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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Of the first five RPs so people can understand what is going on.


[spoiler=Part 1 of the RP]


"Well then..."

Xaldin sits down at the table, bored.

"What evil plan are we going to carry out today?"



"How to claim all the worlds cake as ours?"


Saix reaches towards the cake.



Xaldin snatches the cake Saix was reaching for.

"Let's just put this in the fridge until the other members arrive..."

Xaldin puts cake in his extremely large pocket.



"Damn it. I'm hungry."



Xaldin starts eating the cake.



Xemnas pops him in back of the head, and cake hits the plate before he starts chewing.

"Thats for ALL of us. It wouldn't be very nice if you had it all to yourself now would it?"



Xaldin licks chocolate of fingers.

"Damn, I wanted that cake...."



Xemnas closed the refirdgerator door and began to walk to to the stairs.

"There'd better be enough cake left for all of us tommorow. I specifically mean you, Saix."

He climbed the stairs and disappeared in the crescent blue light.



Saix opens the door to the fridge, takes the cake out and sets it on the floor, and starts eating it.


"This will show them."



"And why might I ask are you taking the whole cake?"



Roxas scowls at Saix.

"Our first order of business...is to kick Saix's ass!"



Marluxia walks in.


"Oh I see you are enjoying the never ending cake

whenever it runs out, more comes back."


Marluxia takes a slice and starts eating.



"I think Saix wants me to give him another scar across his face."

*holds up kunai*



"Wait what are you doing? The cake is immortal, dont be so violent!"


"Now what are we discussing?"



"So what is this? Vexen Reporting For Duty!"



"Oh Vexen you're late as usual."


"Busy working on your little inventions?"



"Probably cloning more little boys."



"Oh Larxene you are so electrifyingly nasty."



"Ignoring the obvious of Vexen's "interests", we must discuss what needs to be discussed: How to claim Kingdom Hearts for ourselves!"



"I'm bored again. Is there anything to do around here? Can we like, kick someone's ass?"



"It's all that Sora kid's fault we need to destroy him before we think of a way to take over Kingdom Hearts, otherwise our plans will be for nothing."



"How so? The freakin' editors won't allow the bad guys to win... Screw the editors!

We should go after the editors."



"That sounds like a plan. What does our leader think?


Marluxia looks around.


"Wait...where'd he go?"



Roxas was eating some cake. "No, don't kill the editors."



"But it's the only way we can get at Sora!"



"With them outta here, We can become the editors!!!"

*Smiles Evily*



"But how do we get to their world? We live in two different dimensions..."



"Easy! ...I don't know..."



"As I said, don't kill the editors. If they die, we will know nothing about our past and people could write even more incorrect fanfics about any of us!"



"Well then, how do we beat someone who has his destiny set by the FCC and the editors? Can we at least destroy the FCC?"



"Just wondering....you do all know that Xemnas is the leader, right?"



"I know, But until he comes, i'm ready to kick ass for temporary leadership!"

Xaldin does his Wind Lance move, lances flying all over the place.



"Yes, we can destroy the FCC. And Larxene, Xemnas and I had a battle to decide who can be the true leader, and I won." Roxas charged at Xaldin and hit every Lance, impaling them on the walls.



"Of course you did.... We all know you blackmailed him about his name."






"Well, I'll be going back to my room, I have an appointment with a few hook... I mean nurses... I mean bussiness associates at 3:30..."



"I'm sure you do."



"Don't kill the FCC without me! Be back in an hour!"

Xaldin goes to his room.



"Okay then, I guess our mission is to kill the FCC. We need to get out of here before Xaldin gets back."



"And why do we need to leave without him? I'd be more worried about Vexen than Xaldin. He scares the crap out of me."



"I just want to see the look on Xaldin's face when he realizes we left without him. As for Vexen, we'll probably just drop him off somewhere."



Everyone in the place hears girls yelling and place starts to rumble.

"No one heard that!"



"Ummm...I did. And, try to keep down the noise. Or I'll be tempted to join in."




Everyone hears the loudest noise and rumbling goes on for about 12 minutes and stops. Soon, the whole place is a wreck, looking like an earthquake's aftershock hit and furniture was all over the place. Soon everyone hears girls going out the back door.

"Come again girls!"

Xaldin walks back to the table not knowing he is in his boxers.

"Hey everybody! So when do we get to kill the FCC?"



"What's the FCC?"



Saix rips Xaldin's boxers and runs off.





"The Federal Communications Company. They're like 4Kids, only not as bad. Speaking of which, remind me to destroy 4Kids later. And Xaldin, please put on some pants."

Roxas tried to cover his eyes, but he was still mentally scarred.



"Anything LIKE 4kids should be destroyed!!"

Marluxia grabs his scythe.



"Hey blame Saix, Freakin' bastard took my shorts..."

Xaldin goes to his room and puts robes on.

"Time to go! But first,"

Xaldin goes to Saix, grabs his underwear and hangs him off the spiral staircase for a never ending wedgie...



"Stop dinking around, thats my job!!!"

