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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Which had better have Larxene. D<


...or Ansem. But only if he comes back with his original voice actor.


Not to mention Ansem has the best weapon (dark keyblade, IMO. So don't kill me...yet.)


Ansem is my favorite KH character. Now, if only we could get a game from HIS point of veiw, from HIS side of the story.


Sora says he destroyed Ansem in a flurry of light from Kingdom Hearts and never heard of him again.


Ansem says that he owned Sora with dark powers and sunk him into darkness permanantly, and everything in KH2 and CoM is a LIE.

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I doubt Lar will be in it. She is not a very storyline significant character in her game and in the series as a whole no matter how popular she is.


It would be like making Cid from Final Fantasy X playable.


There's a Cid in FFX? Either I haven't played in forever, or I haven't gotten that far.

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Roxas is a idiot that's what's wrong. It's like a freaking running joke in a manga.


Why Roxas did not find his homework.


Roxas thought that it was random encounter monster in his room. Hoever it nver attacked him no matter how many times he ran in circles.


Believe it or not, this actually does sum up what was happening about an hour ago.

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@Nex 2 pages ago: I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to play XIII for having an XBox. I'm saying that XIII should not have been ported to the xbox in the first place.


Besides, it's hardly worth it. The game has to be split into multiple discs, the graphics receive a serious downgrade, and there is going to be less additional content on the 360 version.



@Rua: Terra's story is easy. =/ Her attacks do overpowered Bravery damage. I was hoenstly expecting more 5-star difficulty. And yeah, it was kinda uninteresting, but all the scenes with Kefka made it worth it.


I seriously love Golbez. He's so awesome, all the time. And he;s acted like a mentor to several characters on multiple occasions, and as such, has been branded a traitor by Exdeath and the Emperor. xD But he's still awesome.


Also, I finished all the Story Modes today. I'm doing the "Final" story Mode now.


@Dissidia Sequel: If they do make one, it'll probably be like Super smash Bros. where they only add a small handful of extra characters from each game - The ones I can most assuredly predict are probably Maria, Setzer, Seifer, Rinoa, Vivi, Yuna, Seymour, Lightning, and Vaan, among others.


A few of those reflect my wants, but most of them just reflect who will most likely be included in all realism.


They'll probably add Sora and Riku as secret characters. Because including a badass like Ansem would just be silly.


Now, if a THIRD installment were to be released, then we'd probably see some real expansion in the character selection.



So I've decided that my top four characters in Dissida, by the way, are:


1) Tidus (gotta love his speed and his huge variety of dodge techniques)

2) Squall (wallslam, wallslam, and more wallslam. Also covers his bases with close-range and Long-range attacks)

3) Terra (her Bravery Attacks inflict very large amounts of damage, and it's really easy for her to exploit this by staying airborn and abusing Summons. I don't even use her special attack in EX Mode, I just use it for SpellSpam)

4) The Emperor (half the time, I literally don't have to move three feet from where I stand. I cast off mines, sigils, and the occasional far-range spell, and my opponent is drawn into an inescapable web of damage...)

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xD My mind was spacing on FFIV at the time, so I decided to just skip over it. But yes, Rydia is win.


They might add Heroine of Light from FFI xD

I don't remember III very well, so I dunno.

Haven't played V.

Oh yeah, forgot VII. Well, they'd obviously add Tifa, and maybe Aerith. If they need another villain, Genesis is a must. Or Kadaj.

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I bought 2 copies of disidia. And FFXVI Online seem like it will be f***ing awesome as well. Screw the X-Box owners' date=' they probably will ignore the game because the wanna be playing halo and chowing their fat asses with cheetos never to think like is necessary with a proper RPG..





Also, they should stop making the online games, Final Fantasy should only be a RPG game.

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