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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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I made one based on how you like Cirno (since Teen Gohan's power would just mean a weapon that shoots laser beams).


I call it Shiva's Shooter. It's a bolt action rifle that fires icicles. The hooker is the ice can freeze not only people but can be frozen into shapes in midair (allowing you to make an ice cage, giant spear, or anything that suits your fancy). The ice cannot melt, it can only be shattered.


Anyway I had an idea were exemplary service or a history of loyalty and activeness in the club can be rewarded with a weapon, robot, or power. The items are designed by me since I would wind up doing it anyway. I have weapons and powers for all the three leaders already an I am pretty happy with them (not robots though).


So you should totally listen to my idea.

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being in a class of 25 people acting like 5 year olds will do that to ya. >_> I'm in an HTML class and most of them thought it would be easy and about half of them don't get it, oddly. So they start calling out for the teacher to help them, when she is already by providing notes.


It's been getting on her nerves(and mine) and she even threatened demerits for all. I know the teacher since I've had her for two years, and I told her I'm going to go crazy if it continues. -_-


A lot of students are switching since there's too many so the numbers might dwindle with time. <3

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O_o Wow, sucks to be you.


I can kind of relate that. Except, replace the 25 kids who act like 5 years old with two immortal, unliving souls tethered to the very fabric of reality through your mind and replace the HTML class for every freaking hour of the day. And also they are both insane, bickering, idiots.


Your face is an insane, bickering idiot.




*crickets chirping*


I won. :D

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[quote='Nexev' pid='2989876' dateline='1253267489']
[quote='Davok' pid='2989609' dateline='1253249979']
You know, if I had watched The Godfather I would make [i]suuuuuuch[/i] an appropriate reference right now.

[color=#800000]I don't really send out assassins to kill people. I just go and kill them personally.[/color]

Wait, but those times- I was asleep!

[color=#800000][i]You[/i] were.[/color]

O_O *becomes an insomniac*

[color=#0000CD]I like muffins![/color]


Gemni: No weapon until your older or a senior requests one. It's a sign of social status.


Then why didn't [i]I[/i] get a weapon? Or did I? I don't know.

Well, 11 days until I get 358/2 days. Since I reserved it.

Discuss a time where reserving a game went totally wrong. Hopefully, my first game reservation won't go wrong.
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being in a class of 25 people acting like 5 year olds will do that to ya. >_> I'm in an HTML class and most of them thought it would be easy and about half of them don't get it' date=' oddly. So they start calling out for the teacher to help them, when she is already by providing notes.


It's been getting on her nerves(and mine) and she even threatened demerits for all. I know the teacher since I've had her for two years, and I told her I'm going to go crazy if it continues. -_-


A lot of students are switching since there's too many so the numbers might dwindle with time. <3



Is that it? Well, that's a problem I can easily ignore, should that ever happen to me, once I enter college.

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[quote='Larxene' pid='2989900' dateline='1253268539']
[quote='Phantom Roxas' pid='2989625' dateline='1253251042']
[quote='Larxene' pid='2988829' dateline='1253236117']
His first response was the funniest. xD

...we're too easily amused.

EDIT: @Roxas: That Dissidia review? Yeah, I'll watch it a bit later, kay?

No, I'm talking about the video with Ryuk as Ghost Nappa that I showed it off for teh lulz.

I missed it.

Post it again?

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Last Christmas, grandparents reserved me a DSi (despite me repeatedly telling them not to), when it was time to pick it up, they wouldn't give me it due to some code on the back being worn.


My grandparents have quite the short temper, and when they heard that, they go into a cussing rage. >>;; We got our money back, but it was still embarrassing.

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'The Big Jumper' in Jenifer's Body, wasn't even a scary part... it's when one of the kids moves this big plastic sheet and it makes a REALLY loud noise... I was with a few friends and the one sitting to my right, Tanor, said it was the only scene that made him jump. The sound wasn't working for about five minutes and so the whole thetre started filling in by making made-up dialoge for the movie, I even joined in xD. All in all, the movie failed at being a horror movie, but it was funny and I HIGHLY recomend it if you want to see a disturbing AND funny movie.


(By 'the big jumper', I mean the part of a "scary movie" that makes you jump out of your seat by being suprised and having the most impact by making you jump most)

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Just finished watching Peter Jackson's King Kong. Really touching.


"Come now, with thy stings and arrows and stones, for thou shalt not harm me. Fashion thy blades with thy Humanity, and let emotion be thy hilt, then I shalt bleed." Anorvaad 7:14


@Luxlord: :/ I'm highly susceptible to Nightmare Fuel, so I don't really watch horror movies. Ever.

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Just got Dissidia~ =D

Like I was telling Zex, I didn't even know the PSP could handle graphics that good. =o I have really high expectations for BBS now.


Oh, I played as Squall first. Just cause. xD

And while I was at Gamestop, some people were making fun of Balthier's name. xD It was hilarious.

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