Marluxia starts throwing flower petals everywhere.



"So how are we going to find the FCC? They probably have a hiding place like us! Wait, has anyone here been in the basement yet?"

Everyone hears rumbling underground.

"This time it wasn't me!"



"What the Hell?"

Marluxia runs downstairs, and everyone in the Organization hears Marluxia fall down the stairs.


"I'm okay..."



Xaldin goes down stairs and falls.

"There are no freakin' stairs damnit!"

Xaldin sees a group of peculiarly strange business men walking around, looking scared.

"Hey you wouldn't happen to be the FCC would you?"

They reply, "No, we're a figment of your imagination, go back upstairs and you'll be happy and awake..."

Xaldin jumps upstairs, throwing Marluxia up there before him.



"Holy crap, who the hell took the stairs down... Oh wait, I did, I needed them for Castle Oblivion... speaking of the castle shouldn't we get Namine in our Organization?"



"Maybe we should build another set of stairs. Marluxia, since you took them down, you're in charge of building a new set."


Saix hands Marluxia a hammer and some nails.


"Got it?"




Marluxia sulks toward the staircase and starts building.

"Wait, what if the wood breaks?"



"Yeah, well we gotta wait till later. Either Roxas or Xemnas needs to report soon so we can know where to look for the FCC and 4kids. If we let 4kids live, they'll probably create a crappy cartoon about us..."



Marluxia finishes with the staircase.


"There we are... wait... 4kids? Cartoon? Create? Us? Crappy? About?

NOOOOOOO. We cant let them get away with that..."



Saix takes Zexion's and Marluxia's weapons and storms outside, on a search for 4kids, muttering something about painful torture.



"Exactly, but don't leave yet, we must await their command, apparently."

Xaldin goes back to his room calling some girls over. Soon the mansion is filled with strippers and hookers.




Marluxia snatches it from Saix.

"Stop messing around and lets think of a plan!"

He smacks Saix upside the head.



"Jerk, I was using that. It's better for torture than my weapon."


Saix sits cross-legged in the center of the table.


"And, Xaldin, get these women out of here."



"Never!! This is manly party time until the mebers get back! Just us and strippers!"



"Xaldin, dont make me slice their heads off!"

He grips his scythe.



Saix grabs Marluxia's scythe and tries pulling it away from him.


"No! I want to do it."



Marluxia loosens his grip and lets Saix take the scythe.


"Urgh, fine, but this is the ONLY time I will let you use it..."


Marluxia throws petals at Saix.


"Dont ruin my scythe either..."



"Try me"

Xaldin summons like 5 construct whirlwind dragons and takes some of the best ladies with him...



Saix grabs Marluxia and throws him into the construct whirlwind dragons.


"There, now it's my weapon. "



The scythe magically changes into a petal and then disappears.

"Haha good luck with that"



"Fine, good luck with the construct whirlwind dragons."


Saix opens the fridge and looks around.





Marluxia starts slashing at the dragons while holding a sandwich.

"You can have some cake instead."

Marluxia starts eating the sandwich.



Saix charges at Marluxia, his weapon drawn.





"Oh dear."

Marluxia throws the sandwich.



Saix diverts his course and heads towards the sandwich, embracing it and giving it a big kiss.


"Don't worry, sweety, I won't let that bad man ever touch you again."



"Marluxia, for suggesting Namine to join, you have been promoted to Number 10. Also you get Saix's sandwich."



"That's okay, I don't want it, I'm going to find Namine..."

Marluxia walks out.



Saix appears behind Roxas and holds his sword to his throat.


"Roxas, I suggest that you don't ever offer my sandwich to anyone ever again."



"Oh this?" Roxas asked as he held up Saix's sandwich to his mouth.

"Wait, tuna? Here you go!"



More rumbling goes on, the whole mansion is shook and the left side of the building is crumbling, again, the girls leave and the house is in shambles. This time Xaldin remembered his robes...

"Hello, what did I miss?"



"Oh nothing, I just promoted Marluxia to #10."



"What the funk?! Why?! Wait, what do I care, I'm number 3 anyways..."

Xaldin sighs.

"Well, anything about the FCC?"



Marluxia walks in.

"I got bored looking for her"

He looks at his watch.

"...Oh I was only looking for five minutes?...Oh well..."



Saix takes his watch and puts the time forward two years.


"There, now you'll feel like you're not a complete failure."



Roxas coughed and held up some papers. "Ahem. That reminds me Saix, the mayor of Twilight Town informed me that you've been randomly assaulting the animals at the zoo. Again. Care to explain?"



Saix looks down at the ground, ashamed.


"A little boy took the peanuts I was eating and tossed them in with the elephants. I didn't want to hurt the kid and I didn't have enough money for more peanuts. So, I took the peanuts out of the elephants stomach. I probably shouldn't have done it with my sword though. "



"What the hell Saix?! That's it, you're Number 8 now! Speaking of which, where's Axel?"



