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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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No it isnt, Awesome, its where I tell you you were misreading the topic. xD


We're discussing how powerful each member in the organization would be if LOGIC was the grounds for determining their strength. And according to Logic, Xigbar's Spatial manipulation is the most powerful ability one could possibly have, as it essentially allows you do anything you want.


If even makes him immune to Luxord's power, since Xigbar controls everything within the space of his influence, including the flow of time.

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Plus rapid fire snipers are win. If you're far away, and you miss, then you're screwed, though.


I know that was the discussion, but from what I saw, those were the most discussed members for the top spot. If they were to actually FIGHT, then it would come down to everyone's decision of move, which only the game designers could decide.


Unless they made it an anime, which 4Kids would proceed to hunt (If they haven't sold it yet), dub it (I believe that is the term for edit), and ruin it beyond belief. Then they would make Sora come out of nowhere and beat all three of them. Unrealisticly.

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Plus Xig would be unable to hurt people with his invisible guns.


However they could reduce this by lampshading this and making Xig suffer from depression due to his lack of gun-have.


The thing is is that they would make Xig win since as I said, space nullifies time and he could see through illusions since reality is what he decides, so he can just ignore the illusions and pretend everything is where he wants it to be.


However all of this would be off screen.


Dem controls 70% percent of the world and our bodies are 90% water or something. Demyx can control people.


Lightening blts reach temperatures greater than the sun. Basically if a person can use them with lar's speed she could cook you or maybe you'll explode because your blood evaporated and toke to much space than the body had (strangly since Ice expands you would also explode if Vex freezes your blood, scary isn't it).


Plants can be dangerous but they reside on water and can burn under lightning. Wind doesn't move lightening since it is energy so Xal would be hit by them. Plus Dem could use his water powers to make your blood stop, force choke, or make you explode.


List of people who can make you explode:

Xigbar (the space thing, this is a probbaly)

Vexen (you explodes then your blodd shatters on the ground as it slowly thaws, ooky spooky)

Demyx (he is techniqly the most app at it since he controls 90% of your body)

Zexion (you don't explode, you just THINK you exploded ooky spooky)

Axel (cooks you till you explode a la cat in microwave)

Lar (same as Axel but she is better at it)

Marly (your mom always said if you ate a watermelon seed a plant would grow in your body, ALWAYS listen to your mom)


Doesn't that list make you feel so comfortable around these people?



The ooky spooky thing is something I sarcasticly started saying and probbaly became a real life catch phrase. It means something that I should view as threatening is instead being looked aupon by uncaring eyes. In this case it just means freaky.

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Plus rapid fire snipers are win. If you're far away' date=' and you miss, then you're screwed, though.


I know that was the discussion, but from what I saw, those were the most discussed members for the top spot. If they were to actually FIGHT, then it would come down to everyone's decision of move, which only the game designers could decide.


Unless they made it an anime, which 4Kids would proceed to hunt (If they haven't sold it yet), dub it (I believe that is the term for edit), and ruin it beyond belief. Then they would make Sora come out of nowhere and beat all three of them. Unrealisticly.



Again, this has nothing to do with the Game Designers though. That would be considered canon, and canonically, Xemnas is the strongest Organization Member.


This fight scenario is simply based on real life standards of what someone who controls this kind of power can do.



@Nex: Yup, pretty much. DD, stop trying to boost Xal on the list out of favoritism.

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Isn't it creepy just how many people can make you explode in the Organization.


I think Nexev's the most disturbing as the skin pops leaving a perfectly frozen model of your body if it wasn't skin before that .


However Zexion's is probbaly the most terrifying, you'll be whimpering on your couch and when your friend tries to invite you over you will tearfully say "I can't I exploded". But maybe you DID explode and Zexion is just creating an illsuion of you so that people THINK you didn't. But maybe thier existence itself is an illusion that Zexion contrived around the exdploded person to confuse him. Or maybe its all one big bluff and it was all a bad dream. Or maybe THIS is the dream.


Zexion=mind funk

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Plus rapid fire snipers are win. If you're far away' date=' and you miss, then you're screwed, though.


I know that was the discussion, but from what I saw, those were the most discussed members for the top spot. If they were to actually FIGHT, then it would come down to everyone's decision of move, which only the game designers could decide.


Unless they made it an anime, which 4Kids would proceed to hunt (If they haven't sold it yet), dub it (I believe that is the term for edit), and ruin it beyond belief. Then they would make Sora come out of nowhere and beat all three of them. Unrealisticly.



Again, this has nothing to do with the Game Designers though. That would be considered canon, and canonically, Xemnas is the strongest Organization Member.


This fight scenario is simply based on real life standards of what someone who controls this kind of power can do.



@Nex: Yup, pretty much. DD, stop trying to boost Xal on the list out of favoritism.


I understand that. But unfortunately, either way, we cannot predict who would win in a fight, unless they are so much more powerful than the other. When it's this close, it depends on how the fighter thinks and how they use their strategy.


Do you think Zexion would beat Roxas if Zexion just decided to sit and do NOTHING the entire time? Sure, he obviously wouldn't do that if he were as smart as he is, but my point is it depends on what the fighter decides to do.


Those are my thoughts. Well, some. The rest are about fudge. Mmmmmmmm, madchurro, can you make me a big plate of fudge?


