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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Zex' date=' do what you must to get me that PSP. xD I kid, I'll be getting my job at Gamestop soon. <3 40% discounts ftw.



I could kill to get it. <3


No. No way. You are not getting my body on a murder charge again. Remember last time?


Okay, how was I suppose to know that social worker would suddenly retroactively jump in the way of my raised knife? That's just crazy talk.

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Zex' date=' do what you must to get me that PSP. xD I kid, I'll be getting my job at Gamestop soon. <3 40% discounts ftw.



I could kill to get it. <3


No. No way. You are not getting my body on a murder charge again. Remember last time?


Okay, how was I suppose to know that social worker would suddenly retroactively jump in the way of my raised knife? That's just crazy talk.


You are the craziest 13 year old I've ever met on the internet.



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Zex' date=' do what you must to get me that PSP. xD I kid, I'll be getting my job at Gamestop soon. <3 40% discounts ftw.



I could kill to get it. <3


No. No way. You are not getting my body on a murder charge again. Remember last time?


Okay, how was I suppose to know that social worker would suddenly retroactively jump in the way of my raised knife? That's just crazy talk.


You are the craziest 13 year old I've ever met on the internet.




I would have to agree.

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@Cedefia: Er, effect?


@Marly: You DO realize you should be using Booster Accessories, not just primary ones? You know those Purple accessories? What they do is multiply the power of your Yellow Accessories when certain conditions are met.


For example, the accessory "After Summon". It says "When you have used a Summon. x1.5". This means that once you have used a Summon, the power of your Yellow Accessories will be multiplied by 1.5.


So if you have, say, a Damage Ring (Damage +5%), and you use a Summon, your Damage Ring will now be Damage +7.5%.


Purple Accessories are very, very necessary if you want good effects. You can find out all about accesories by just pressing the Start Button when you're in the Accessory Menu.


As for what Yellows to equip, just select them based on what you do more often - if you attack physically a lot, look into accessories that can improve Physical Damage. stuff like that.


@Solus: Oh, do you still need those Swap Magic discs?

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Of couse the judge would believe him, he has no control over the prsonallities.


Incidentally Host's power is "Scissors and Glue" He can split an object into two or combine two objects. This could easily make him invincible but he is unable to control how it turns out (storyline wise Davok and Demyx was created by Host to get rid of his emotions so he can use his logic to rule the world, since they had most of the power Host was forced to refuse hoping it would completely reverse everything but it only fused the bodies.) Since Demyx refuses to play anything unsitar he wields a Sitar "LifeSong" which create living lego statues that Host can use his powers on to make virtully anything he wants (incidentally hindsight says this is good because the control in forms is Davok's thing while the fact that their toys mean that Demyx likes them, as for Host... maybe the Sitar will drown out their thoughts and give him a moment's peace).


I still haven't managed to make one for Awesome since Awesome is dark aligned and everything related to that is taken, incidentally I made a revamped version of Sakuya's power that allows her to drain youth from a target and them use the youth to force object or people into a younger state.

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Damnit! Ok, I will give a rep to someone who can give me a WORKING AND PAYMENT FREE link to (A) A download of Disney's Enchanted.

or (B) The actual video, online, where you just click and play. (Youtube doesnt have it)


I heard it was actually really good for a disney movie. By that I mean Disney has gone downhill ever since they stopped hand-drawing animated movies and putting them on the big screen.

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@Mar: Ideally, a good Booster Accessory is anything that can be active for as often as possible. For example, both Tidus and Terra maintain aerial combat for long periods of time, so giving them "In Midair" Boosters is a good idea.


The only ones you should avoid are 1.1 multiplyers, as they're hardly ever worth it. And yeah, Level ones are good choices, since they can be permanently active as long as you are a certain level.


I gave my Tidus three new Boosters to replace the less consistent ones - Level 100, Level Multiple of 4, and Level Multiple of 5. Since he's Level 100 now, and isn;t going anywhere, all three of those are permanently active, giving him a constant boost of at least 1.7 at all times. If he uses a Summon, he gets boosted to a 2.6 boost, and if he's in midair, he gets 2 more 1.2 boosts, bringing him to 3.7.


Add that to his two Muscle Belts (both of which boost Physical Damage by 15%), His Bravery Orb (Bravery Recovery Speed +20%), and Jet Engine (Chase Bravery Damage +10%), and...

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