" Please don't demote me. I won't do it again. Next time, I'll just go after the kid. "



"Tisk tisk, going after animals then saying you will go after children, you shame the organization"



"You're one to talk. We all know how you "go after children"."



" So, can I remain as number VII? "



"Only if you tell us your true name."



"Since when!?"



"Try not to make us too available to the public... We don't want them to know our powers yet... We need to catch them by surprise"

His cell phone rings.

"Hey, baby. Yeah it's the all powerful Xaldin, Whirlwhind of Six lances, of the Organization XIII trying to conquer everything we can, kill the FCC, and kill the 4kids..."

Xaldin hangs up and coughs.

"So how do we find the FCC?"



"Xaldin you selfish ba-"

His cell phone rings.

"Excuse me for a moment."

Marluxia walks out



"We really need to get rid of these cell phones, they are disturbing da peace in dis hood"

Xaldin starts talking random G stuff.



"Roxas, I have discovered my true name. It's サイクス. Can I stay as number VII now? "



Marluxia walks back in.

"Sorry, I wont disrupt the meeting with my cell again"



" Good, if it does go off again, I'm flushing it down the toilet. "



"Saix, I can't read katakana! Ah, whatever, I'll just use a translator."

Roxas goes on a translator.

"You idiot, this says "Sykes"! That's it, you're demoted."



" What, you can't take a joke? Besides, it was next to my name on Wikipedia. They know to much about us. "






"Well we can open a portal to another dimension, but that would take months of rigorous work..."



"Nah... How about we ask the strange bussiness men that were in the basement with no stairs earlier?"



" No, please don't make me have to deal with them. I'm scared of them. "



"They seem like they know about the FCC, I mean they have an FCC sign in there. Plus they do my dry cleaning..."

Xaldin thinks for a second.



Roxas holds up a piece of cake. "You guys want this? Go get it!" Roxas throws the cake into the basement where the businessmen were.



Xaldin goes after cake.

"Hey, these business men are holding pistols at us..."



Saix walks down to the basement.


" What's going on? "



Xaldin is still staring at business men.



"See ya!" Roxas closes the door leading to the room.



" Hey, Xaldin, can I see your hand? "



Xaldin takes his hand off, hands it to Saix, and regrows his hand.

"Who the funk are these people?! What the funk?!"


The business men say, "We are the FCC," then start shooting at them.


"Yo! Roxas let us up! We need backup! The Freakin' FCC are opening fire!"

Xaldin bangs on door, suddenly gets shot in the foot.

"What the funk?! My Foot!"



Roxas hears the shooting. "Xigbar, are you doing target practice again? Whatever, I got a date with Namine."



"Wow buddy, I'm pimping her first, back off! I will have her in my room tonight!"

Xaldin busts through door with his dragon construct.



"Oh hell no you don't!" Roxas jumps into the air and shoots light beams at Xaldin's dragon.



Xaldin runs like hell while farting retarded constructs. They trash the house and the stuff falls on the FCC.

"Well, cool, I stopped Roxas and killed the FCC! Pawns! Roxas is gonna kill me later..."



"Whatever. Tell Xemnas he can have his job back. I'm off for my date."



Xaldin gets to Namine first.

"Come, with me. No time to talk. Hurry Up!"

Panting, he grabs her and runs off to a motel, but gets stopped by Larxene.



She glares at Xaldin.


"You're a sick pervert....you know that, right?"



"That's it, you are so dead!" Roxas threw his Oblivion at Xaldin. "Welcome Oblivion!"


Roxas landed on the patio of the motel room, his cloak flowing. "Sorry about that Namine. Did he hurt you?"


"Bastard tried to rape me, so I just popped him one. I was happy that you came to get me."


Roxas shuts the window and takes off his hood.


"Okay, let's go and watch Wall-E." (God kill me.)


"Aah, you're so sweet." (Worst. Date. Ever.)



"Ha, i feel refreshened and young again... I should go see Hancock..."

Xaldin zips over to the Theatre and comes back.

"What the funk?! What happened to the mansion?! Oh yeah... Time to fix that."

Xaldin summons constructs.

"Goodnight, i want this thing rebuilt before the rest come, and I need the rest of you to watch my door like a hawk. Roxas is gonna kill me..."



Roxas gets to theatre.

(Please be sold out.) "Hi, two tickets to Wall-E."

"Sorry, but Wall-E is sold out."

"Oh." (Sweet!) "How about Hellboy 2?"

"Okay then." the guy gives Roxas the tickets.

"Okay Namine, let's go."



Xaldin wakes up in the morning and yawns.

Everybody in the house is awake...

"I think i'm going to stay here for the rest of the day for security reasons... Rokusasu is gonna be pissed"

He sits down and starts calling girls...



Saix takes the phone away from Xaldin and kicks him in the shin.


" Damnit, stop messing around with all of these girls. Or, I'll be forced to use this. "


He holds up the hand Xaldin gave him.



"What the funk?! How the hell did you get in my room?! All those construct dragons were power LVL 10! You are not LVL 100, I know that!"

He takes his hand back.