EDIT: I just realized, that also depends on if they KNOW the full potential of their abilities. Xig could not KNOW that he could control everything in it and blurr illusions.

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Or' date=' we could all share the fact that logic cannot always be relied on, and come to the conclusion that Xemnas is the strongest, and leave it at that. Despite his lack of creativity and "logical strength", it is what he is. A failure, yes, but the strongest nonetheless.



xD Eh, I agree with this.


Anyway, Kuchiki Tsuki, we should restart Sea of Stars again sometime.

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@Kuchiki: xD Oh yes, we already know this. This whole logical powers kick is all just for fun, and because it's giving us something to talk about.


Also, that's not quite true Skuldur. If Lexaeus controls the Earth itself, he could technically hit anything from any range just by knowing where it is. Earthquakes are devastating, and fire is easily put out by the likes of rocks, earth, mud, etc.


Lex could cause all kinds of natural distasters. But, plants feed off of earthy soil, and can still overwhealm it, so Marluxia should indeed be above Lexaeus.

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@Kuchiki: xD Oh yes' date=' we already know this. This whole logical powers kick is all just for fun, and because it's giving us something to talk about.


Also, that's not quite true Skuldur. If Lexaeus controls the Earth itself, he could technically hit anything from any range just by knowing where it is. Earthquakes are devastating, and fire is easily put out by the likes of rocks, earth, mud, etc.


Lex could cause all kinds of natural distasters. But, plants feed off of earthy soil, and can still overwhealm it, so Marluxia should indeed be above Lexaeus.



The best long range attack is a ground smashing short range attack.


So, how the club RP going Zex? I haven't heard much talk of it in the club lately, and I was just wondering.


You know, perhaps they could make a darkness powered Org Member. He would be pretty powerful, considering he could control the darkness in people's hearts. Also, I'm not sure if that person could do it or not, but remember how Namine used to believe that Nobodies were destined to fall into darkness? But she was wrong, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Perhaps that person could cause it to happen to other Nobodies. Possibly.


Just throwing something out there. If you would like to throw something out there as well, please make it fudge.

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If it gets close enough, yes. But this is assuming Axel's fire can reach sun temperatures.


Besides, he still has to get close, which is something he wouldn't be able to do easily, what with Lex having his rock shields and controlling the Earth. Axel can't fly either, like some of the other members can.

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That is an unknown matter.


He was shown levitating during his final attack so it's not impossible to believe that he has the ability to fly.


Also, those rock shields would simply melt.


And further more, shouldn't Axel be ranked higher than Marluxia since fire kills plants pretty easily. Although, there is the matter of the poison thing.

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During his final attack and only then. He has shown that he can temporarily suspend himself in the air, but he's never been seen levitating for any extanded periods of time.


So far, only Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Marluxia, and Larxene have been seen doing that.


Though Vexen, Zexion, Axel, and Roxas have been seen hovering a few inches above the ground while moving, but I dunno if that counts. Zexion only full-on levitates when in his book world.


As for Marluxia, I think Nex already said something about the poison that made sense. xD

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Or' date=' we could all share the fact that logic cannot always be relied on, and come to the conclusion that Xemnas is the strongest, and leave it at that. Despite his lack of creativity and "logical strength", it is what he is. A failure, yes, but the strongest nonetheless.



xD Eh, I agree with this.


Anyway, Kuchiki Tsuki, we should restart Sea of Stars again sometime.


Indeed we should, but this time I believe we should include others. I of course shall be playing with my same character, and I'll be further developing the plot in my spare time. In the mean time, I'll have it renweed (unless you would care to open it in the same thread) and post a link for it here, in case we have any serious role-players besides ourselves. ;)

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Or' date=' we could all share the fact that logic cannot always be relied on, and come to the conclusion that Xemnas is the strongest, and leave it at that. Despite his lack of creativity and "logical strength", it is what he is. A failure, yes, but the strongest nonetheless.



xD Eh, I agree with this.


Anyway, Kuchiki Tsuki, we should restart Sea of Stars again sometime.


Indeed we should, but this time I believe we should include others. I of course shall be playing with my same character, and I'll be further developing the plot in my spare time. In the mean time, I'll have it renweed (unless you would care to open it in the same thread) and post a link for it here, in case we have any serious role-players besides ourselves. ;)


Define "serious RPers". I've been looking for something new to do. Mainly an RP. I'm trying to come up with something myself, but not much has come to me.

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Okay Skul fire is not plasma, the sun is plasma.


Axel floated due to making a large amount of heated air under him as a result of his attack, birds can use these to fly so it is logical.


If Axel burns poison ivy then he can be affected with it from air borne and it can get into his lungs and stuff, among other poisons. Plus in a man slaughter contest Marluxia would logically be superior. Also the fact that some plants have a higher DAmage per Second than being on fire does. Plus perfectly sealing yourself in wood would snuff out any flames that touch you.


ALso thier was this movie, don't remenber the name. But flowers somehow developed this abillity to poison people that they thought were dangerous, they almost annihalate America this way and are defeated when the poison timed out.


Then they attack France.


And these weren't controlled by a gay guy, imagine the raw power a gay person can have wielding them.

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Hmmmm... should I maybe necrobump the thread or something with a new post?


If it gets close enough' date=' yes. But this is assuming Axel's fire can reach sun temperatures.



Were also assuming Vexen can control below sub zero temperatures, so why not?

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