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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Then go to a gay bar. You can meet a nice man name chuck' date=' get a car with the liscence plat 2qte2Bstr8 (Too cute to be straight, though you might need less letters)



Why do people always assume Chuck is a gay name?


Yeah, go to a Gay bar, but instead meet a guy named Kyle. Get married in California, and live happily ever after in Club Med.


OK, what gay bar? The only gay bar I know is in NYC called "The White Knights." (That place is on my bucket list.)

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Then go to a gay bar. You can meet a nice man name chuck' date=' get a car with the liscence plat 2qte2Bstr8 (Too cute to be straight, though you might need less letters)



I do not believe that Luxlord's name is Larry.


It isn't Larry, is it?


Midnight, I take great offense to you suggesting California.


xD loved that movie.


What? Gay marriage is legal in Cali, sorry if I offended you.

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Unless I missed something' date=' which is very likely, gay marriage was banned in California.



Again? Wow those Democrats are evil. Meh to each his/her own.


I demand a less offensive topic be created nao.

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As far as I know, Gay Marriage is still illegal in California, unfortunately.


Now then, Lux; shut up. You don't help yourself by being pessimistic about matters directly pertaining to yourself. So stop boo-hooing, stand the hell up, screw the world, and move forward. Failure to do so only fails yourself. No one else is responsible for that.


You're making mountains out of mole hills, so honestly, buck up.

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Well, everyone ignored my statement. Also, I guess no one wants to hear my parable :(


Anyway, Lux, I was the same way, except with me having a talent. I also thought I was a failure, incompetent, that I was never meant to succeed in anything. Which, at the time, I truly believed was the truth.


Then, I won the spelling bee. It didn't change anything, but it made me feel alot better. I used to sulk in self pity, even to the point of slight tears, because I truly believed I was useless.


Now, I never sulk, and I'm much better than I was then.


Open your heart to light, Luxlord.

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Well' date=' everyone ignored my statement. Also, I guess no one wants to hear my parable :(


Anyway, Lux, I was the same way, except with me having a talent. I also thought I was a failure, incompetent, that I was never meant to succeed in anything. Which, at the time, I truly believed was the truth.


[b']Then, I won the spelling bee.[/b] It didn't change anything, but it made me feel alot better. I used to sulk in self pity, even to the point of slight tears, because I truly believed I was useless.


Now, I never sulk, and I'm much better than I was then.


Open your heart to light, Luxlord.


I hate you. I have never once one a spelling bee, and I doubt I ever will. You don't know what's it like to feel the torment of winning a spelling bee even once.

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Ok a new topic: The unintelligence of the world makes me sick. The people on earth dont deserve the life that was given to them. Theres nothing good in this world anymore. How's this for a new topic!?


I can see you need to let out your raeg. Feel free to flame me over PM if you wish.


You can if you study many times before the spelling bee with other people. Many times, many many times. You iz smrt, you can do it. :D

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Ok a new topic: The unintelligence of the world makes me sick. The people on earth dont deserve the life that was given to them. Theres nothing good in this world anymore. How's this for a new topic!?


Simmer down Shamu, don't go hating the world just because you had a bad day. Don't make me go Daniel Powter on you.

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You're becoming annoying' date=' Lux. There's your topic.



You want me to be joyful and perky? Ok. Let's play the glad game. You name a bad situation, and I'll find somthing there is to be glad about!

How's that? Better? You like it when I'm all sunny side? Less annoying?

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Okay okay guys, this is going downhill really, REALLY funking fast.


Lux I think you shoud go play some online game involving shooting to calm down. I'll imagine that helps against stress.


Zeex, Lux is probbaly telling this to us because everyone else in his life will just laugh at him and keeping his emotions inside only allow them to ferment into a fine drink of sorrow that wil taste great in 3 weeks time with a loaded revolver. I don't have this problem because I manage to forget things, but I can still understand a bit.


@topic: Yeah, we really don't deserve life, but all we can do is strive to make us less unworthy than we already are. Maybe one day we would actually be worthy of what we have.

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I think Lux needs to let out his raeg, blow off some steam. However, I don't think it is a good idea to do it in this thread.


Perhaps to make yourself feel better:

1) Watch a funny movie

2) Watch a funny youtube video

3) Listen to music you really like


Laughter is the best medicine.

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No Lux. I want you to do as I told you to do on the previous page.


Sorry Nex. It's just that people who think they have problems when they really know nothing of them piss me off.


Just let it attack me while going on with life having a good attitude? Done.

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Too many far more horrible things happen to people all over the world, every day, for him to be complaining about something so mundane.


If being real with him is your idea of Prissy, DD, then I question your common sense.


He would be wise to listen to someone with far more experience than him.

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Zex the thing is, while some people suffer worse than Lux and still go about thier day, thier are some who have suffered less than Lux and decided to hide from thier problems in a coffin.


But lux, the thing is you will get that paycheck and if it's hourly like it probbaly is it's gone a be quite a bit. Also no matter how much your mom yells remenber that that's all it is, yelling. Just ignore her and allow the mayfly to bite you as much as it can, they die in a couple of hours anyway.

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Zex the thing is' date=' while some people suffer worse than Lux and still go about thier day, thier are some who have suffered less than Lux and decided to hide from thier problems in a coffin.





Alright, I've calmed down and I feel better. Sorry for being a dick.

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