"Now, I'm asking you to leave because Roxas is gonna kill me. Unless you want to be guarding my door..."



"How about I just do this?"


Saix unscrews the hinges on his door.


" There, now Roxas can just walk in. "



Xaldin kicks him out, locks the entrance with a safe door, and takes all the safe-lock picking kits and utensils in the world and comes back.

"Not even a LVL 100 can bust through this door. Now I don't have to worry about Roxas!"



Saix grins evilly.


" You never said anything about the walls. "


Saix takes a sledgehammer and starts hitting his wall.



"You bastard! Get off of my walls!"

Xaldin makes his whole room out of safe metal material and the only entrance is a safe door and little holes for air.



" Jerk, I was having fun. "


Saix gets a blowtorch and little metal circles and starts welding them over his air holes.



"Hey! This is the thanks I get for accidentely killing the FCC!?"



" Yeah, pretty much. "



Xaldin orders dragoons to drill more holes where Saix is melding them, then goes back to calling girls.



" That's not fair. "


Saix starts kicking his dragons.



"Well, then! Get off of my walls! I'm researching how to kill 4kids!"

Xaldin goes on his laptop.



" Why can't I help? "



"Yeah, go very far away and I'll throw you this football."



" No thanks. That wouldn't be helping. "



"Pick up my dry cleaning, that's helping..."



" You go do it. I'll keep an eye on your room. Mainly your laptop. "



Xaldin finds out that 4kids live in NBC studios.

"Everybody! we're going on a business trip to NBC studios!"



" Where exactly is that? "



"My favorite place! In New York City!"

Xaldin packs some clothes, cell phones, liquor, and protection [both types]...



" Yeah, I'm not going. "



"Why Not? We need the whole gang to kill 4kids! Who knows what could happen to us?"



" You could all be disemboweled. That's why I'm not going. "



Marluxia walks in.

"What's all this about being disemboweled?"



" You're going to be disemboweled. "



"Big guy with an 'X' on his face, say what?"



" Yeah, Xaldin, says everyone is going to New York City to kill 4kids. If you go, you'll get disemboweled. "



"If we go there as a group, we will not! We would look too gangsta..."



" One person makes all the difference? "



"No, we're waiting for Roxas, Xemnas, and Larxene..."



" Uhhh... I'm still not going. "



"See? This is why i didn't ask for your help in the first place. You were just going to abandon the idea!"



" Well, I care for my intestines. "



Roxas knocks on the door. "Who the hell locked me out?"



Saix walks over to the door.


" Who is it? "



"It's Roxas, you elf on steroids!!"



" How do I know it's you? What's the password? "



"Sorry I killed all your fangirls."



" Wrong. "


Saix slides the deadbolt into the lock position.



"Birth by Sleep? Whatever that means..."



" Wrong. "


Saix slides the chain into the lock position.






" Close. But, still wrong. "


Saix slams a big wooden plank into position.



"Sexman? Come on, just let me in, I want to kill 4Kids!"



" Wrong. "


Saix starts welding the door shut.



"What the hell!? Wait a minute..." Roxas teleports inside room. Roxas is covering his neck with his hand. "Why didn't I do that earlier?"



He continues barricading the door while randomly yelling the word " Wrong. "



Roxas taps on Saix's shoulder with the hand not covering the side of his neck. "I'm already inside."



Saix ignores him and continues barricading the door while randomly yelling the word " Wrong. "



"Hey Saix, is that the kid that tossed your peanuts in with the elephants?"



" AHHH!!! "


Saix turns around and starts beating Roxas with a chunk of ply wood.



Roxas takes out Oblivion. "Dude, chill out!"



Saix tackles Roxas and bites your ear off.





Roxas covers his ear with the hand that was covering a spot on his neck*


"You jerk! How about I just promote you to Number 6?"



Saix gets off of Roxas and glues his ear back to his head.


" Alright, shall we go to the hospital? "



"Hey guys! I found Namine!"

He pulls out a hand puppet that looks kind of like Namine.

"Say hello Namine"

"Hey everyone I'm Namine and definitely not being manipulated by a guy with his hand up my shirt."

"WHAT!? Why YOU...!"

Marluxia starts to strangle 'Namine'.



Saix starts shaking Namine's hand.


" Hello, it's an honor to meet you. "



"Pleasure to meet you *giggles* I hope I can be of service."


"Yes Namine... now go back into your box... you are being annoying"


"NOOOOO dont send me back there!"


"Fine, but you behave!!"



Saix takes her and runs.


" You'll never go back in that scary box again. I, too, have known the fears of boxes."



"Namine! Kill Him and come back to me!!!"








Marluxia throws his scythe as a boomerang and snatches the pupp- I mean 'Namine', then puts it back on his hand.


"Dont worry Namine..."


"Oh Marluxia your sooo cool, your SO much better than the other organization members"


"I know."



Saix hits Marluxia in the head with the same piece of ply wood he beat Roxas with.



"I'm going to the hospital." He teleports away, still covering the spot on his neck.



Marluxia puts 'Namine' away.


