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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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@Nexev: I especially liked the part where Host had any choice in the matter. It was amusing.


I am so totally gonna split you in two. And I did have a choice in the matter! I could have mentally blocked you two the moment you appear through the vortex!


As if you were in a mental state at the time to- SHUT UP AND STOP REVEALING MYSTERIOUS BACKSTORY.


Who here wants to know how me and Demy came by Host~

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@Nexev: I especially liked the part where Host had any choice in the matter. It was amusing.


I am so totally gonna split you in two. And I did have a choice in the matter! I could have mentally blocked you two the moment you appear through the vortex!


As if you were in a mental state at the time to- SHUT UP AND STOP REVEALING MYSTERIOUS BACKSTORY.


Who here wants to know how me and Demy came by Host~



I do! I do!

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@Nexev: I especially liked the part where Host had any choice in the matter. It was amusing.


I am so totally gonna split you in two. And I did have a choice in the matter! I could have mentally blocked you two the moment you appear through the vortex!


As if you were in a mental state at the time to- SHUT UP AND STOP REVEALING MYSTERIOUS BACKSTORY.


Who here wants to know how me and Demy came by Host~


You are living under Davok's (not you Davok, but Davok the YCM Member) roof, and you should live under his rules. Because you are living under the roof of his head, you must obey him.


That being said, go ahead and share. :3

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You DO relize that your talking about an evil mastermind and......Demyx right?


No. There are THREE people.


Demyx - They innocence and child like part of his mind. The parts of which that fuel his humor, his kindness, and his positivity.


Davok the YCM Member - The middle, problem solving part of his brain. He obviously has to keep the two polar opposites from fighting, and his mission is to make sure they don't. Obviously, that means he must be good at conflict resolution, and problem solving.


Davok - The darkness, and knowledgable part of his mind. The part of his mind that ate from the tree of life, and is negative, skeptical, sarcastic, and evil. He also enjoys long walks on the beach, torturing people in a dark basement, and good literature.

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You DO relize that your talking about an evil mastermind and......Demyx right?


No. There are THREE people.

Davok the YCM Member - The middle' date=' problem solving part of his brain. He obviously has to keep the two polar opposites from fighting, and his mission is to make sure they don't. Obviously, that means he must be good at conflict resolution, and problem solving.



Obviously, he's not very good at his job...

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You DO relize that your talking about an evil mastermind and......Demyx right?


No. There are THREE people.

Davok the YCM Member - The middle' date=' problem solving part of his brain. He obviously has to keep the two polar opposites from fighting, and his mission is to make sure they don't. Obviously, that means he must be good at conflict resolution, and problem solving.



Obviously, he's not very good at his job...


Well, Davok requires special attention, like that one kid in class that no matter how many detentions he recieves, he never changes. Eventually, one will break down. One will give in, and one will lose.


Who will it be?

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@awesome66: >.< I'm called Host, remember? Also, this is assuming that those two guys were always there in the first place. They freaking forced their way into my head.


Oh come on, your still raving on about that? If it weren't for us, you would've still been shut up in thaSTOP REVEALING MYSTERIOUS BACKSTORY.


@Luxlord: ...he's dead Jim.


:O Fruit punch! *laps up puddle of blood*


I luv fruit punch!

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Yah, I thought it might be a cool idea... The main characters comming into the cartoon world like, well, cartoons (...more cartoonie than they are now, like what happened when Sora and his zoo pals went to The Timeless River) and then, they find themselves in the real world (New York) and look more like actual people (not that they dont already... but they COULD make them look MORE like real people.)

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WOW! Enchanted was DEFINATELY one of the best Disney movies I've seen in a long time.

(lol I dont know how else to word it)

Maybe... JUST maybe... Kingdom Hearts would make an Enchanted wor- *gets shot*

....I think hes dead...


*Starts kicking Marly's dead body*


Yup! He's dead all right. Might as well get this cleaned up before Davok's high wears off. OK, now where's my bib, knife and fork at?

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WOW! Enchanted was DEFINATELY one of the best Disney movies I've seen in a long time.

(lol I dont know how else to word it)

Maybe... JUST maybe... Kingdom Hearts would make an Enchanted wor- *gets shot*


I know. =D


Also, it's highly likely that I have had the Swine Flu now for the past couple of days. It's really not that bad.

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@Zex: I'm saving to get the swap top thingy first. I'm only sevseven bucks short. Dx But I'll let you know when. Meanwhile, I must play Pokemon Emerald until I get my DsI for my 18th this year. >.<


P.S.: If anyone could give me a decent moveset for a Houndoom, that'd be great.

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Enchanted will be a terrible world, for one thing Enchanted is already taking place in two different realities.


Plus their are other things to consider, such as heartless in New York would defeat the purpose of it being in the real world. Plus the themes of moderation (with the Love at first sight of the fantasy and the fear of taking the next step in reality) out of place (the whole theme of being taking away from what was your norm and living in a world with entirly differnt customs is rndered meaningless when the protagonist has shape shifted at least 3 times and lived in worlds made from data, worlds of the past, china, AND the African savanna.


It makes more sense to make a power ranger world where you get to play megazord mini games and Drive become various power ranger uniforms.


Also I finished Solus, Luxlord, Amythest, Skuldur, and Awesome's power and weapons, I had Amythest's done a while ago but he never seemed to care so I didn't bother showing it.

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Well your power is not particularly interesting I'm afraid. You can store energy into crystals. The crystals are extremely efficient and can cause effects by having them in certain powers (all null elemental though). The energy can also heal. It's more of a tactical skill than any others (even more than Zex who can use his distance alteration to make him impossible to hit). However with your power you can essentially sacrifice MP to create crystal Potions, Ethers, even phoenix downs as well as the ability to make Magicite and crystal bombs.


Your weapon Omnicryst, is a hollow crystal ball with several small gems inside it. Since the gems are empowered and the crystal ball magnifies energy you give out it allows you to cast stronger spells through the orb at low mana. (If for example you knew fire, the with the crystal you can use a quarter of the mana and cast Fira).


I wish to add that while I make powers, granted that these powers are for us in the Ultima Dissidia universe we also have our own classes. I am a white mage (since I am virtually useless at doing things besides getting ideas or gathering knowledge). However my ability of Refinement makes my spells fr stronger than normal.

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Also I finished Solus' date=' Luxlord, Amythest, Skuldur, and Awesome's power and weapons, I had Amythest's done a while ago but he never seemed to care so I didn't bother showing it.



Power. Nao.



Also, you spelled "Amethyst" wrong twice >_>


It was an accident. Pwease don't kill Nexev. ='( I wub him. <3


I also ripped your name. >=3 I just thought it was sexy. >.> The "Dark" is unoriginal, but I still think it's sexy.

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