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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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It was an idea to explain thier doubles.


Regret is a feeling of sadness that you aren't someone different, absically you rejecting and hating yourself.


It is one of the most dark emotions in existance. These emotions are so condensed that they can't even be carried by heartless, instead they lie in the dead's mind, festering until the will shapes it in a vain desire to be what they regret they are not. Thus they are half Nobody (will) half heartless (emotion personified).


They represent what will can do when desperate and just how powerful doubt is.

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It was an idea to explain thier doubles.


Regret is a feeling of sadness that you aren't someone different' date=' absically you rejecting and hating yourself.


It is one of the most dark emotions in existance. These emotions are so condensed that they can't even be carried by heartless, instead they lie in the dead's mind, festering until the will shapes it in a vain desire to be what they regret they are not. Thus they are half Nobody (will) half heartless (emotion personified).


They represent what will can do when desperate and just how powerful doubt is.



Wow. That is incredibly well thought out. Did you actually sit and think about it? Or did it just come to you? For this, I salute you.


If I DID have an idea similar, it would probably have something to do with an overused emotion, like anger. Regret isn't something you often find in regular storylines.

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The Crusader idea came to me in the bathroom. The rgret one came to me as I typed it and I figured out how well it suited them as I typed the reason.


I can make almost any idea into an interesting character.


For example the kite, using the kite as a medium a mage is transfer his magic power to the kite and release it from thier, thus allowing him to perform an aerial bombardment spell using standard forward speels. Also the magic connection allows one to see through the kite if they casted enough spells with the kite.


Volia I have just made a interesting class who uses a kite, plus the abbility to attack from the sky is probbaly useful even if you are landlocked. It is a less used attack angle so you will be unused to having to block from the sky. Plus it could have strategic implications since nothing is preventing a normal spell cast through your finger tips.

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I think they were attempting to give Vaan a bigger role in the story' date=' but then they just started focusing on the other characters instead and Vaan was pushed to the side.



Basch was supposed to be the protagonist and Vaan and Penelo would simply be minor characters. The developers found Vaan and Penelo more interesting over the course of development and decided to make Vaan the hero.


What other Final Fantasy games had "epic mentors" like Auron and Balthier?


Actually, it was because they thought the western market would be better able to relate to Vaan than Basch, due to Basch's age.


At least, that's what I heard.


@Zex: You pretty much summed up KH anatomy and biology right there. And also in most Fantasy anime. Except make the gallons of blood dozens of gallons of blood' date=' and make it so high pressured that simply popping a zit will spew out enough of the red soda to sink the Titanic.



Davok, you'll get a kick out of this (real) commercial:

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[quote=Amethyst Phoenix

@Zex: You pretty much summed up KH anatomy and biology right there. And also in most Fantasy anime. Except make the gallons of blood dozens of gallons of blood' date=' and make it so high pressured that simply popping a zit will spew out enough of the red soda to sink the Titanic.



Davok, you'll get a kick out of this (real) commercial:


I laughed so hard.




There will be a Lilo and Stitch world in BBS!


[spoiler=Recent Scans]2vrvsht.jpg



Just this small change in information has guaranteed that I will in another point of time buy both a PS3 and BBS. I can tell the future!

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My favorite is Soul Calibur 4.


I can make my own characters and Zasalamel kicks ass most severly.


While 3 also had characters 4 was easier to make.


Fear the Paul rangers: 6 rangers I made in my spare time, led by King Lopez (who secretly has a fro under his Phoenix Kabuto) they face off against the nefarious Evil Stan and Jeff of the Pebble.

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I think that no one really was interested in your topic because it has been done to death a dozen times before.


My first Square Enix game' date=' of course, was Kingdom Hearts II.



Same with me. Except I got FFX at the same time. Then I believe it was KH1, and I'm not even sure how I got CoM.


In retrospect, perhaps 'favorite KH character' was a pretty obviously done topic.

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Okay how about this topic.


Favorite element.


I pick the element of ice' date=' I can create objects with it and earth seems to basically super strength so it would not be a good subsitute.



I just started a different topic too. I choose thunder. I like lightning, and it is a symbol of quickness. I prefer quick strikes that I can do repeatedly than a big one that could end up missing and getting me killed. Plus, with quick attacks, even if you miss, you could still dodge the counter attack.

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