"Now what is our plan?"



"I packed everything I need!"

His suitcase was overflowing.

"Everyone packed and ready?!"



"Wait where are we going?"


"Shut up Namine... now where exactly ARE we going?"



Xaldin slaps his forehead.

"I thought I was the idiot around here? NBC studios! To kill 4kids!"





"You didnt know either..."


"I'm ashamed."


Marluxia packs his things.


"OK lets go!"



"We need Roxas, Saix is not coming..."



"Oh yeah, the whole "Disemboweled" thing. God he is such a wuss..."



"Well, we gotta get Roxas from the hospital. You start packing what you think he needs, and don't put any other weapons other than his Keyblades in there..."





Marluxia starts putting in needless things along with his Keyblades.



Xaldin goes to Hospital.

"Is the blonde dude with a chewed off ear that's been glued on to his head here?"

The nurse takes him to Roxas's room.

"Roxas, if you die, I want you to know nothing actually happened between me and Namine, it was a practical prank and I was hoping to give you advice on chicks. I just want you to know, that we are going to kill 4kids, even if I have to drag your dead carcass there... And you will not be disemboweled."



"I wont let you die! I brought someone to cheer you up!"


He pulls out puppet Namine.


Namine: HI Roxas, Marluxia and I got you some flowers *pulls out bouquet*


"And I brought your keyblades!"


Namine: And I helped


"Shut up Namine..."



Xaldin gets creeped out and pushes Marluxia out of the room.

"Roxas, I am your Father..."



Marluxia grabs Xaldin and throws him across the room.


"Is there anything we can get for you?"


Namine: I love you Roxas


"Shut up Namine!"



"Marluxia, quit playing with that puppet. The real Namine is in Twilight Town right now..."




He grabs his scythe.




He slashes the puppet in half.


"The deed is done..."



Saix walks out of the bathroom in Roxas' hospital room.


" Don't believe a word they say. You're still going to be disemboweled. "



"First, Marluxia you just murdered the nurse... Second, Saix, Noone cares what you think... And Marluxia, quit killing random old ladies! They are going to die eventually anyway..."



"I cant help it! They're keeping him here and we must stop their evil plans"



"Dude, you sliced my pinky toe off. What the funk?! YOU SLICED MY FREAKIN' TOE OFF!!!"



"Ah, a 1 week rest always does me some good." Xemnas stepped down from his throne. He left his room, to find the entire palace empty. "I hate having to search for them." Xemnas placed two fingers on his forehead, and located the nearest of his allies. "A hospital?"


He teleported there to find Roxas in the hospital bed. Marluxia's weapon was bloody, and the body of an elderly woman lay nearby. Saix looked dumbfounded, as though he was just insulted. Roxas simply sat there.


"Roxas, just what the hell happened to you anyway? Oh, and Marluxia, Namine says 'If you don't return her Namine-clone-doll, she'll split you in two." He was peering over his shoulder, from the bedside window. He looked down in the human's parking lot, to observe them flowing from the entrance doors, in and out, like ants.



"Well, well if it isn't the leader, you sure missed a lot. Saix chewed off Roxas' ear Mike Tyson style and Marluxia just chopped of my pinky toe..."



"Well, aren't you the devious one Saix? And Marluxia, that's the third time this decade, stop it with the 'Oh you'll grow your body parts back, SLASH' attitude. It's annoying. Xaldin, you can regrow a pinky toe can't you? And why do I smell 'death to 4kids'?"



" We plan to kill 4kids. Roxas will be a part of it no matter what. Even if I have to drag his dead carcass there."



"I see." He walked over to Roxas' right side. You WILL live, won't you?" He gave Roxas a challenging look. "Once you're ready, we can move in. I plan to take their leader myself."



" Hey, Roxas, can I have the ear that I bit off? "


Saix reaches for the side of Roxas' head.


" I'm hungry. "



"Saix. . .you are the one person who frightens me."



" Really? Does that mean I can have your ear instead? "



Xemnas stares at Saix, and before he knew what was happening, Xemnas' keyblade was at Saix's throat. "I LIKE my ears thanks. Don't ask me somthing you obviously know the answer to. Besides," he lowered his blade, "my ears wouldn't taste very good."



" Then, can I have your keyblade instead? "



Xemnas' eyes twitched. He sighed heavily, and let out a big "noooo". *Kids.* Xemnas sat down on the window sill, waiting for Namine and the others to meet himself, Roxas, Saix, Marluxia, and Xaldin.



Saix sits next to Xemnas, sniffing him.


" You smell nice. By the way, when are they going to get here? "



Xemnas jumped. "Don't DO that! That would be my new cologne I just invented. It's a combination of heartless and nobody leftovers, specific bits and pieces though, so don't ask for my secret formula. And the others should be here shortly." Xemnas inched his way to the left, towards Roxas' side of the window sill.



Saix starts searching through Xemnas' pockets.



"Hey what the-" smacks Saix's hands. "You've lost it haven't you? Your mind. . ." Xemnas snatched his belongings from Saix.



