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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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I miss mostly because I have to keep moving. Tidus' defense isn't that great' date=' so it can be dangerous for him to stay still for too long, especially against Cloud.


Also, nice playing. =P I just broke level 50 myself today.



Thanks, I forgot about that, I use Tidus aswell sometimes.


The combo I used in the beginning of the battle is getting pretty good, I'm trying to master it.

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That's a very good question. As such' date=' I'm rejecting this application.


That's 1/3.


@Skuldur: Dooooo it. xD Then you can let the box taunt you while you wait for Christmas to get you a PSP.



And yes, FFXIII is going to be epic. Although I prefer not to think about it lately, because whenever I do, I start getting all antsy and hate that it's going to be forever and a day before it's finally released. >_> I STILL HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO PLAY THE DAMN DEMO.


But I've watched videos of it and it just seems so damn epic. And Versus XIII too.


[b']I'm still peeved that XIII is getting a 360 port[/b] (even if it is severely downgraded next to the PS3 version). It pisses me off. -.- Talk about lack of loyalty to your gamers, Sony.


But at least Versus XIII is staying a PS3 only title. And it had damn well better stay that way.

I have a 360. ARe you telling me that I should not be allowed to play FF XIII?


I would accept PAladin if I had the choice since he has a reason to join and we had dumber people join before.


Plus we have some sort of obligation as a stickied thread.

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Heartless would replace Manikin's.


Honestly can you imagine the effort required to make something like Neoshadow be a balanced character.


I am surprisingly good at Exdeath (by which I mean I am making good progress when I used him for the first time to play on the normal mode arcade). Even with the counters being tricky I can use the ground brave attacks to my advantage (my main problem is that I try to use one of the counters when I am on the ground). What I can't seem to counter the Onion Knights fast attacks.


He is still my favorite character since I don't wind up trying to bash certain attacks depending on the situation.

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Seymour wasn't chosen becaus the only relation he had to Tidus was that Tidus di not like him.


@Lar: the development team stated that Jecht had more of an emotional connection to Tidus than Seymour; choosing Seymour as the villain would require Yuna to be the playable hero, because of her ties to him. Since that makes sense I don't blame them in not choosing Seymour.

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