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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Ok' date=' I have glide. All I need now is Aerial Dodge. Even then, I;m super inefficient at the game, it will probably be till I get to LVL99 until I beat him... Brawl is one thing I'm great at, KH...well, on a scale of 1-100 with 100 being "Master Prodigy" I'd rank myself as 50. Not bad, but not great either. Brawl on the other hand, I'd rank myself as 95.



Brawl is such an overrated game. You couldn't possibly hope to rank yourself amongst this game, when we can easily say it is terrible compared to it's predecessor, Melee. >_>

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The full quote is even better. "Genocide is just another game. Weather it be humans or youkai, it's all the same to me."




Also, Skul, I answered your question on SoHD.


@Lux: While I won't deny that you're good, I wouldn't go so far as to say your friend is the ebst Falco player ever just because you can't beat him - seriously, there are people who nerd about this game endlessly and go do all the tournaments and junk, and other things I don't care about.


So I'm pretty sure those people are the ones who are the "best" anything at Brawl.

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I finally got un-grounded yesterday~

Welcome back parteh? Bring me your finest ale! We shall drink 'till the sun rises!


Genocide's not just another game, it's also the newest brand of Cereal from Kellog's! You can taste the shrills of terror in every bite!

I suck at trying to be funny. D:

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Ah yes, I did make that error, didn't I? Well, no one is perfect.


As for the ebst thing, that's because I tend to type very quickly, but don't always double-check what I hit, so sometimes I might prematurely hit one key before another appropriate one. In this case, I accidentally hit the B key after the E key.


At Lux: I'd recommend FFX, but everyone else is just going to tell you to play XII.

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I finally got un-grounded yesterday~

Welcome back parteh? Bring me your finest ale! We shall drink 'till the sun rises!


Genocide's not just another game' date=' it's also the newest brand of Cereal from Kellog's! You can taste the shrills of terror in every bite![/i']

I suck at trying to be funny. D:


That actually wasn't bad :D


I for one, however, suck.


No one noticed I was gone, I'm sure.


As for your first FF game, hmmm, I liked FF7 Crisis Core, personally.


I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

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Just to inform you guys, Dissidia isn't making such a great cut.


It was rated 6.5 on a scale of 10, and was said to be only good for people who didn't mind countless cutscenes, and fight after fight gameplay. Quoted by Game Informer, it's only a good game if you don't mind paying the money and also if you are more then a hard core Final Fantasy fan. Even though they added amazing character battles, and the countless spells and attacks are fun to combine, but it's replay value is low and the gameplay factor wasn't rated to well either. It's said that the macanics are unstable.


I feel bad for Square Enix. I think it's the lowest rated game they've made.

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And twenty years later, Cecil Harvey became a lonely, dateless man that the entire world has forgotten about, and all people can talk about is other people from who knows where, like this man named Cloud, and another named Sephiroth.


He currently owns 4 cats, 2 dogs, 9 birds, 24 fish, 3 snakes, 10 hamsters, and a bee hive. He currently lives in Ohio, on a cattle farm.


Best. Game. Evur.

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Well fortunately, we're mostly big FF fans here. I could care less about ratings.


I like fighting games. I like Final Fantasy. So yeah. Besides, isn't "Fight after fight gameplay" to be expected from a fighting game?


Or were they expecting puzzle, platform, and FPS gameplay? -.-

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Ah, you all speak of the Earthbound Immortals. I have obtained but one, the big whale one. Pardon me for not knowing the name, I keep up with the meta, but not much of the new cards, mainly because I don't have very many recent cards.


However, with a couple improvements, my Exodia deck can be quite effective.


Now, can we talk something more Enixy? Or perhaps lulzy?

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