" You're not very nice. "



"Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt little Saix's feelings? You're fully grown, act like it. Or must I assign the 4kids assignment to you alone?"



Roxas sighed. "Hey guys, wanna see something?"



" That depends, do I get your ear? "



Xemnas looked up. "Talking now finally? What is it you want to show us? And if it's another episode of Bleach on your laptop, I'm keeping the extra piece of chocolate cake that noone else knows about that I saved for you. And just because you gave me an extra piece doesn't mean I'll always be so nice to return the favor, so don't get used to it."


Xemnas took a quick glance at Saix and heard what he had said. His faced squeezed together. "And no more ears for you, Saix!"



" Fine. I'll just settle for an orange. "


Saix pulls an orange out from under Roxas' bed and starts eating it, without peeling it.



Xemnas made a retching sound out of disgust. "You're supposed to peel it first!! Never mind, forget I said anything. . ."



Roxas revealed a mark on his neck. "Namine gave me a hickey. Beat that!"



Saix is completely oblivious to either of them even saying anything as he continue to eat his orange.



Roxas teleported his Oathkeeper into his hand. "This smells like it was put in a suitcase with a bunch of useless stuff. Ah, whatever." Roxas smacked the orange out of Saix's hand.



" HOW DARE YOU!?!?!?!? "


Saix tackles Roxas and bites off his other ear.



"SAIX?!!" Xemnas healed Roxas, as he was annoyed by waiting. A fresh orange magically appered in Saix's hands, and he chowed down. "For your information Roxas, I gave Namine 6 hickies, one on her neck, and the rest. . . none of your business. . ." Xemnas smiled giddily.



"DAMMIT!" Roxas rang a buzzer next to him and two police officers came in.

"You again!?" one of the officers directed at Saix.

"That's it." the other one said. "We're gonna put you away for a long time."



Xemnas laughed with a roar, watching as Saix tried to beat off the two officers. "Smooth Roxas, smooth. Was that for him bititng you, or me beating you? But we'll discuss that later. Saix, stop fooling around and lets go. We've got a company to destroy."



Roxas only now just realized what Xemnas said. "Oh hell no! Wait, what about that person you keep talking to sometimes?"



"How much do you know Roxas?! Anyways, keep that hush hush, and I may introduce her sister to you."



Saix starts following Xemnas around RIGHT behind him so he don't get in more trouble.



Xemnas notices Saix. "You're too close!!" He let out a sigh. (Poor Saix, I'm being so mean to him. Must be that time again. I'll have to keep an eye on him.)



Saix takes Xemnas' keyblade and jumps out the window and yells.


" IT'S MINE!!! "



*grabs out puppet Namine*


Namine: Get that Wuss Xemnas!!!!


"I thought I told you to stay home!!"


Namine: no you didnt!


"shut up Namine..."



Saix turns around and fires missles in through the window.





Namine:EEEEEP!!!! *makes force field*


"How the hell did you do that!?"


Namine: Well...


"Shut up Namine"


Namine: NO! YOU SHUT UP!


" 0_0 "



Saix runs to the nearest volcano and chucks the keyblade into it.



"...Xemnas Is going to murder you..."



Several cops aimed their guns at Saix. "Stop, you are a menace to society!"


Roxas put his hand to where his other ear was bitten off. A nurse came in a was shocked. "Oh my God! We must get to to surgery!"


"Wait, what?" Roxas asked as the nurse came towards him with an oxygen mask. Roxas struggled to get it off of him, but was knocked unconscious by the gas.



Saix notices the cops with their pretty guns aimed at his head.


" Oooo...I have toys like that too... "


Saix pulls out two SMG's.


" Let's play. "


Saix starts firing at the police.



Marluxia chops the Nurse's head off.


"That's for trying to take my friend away jabroni!"


Marluxia does CPR on Roxas.





Saix crawls in through the window, covered in the cops blood.


" People are so nice. They all want to play with me. "



"ITS THE funking PSYCHO!!!!!!"


Marluxia grabs Roxas and Jumps out window.



Saix finds the puppet Namine laying on the hospital's floor and picks it up.


" Hello, how are you? "


Namine: "..."


" Aren't you going to talk to me? "


Namine: "..."


" Oh, I get it. You want me so bad that you're speechless. "


Namine: "..."


" Don't worry. This won't hurt a bit. "


Saix carries the Namine puppet into the bathroom and locks the door.



"You idiot!" Roxas hit Marluxia on the head. "That stupid Mike Tyson Elf bit off my ear, and I was just about to get them fixed!"


More cops showed up. "We received a call that someone just kidnapped a patient of this hospital."


"That would be him." Roxas answered, pointing to Marluxia.


"That's it, you're coming with me."



Saix runs out of the bathroom crying.


" How could you do that to me, Namine? I gave you my trust and you raped me! "


Saix jumps out the window and runs up to Roxas, hugging him.


" Please, make everything better. Make me forget what just happened. "



Roxas was strapped on bed heading to surgery. "On one condition: Don't eat my ears ever again and make sure Marluxia goes to jail. Also, I'm fine with this. If you want my help, you won't stop me going to surgery."



