series, this is definitely the most underrated. I almost never hear this game mentioned. This game has awesome characters, and a great story. It's also one of the harder games I've played, especially the new DS version which got a huge difficulty increase since the SNES and GBA versions. I haven't beaten this game yet, but I'm pretty close. Also, this song kicks ass.


#1. Final Fantasy VIII

This was the very first Final Fantasy game I ever beat, and it's definitely my favorite. The thing I really like, is the fact that enemies level up with you. It prevents you from power leveling your way through the game. The Junction system is also really unique and fun, but it's also one of the most criticized games in the series because of this. However, this game had one of my favorite stories, and Final Ultimecia's boss theme scares me. (In an awesome way.) Unfortunately, most people would rather play FF7 over this game.



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Speaking of Squall' date=' I wonder why they changed his name in KH.



His name is still Squall.


He assumes the name Leon because "Squall" was shamed for being unable to protect those he cared about from the Heartless when his home world, the Radiant Garden, was consumed by darkness.


You would know this if you paid attention to backstory in KH 1.

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Noticed, I was laughing for some reason though


Rua' date=' proceed to kill this Axel impersonator!


I believe that both of them will not be accepted because of their poor grammar.



He won't be active for a while... *grins*



I've noticed this a while ago' date=' but it must be said. Rua, who the hell said you could get rid of the Dark Knight Cecil avatar?



Because I got a new computer, and it's not in my pictures.


You really liked it?

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Speaking of Squall' date=' I wonder why they changed his name in KH.



His name is still Squall.


He assumes the name Leon because "Squall" was shamed for being unable to protect those he cared about from the Heartless when his home world, the Radiant Garden, was consumed by darkness.


You would know this if you paid attention to backstory in KH 1.


I never played the first KH, but KH Wiki helps. And even before I discovered KH Wiki, I knew about this. >_>


And for some reason, the name "Squall" makes me think of Pokemon. o.O The hell is wrong with me?

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@Awesome: It's supposed to be a battle theme, It would be an awesome one since that is what you are trying to do. Kill the hero. However hero is stated mockingly as the boss (me) expresses doubt on your noble intentions.


Also you know what would be a great villain, a deluded foe who slaughters many people simply for money and XP. In sort he is essentially the gamer. After all allot of times a guy will grind foes simply so he can get he money to buy that fancy sword or the xp to reach the next level. However this might be better if it was a MMO villain (since that is where grinding is most common).

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@Awesome: It's supposed to be a battle theme' date=' It would be an awesome one since that is what you are trying to do. Kill the hero. However hero is stated mockingly as the boss (me) expresses doubt on your noble intentions.


Also you know what would be a great villain, a deluded foe who slaughters many people simply for money and XP. In sort he is essentially the gamer. After all allot of times a guy will grind foes simply so he can get he money to buy that fancy sword or the xp to reach the next level. However this might be better if it was a MMO villain (since that is where grinding is most common).



Fancy sword. I like fancy swords. Or swords in general.


And, it would make a good battle theme I suppose, but the song itself I am not a fan of.


Do you think the song I suggested would be a good battle theme?


I thnk it would, except for the fact that it would be weird ending and then restarting, because there's a big finish at the end.

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Speaking of Squall' date=' I wonder why they changed his name in KH.



His name is still Squall.


He assumes the name Leon because "Squall" was shamed for being unable to protect those he cared about from the Heartless when his home world, the Radiant Garden, was consumed by darkness.


You would know this if you paid attention to backstory in KH 1.


I just started KH 1, so im going kind of slow to get everything.

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You just need to apply doublethink later.


That way you can deny ever having to endure that level.


(Doublethink is the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them....To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.)


Thus that way you can acknowledge you have the items from the mermaid level (which you can only get from that level) and still deny having to go through the level.

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