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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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What the hell is this?


*Reads the card*


"You are hereby cordially invited to the 2009 Gods of Duels tournament' date=' hosted by Dusk's Precipice."


*Scratches head*



Keep reading.


OK! Let me see here.


*Continues reading*


"For the victors go the spoils: 5 Ultra Rare cards and the title of 'God of Duelists' for the year 2009. Join us at..." You know what, screw that.


*Tosses the card in the trash can.*


As for Zexaeon, congratulations!

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@Lux: Stop making me feel jealous. D:

You'll make me transform into Parsee Dx


My PS2 is still working fine, and it's the big bulky one that I got right after they first came out. :3


Speaking of Days, I actually just reserved it a few days ago. ;.; But aw well, at least I'm getting it. =D Plus the poster. I could really care less about the post cards though, what am I gonna do, send them to a friend and say I'm vacationing at Castle Oblivion? xD


By the way, sorreh Zex, but I'm liking XII more then X at the moment. Dx

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=O X was the first one I played AND beat, and it was the only FF I had for a while - I got KH shortly afterward, which was my only link to anything FF other than X.


Then I got VII and VIII, and di some reading to find out about IX before borrowing it, then I started getting facts of the FF Wiki, and then I started tracking down all the FFs.


To this day, V is still the only FF I need to play. Oh, and V and VI both need to be remade. They're the only two in the series that aren't currently available on a Higher-Graphics system.

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In order of Final Fantasy games, I got:



Crisis Core



War of the Lions


I've beaten 4 and Crisis Core, but for now the ranking is this:


1) Tie between 12 and 4

2) 10

3) Crisis Core

4) War of the Lions


12 was my first Final Fantasy game, but 4 was the first one I beat. They each have a special place in my heart, but Cecil is definitely the better protagonist compared to Vaan. Edge, on the other hand, has got nothing on Balthier.

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My first was FF12 - RW, FF4, then XII, then X.


I like XII's cast the most so far, excluding Vaan and Penelo, I love all the characters, and it's definitely my favorite.


I don't really care for RW, though, mainly because I really disliked it, had little idea what was going on, and played it before I actually played XII. D:


I'm only at the part where you have to fight the Dark Elf on FF4, so I really can't say much on it.

I completely love FFXII, but I'm still only on the part where you have the find Mjrn.

And FFX finally drew me in after about an 1 of gameplay, after you leave Rikku and the other Al Bheds. I'm at the place where I just got Auron in my party. And I'm really starting to enjoy it, just not as much as XII.

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That was Roxas crying. Inside of Sora. Roxas now controls Sora's tears. >=3


@Sakuya: Yay. ^^ The game really starts picking up around there. It'll just get better from here on out (and of course, when Rikku rejoins the party <3).


Anyway, glad you're enjoying it. Did you win the Blitzball game?

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The Dark Elf was probably the most annoying boss in Final Fantasy 4. It easily beats 10 and 12 because you can have five party members out at once, but 10 and 12 also beat 4 because you can rotate characters. 12 is the best because characters can walk around and there's really no such thing as random encounters. Leveling up in 10 sucks though. I haven't played X for a few weeks, but I've met O'aka XXIII. How long till Auron and Rikku rejoin the party?

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