Saix sits on the end of the bed that's taking him into surgery while eating a lemon.


" I can't guarantee that Marluxia will go to jail. But, I will never try to eat your ears again. And, I won't stop your surgery. "



"Marluxia's cornered by the police outside. Just make sure that he doesn't get away."


With that, Roxas was pulled into surgery.



Saix runs up to Marluxia and nails his feet to the ground and his hands to the wall.


" Okay, he can't get away. "



A nurse walked up to Saix. "He can't hear you. We gave him anisthesia or something. He'll be out for about an hour."



"Wait, why don't we just get some freakin' elf to heal his ass."



Saix raises his hand.


" I'm an elf. "



"You're a psycho not a healer..."



" But, I AM an elf. "


Saix curls up in a corner and starts pouting.



Marluxia is sitting in cell.


"Well this isnt so bad... right Namine?"


Namine: Wait, how'd I get back with you?


"Shut up and help me dig!"



Saix has been secretly watching Marluxia.


" Cops, Marluxia is trying to escape! "



Marluxia points at the puppet.


"Its all her fault!!"


Namine: Marluxia! you Rat!!



Cops storm the prison cell and have guns aimed at both of them.


" If you make one move, we will turn you into swiss cheese. "



Roxas got out of surgery with stitches in his ear. "Okay, I'm heading home."


Suddenly, the real Namine walked into the hospital and ran towards Roxas, embracing him.


"I'm sorry for not coming sooner, Roxas. Are you okay?"


"Yeah, but Saix bit both my ears off, but they managed to fix it. And Xemnas, he gave you six hickeys?"


"Oh, did it hurt you too much with that?"


"Not much."


"Good. As for Xemnas, that goddman pedo tried to rape me, just like Xaldin. He gave me six hickeys. One on my neck and three on my arms, going up. I swear, they have no respect for women."


"That's because Xemnas is probably a necro and Xaldin is a pervert. Anyway, how about we go to my place? I got DDR."





Saix teleports to wherever Roxas is.


" Okay, he got sent to jail. Didn't stay there though. "



Roxas is dancing to Soulja Boy against Namine on DDR. "Well then go get him."



Marluxia throws the puppet on the floor.


"I am no longer interested in you anymore... I require the real Namine..."


Namine: ....


"Shut up Namine..."



Roxas's phone rang.

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and, desert you.


"God I love that ringtone. Hello?"

Over the phone, a voice spoke. "Roxas, I have the stuff you asked for."

"Thanks Riku, but could you send it back?"

"What the hell man!? I had to steal all that stuff from Vincent and-"

"That was you!?"

"Oh fu-"


Roxas got a dial tone.


"O...K..." Roxas said confused.

"What was that about?" Namine asked.

"The guys had this idea to kill 4Kids, so I got Riku to get some bombs."



Namine slapped Roxas.


"What was that for?"

"I don't want to be with you if you're going to be a criminal. If I had a heart, it would be broken."

"Look, I'm sorry!"

"Stop it! I'm leaving you!"


Namine left the room and ran off.


"Namine, wait!"


It was too late.



Namine appeared at the door of Castle Oblivion.


"Ah Namine... what a pleasant surprise..."


"Why is there a puppet that looks like me on the floor?"


Marluxia quickly made the puppet disappear.


"So... not that I'm not thrilled to see you, but why did you come back to me"


"...I want to make somthing of myself, by helping defeat crime... and I want to start with Roxas!"


"Dont worry Namine...we will get him..."



Roxas put his head in his hands. "I'm such an idiot. I got to find a way to get Namine back, but how?"



"Namine Is there any way to give the nobody's hearts?"


"No... they have to find it themselves."


"well... they do have their memories... can you help them find their hearts again?"


"I can... But why give them hearts?"


"isnt it obvious? so you can break them... If you break their hearts, they will be merely lifeless shells..."


"Why aren't they lifeless shells now?"


"Because they never had their hearts shattered, they are just lost..."



Xemnas apparates to his Keyblade and snatches it before it hits the magma. "I'll kill that boy! No, I can't. . .because soon. . ." Several police sirens were heard in the distance. "Human policeman? Oy, it had to be Marluxia or Saix. I'd better go and deal with them. . ."


Minutes later, Xemnas easily mopped up the last of the police throughout the city. "Something's not right." He apparated to the castle doors. "Damnit. Where's Roxas?" He kicked open the doors in a rage. "Where's Roxas?!" He ran upstairs to his room to find Roxas dancing. "I KNEW it! You always play DDR in my room when I'm gone! Move over!"


Xemnas easily outstepped Roxas' dance speed. He moved so fast that he tripped himself and lost. "Damnit. Got to learn how to control my speed." He left the room and peered down stairs to find Namine and Marluxia talking. He stood cooly on the staircase corner and read Namine's mind.


