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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Try an electric guitar. You could rock out much better on that than a *chuckles* sitar.


For your own safety' date=' I do believe that you stop. Like right now. Or maybe go back in time and revert the post. But, since I don't give a crap about your safety, just keeping do what your doing. You [i']do not want to make Demy cry.[/i]

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@Davok: xD Considering that none of your refutes make any logical sense (which was the whole point of me pointing out what the Organization's powers should LOGICALLY do), I'm just gonna call you on your BS.




xP Logically spekaing, Luxord should technically be the most powerful member. Actually, Xigbar could technically beat him. Controlling space means that you control everything within the space of your influence, which means that time would stop everywhere around xigbar, but would not directly effect him or the space he resides in unless he wants it to.

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@Davok: xD Considering that none of your refutes make any logical sense (which was the whole point of me pointing out what the Organization's powers should LOGICALLY do)' date=' I'm just gonna call you on your BS.




xP Logically spekaing, Luxord should technically be the most powerful member. Actually, Xigbar could technically beat him. Controlling space means that you control everything within the space of your influence, which means that time would stop everywhere around xigbar, but would not directly effect him or the space he resides in unless he wants it to.



Or maybe it makes so little sense it makes all the sense in the world! =O


xD My jokes really suck, don't they?


Also, that's interesting. So, logically speaking, Xigbar should be Number I, and Luxord Number II? ;) *awaits devastating rebuttal*

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@Davok: xD Considering that none of your refutes make any logical sense (which was the whole point of me pointing out what the Organization's powers should LOGICALLY do)' date=' I'm just gonna call you on your BS.




xP Logically spekaing, Luxord should technically be the most powerful member. Actually, Xigbar could technically beat him. Controlling space means that you control everything within the space of your influence, which means that time would stop everywhere around xigbar, but would not directly effect him or the space he resides in unless he wants it to.



Or maybe it makes so little sense it makes all the sense in the world! =O


xD My jokes really suck, don't they?


Also, that's interesting. So, logically speaking, Xigbar should be Number I, and Luxord Number II? ;) *awaits devastating rebuttal*


They were actually pretty funny. I like how you called back the Sora is a fish thing. When you make a joke relative to a bit earlier in the act, I believe that is called a call back. And that was a very well timed call back.


You sir, have comedic talent.

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Are you kidding me?


A kid with a GIANT KEY has his island engulfed by shadows and is chosen as the legendary LIGHT WARRIOR and he has to lock the paths to every world as HE MEETS FRIENDLY DISNEY CHARACTERS and defeats little dark mice with anteneas and a silver haired emo guy.


Along with his companions A TALKING DUCK MAGE and a TALKING DOG THING WARRIOR WITH A BIG SHIELD that is mentally retarded. While they are also on the search for ANOTHER Disney character mouse with another big key and another emo guy with another big key and his girlfriend that is one of the disney princesses that turns into a zombie.


I can see that happening EVERY DAY.

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Yeah' date=' Rox, what you said. xD


And Awesome, what are you ranting about?



How much KH makes sense.


Something does not have to immediately apply in Earth society to "make sense". Because, you see, KH does not take place in modern human civilization.

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Yeah' date=' Rox, what you said. xD


And Awesome, what are you ranting about?



How much KH makes sense.


Something does not have to immediately apply in Earth society to "make sense". Because, you see, KH does not take place in modern human civilization.


Yeah, that's nice. Good for you.


I think I've gained respect in this club. Time to lose it in pathetic humiliation!

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Okay I think it would be

1 Xigbar

2 Luxord

3 Vexen (he cannot raise temperature, unless those icicles are made from freezing water vapor so fast taht it can undertake two tranformations in a couple of moments (and I am not sure if water cools faster in colder temperatures if both temperatures are under 0 degrees celsius) If so than that means all of Vexen's ice is at absolute zero which is REALLLY REALLY funking cold. He doesn't need to hit you and you will suffer severe hypothermia, plus since Vexen doesn't seem to be affected by the heat transfer that would result from the cold he must be hot as hell so he can survive without his blood freezing solid. Plus you react worse in cold conditions. Also he can make replicas and control them so he canfight with all the powers of the others below him (Luxord and Xigbar would be so pwoerful that it would be impossible to gahter the data)

4 Larxene(lightening can reach temperatures 4 times hotter than the sun, it is better at burning things than fire)

5 Zexion (A perfect illusion could convince people thier dieing, however if Vexen vainly trys to throw a bunch of icicles at Zexion and thier in a closed room, Zexion would still die of hypothermia)

6 Demyx (the world is 70% water and our body is comprised of a large percent of watter, he could control a large amount of the world and control other people (however Vexen's 0 kelvin weapons would freeze all of Demyx's water and then he would kill Demyx while he was crying).

7 XAldin (With strong enough wind you shouldn't be able to reach him and he could just impale you from afar)

8 Lexaeus (he is super strong and can break things)

9 Marly (assuming he can't create plants from thin air the only thing he can do involves plants that already are around you, and NONE of his attacks are very planty so techniqly his whole magical arsenal is comprimised. If you give him new attacks he could reach 7 since he could make plants grow real fast and just throw seeds at you and use plant based attacks, a guy in Shaman King used plants and by using certain plants the only way he was stopped was because one guy was able to perform a huge amount of erosion with wind power. Plus thier was this one movie were the plants emitted a toxin that almost kills everyone in the US.)

10 Axel (Fire is hot, it can be put out though lack of air or heat. Plus somany people can fly above the heat. Xal can plow it away, Vex can make it so could nothing ignites or the warmth is transferred in trying to cancel out the ice. All he can beat is marly and that is only because wood catches fire, MArly could slaughter people faster by chocking them with poison than Axel could kill people by burning)

11 Roxas (visible light has no mass so all it can due is shine in peoples eyes)

12 Saix (the moon cannot grant super powers and Saix doesn't seem to be able to copy the Majora's mask)

13 Xemnas (nothing is nothing if you control nothing than by it's nature you can do nothing with it)

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To answer your question, Nex, yes. Marluxia can in fact create plants out of nothing and control them. He can even conjure poison from nothing (his Doom-esque technique, as well as the pillars he summons in his battle, are all poison).


And now that I think about (no, this is not me stroking my ego, nor is it favoritism. It's logic xD) Zexion should actually be number 1.


Why? Because we're forgetting that in addition to illusions, he can also mimic anyone else's power, AND has an arsenal of Magic-based attacks at his disposal (beam spam, wave magic, meteors).

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Yeah but he has to hit people to copy.


You cannot hit a guy who stops time or a guy who can control space.


Thus he still can do absolutly nothing, plus do you know how cold it is at absolute zero, I think you freeze in one second or something, if Vexen's shots are that cold one hit and it is over.


Plus he can't do any magical powers or copy. He just makes you THINK he can, (otherwise he is using a complety non elemental related elemental power and those do not count), then you react as if he does. A Zexion replica would cancel it out.

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Well, I pretty much agree with the rest of Nexev's list. He just needs to bumb Marly a couple spots.

EDIT: He doesn't necessarily have to hit you. He copied Sora's powers just by observing him from afar.


He only copies your powers in Re:CoM by hitting you because it would be too cheap otherwise.


And yeah, he has a sort of Psychic element, and uses lots of non-elemental magic in addition to his abilities. This is in fact canon.

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Marly would be 8 since erosion decimates everything and Demyx can drown MArluxia regardless of the plants.


However since Xaldin cannot use erosion since he is not strong enough to make a thousand year thing happen in a couple seconds Marly would be 7 instead.


If Xal could speed erosion to an instant he would be the strongest as he would wipe the skin of of Zex's very bones and then erode the bones into dust befor Zexion could connect the book to steal the spell or send him to a illusion world (the book would be wiped away too.)

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Then Xal would erode Zexion while Zex was trying to erode him and Xal would win since the begining of erosion would break off Zexion's power.


Erosion pretty much destroys anything that is solid. However it takes time so Xal's place is still 8th.


Still he is not as powerful as Lux and Xig. If he faces Xig he wouldn't be able to move and absolute spacial control means he would just send Zex's legs to the sun, the arms to the deepest trench in the ocean where pressure will anihalate him. Then send the rest to a black hole.


Lux would stop time completly for Zex and make him unable to do anything for the rest of his life, including think. Or he could make Zex an infant. Or he could speed Zex's time and imitate the eroding thing I just mentioned.


Zex wouldn't be able to copy them.

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It's Vexen. The thing is that cold slows people down, you won't be able to hit him and if he throws something thats 0 degrees and it hits your blood freezes and if it grazes the arm might still be unusable from the sheer cold. Also he can freeze you solid and he can make an ice wall to block attacks.


Plus since Vex's blood heat would have to be incredible for him to survive his own attacks he could probbaly burn you by touching you.

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From what I understand, this is


Xigbar (Space controller) vs Zex (Illusion creator) vs Lux (Time creator)


The way I see it, it depends on who gets the first hit in. From what I know, all these powers require focus. If you are hit, it would normally break your focus, and stop the process, which brings in the factor of time and speed of how fast you can hit, and how fast you can put your strategy into effect. Time being the key word, causing Lux to get the first hit on both, and be able to take his strategy from there.


However, this also depends on who Lux turns his attention to. If he were smart, he'd pick Zex, because he could easily make Lux THINK he is using his strategy, and use his his powers on an illusion, or a hilusination of what he thinks is real.


I would continue, but there are so many factors to consider that are sheer choice of what the character would choose to do next, which we cannot predict.


Zex, this is where you prove me wrong.

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