*I'll kill Roxas! If it's the last thing I do! Maybe I'll get back at him by messing around with Xemnas.* He jumped at that thought. As he went back to his room, he opened his oversized super closet and picked out his best robes. As fast as light, he jetted out of his room and appraoched Namine.



"Namine...try to make Xemnas remember his heart... let him be our first victim..."





Xemnas approached Namine. "Namine... " He took a quick bow and made his way to the kitchen. *I wonder if there is any cake left?*



"I see you have given him manners... thats a good start... now, make him happy..."



Xemnas felt a whirl of something strange inside of him. *What's this weird feeling?* He opened the refrigerator to find a large chocolate cake inside. "Yay for me!" He ate away at the cake gleefully.



He calls Roxas.

"Dude, what the funk? We need you and Xemnas to kill 4kids, you can dance later. They plan to make a KH cartoon with CW 11 and I plan on making some serious rewrites..."



"What!? How dare they!" Roxas thought about what had happened just now. Namine was mad at him for doing what he would've done if he went with Xaldin.

"You can go yourself. I'm going to take care of something else."



"funk it, if it weren't my hometown I'd nuke the studio..."

Xaldin trashes the nuking remote.

"Well what about Xemnas?"

He calls Xemnas, but it goes to voicemail.

"Well, then, I guess it's just me..."

He calls back Roxas.

"Remember me, if I die, all my stuff goes to you son..."

He goes to New York City and books a hotel room in the Marriott. He goes with his girlfriend Blackbird"



Xemnas stops eating his cake abruptly. He looked around the room quietly, then down at his hands. "What the hell am I doing? I've got a mission to complete. Something's not right around here. It's time I took up an old policy, but after the mission." He stormed up the stairs, running into Roxas. "Just the person I was looking for."


"What are you doing right now? Because we have a production studio to destroy."



Xaldin calls Xemnas and Roxas, and puts on conference call...

"Hey guys! What's up! I hope you know I'm having some fun with my girlfriend out here. You guys should come with your girlfriends! By the way Roxas, I got Namine to accept an apology from you if you take her to go sightseeing in the city! She says if you won't she'll help Marluxia kill us all. Yeah right..."



"Please, the most Namine could do would probably TRY to give me emotions or a heart. I found out Saix put her up to it. I'm going to have to restore my old orders if she keeps it up, and you BOTH know what that means. I'll be there shortly."


Xemnas' line cut off, as he apparated to the 4kids Studio.



"Don't kill 4kids without Me!"

He says he'll be right back to Blackbird and teleports.

"Who the funk wants a piece of me?"

He sees a bunch of kindergarteners and surviving FCC members...



"Well now, he just had all the fun didn't he?" Xemnas whipped out his Keyblades and slashed away at surviving employees. "That was moderately boring. Maybe I'll destroy Hollywood next. Then again, they did make Iron Man and Hancock awesome, so I'll cut them some slack for that crap ass Incredible Hulk movie.. .for now."



"Now Namine... make him feel bad about all the things he has done..."





A strange auroring pulse ran through Xemnas. "What. . .why did I. . .I'm such a horrible person. . .I-. . .NO! I'm tired of these games!" Xemnas called forth his dragon and headed for Oblivion Castle. "Namine. . .I'm so bad and evil, I'm a bad man. . .but it's my job, I rid this world of other evils. . .though 2 wrongs don't make a right. . . but 2 rights make a left, ruling out all of this. . ."



"He is coming Namine! Quick get to the top of the castle... I'll deal with him..."


Namine ran, but Marluxia shouted back.


"Namine, while you are up there, keep trying to make him remember!"



"Damnit, Marluxia and Namine. This is the only easy chance we'll get... They probably will upgrade security after this. But, he is the leader... Marluxia, you Bastard!!!"

He calls forth constructs and flies to the Mansion, then chokes Marluxia.

"You bastard! You betrayed us and aborted the mission! Why shouldn't I kill you now?"

His grip tightens and Namine tries to release his hand.

"You want some too?"

He pours sleeping powder on her and she is knocked out for the next 2 hours...



Xemnas reaches the castle, and the doors are blown open. "I kow I won't accomplish this by myself. So I'll call on a friend. The only person to ever surpass me. . ." Xemnas got out his cell phone, and dialed an eerie tone. "I need your help," he spoke." The stranger on the other end of the line replied, "I'm on my way, dear comrade."


Xemnas stormed up the stairs, leaving his Dragon to guard the entrance. He released his Keyblades, and charged Marluxia.



Roxas got up. "I gotta win Namine back. " He teleports to Castle Oblivion and sees the ensuing chaos.


"Holy Mother of God!"



Marluxia teleported across the room, and teleported Namine to the top.


"You know I can easily wipe you out! You cant even make a full body copy of yourself... As you know, only a select few members can preform such a feat."


He makes his scythe appear.


"I was only Ranked so low because Xemnas knew of my plots against the Organization..."


He charges at Xaldin.



Xemnas' dragon turned to spot Roxas, bowing immediately, knowing he was a friend to Xemnas, and one it should not argue with. It let Roxas past the entrance.


[Moments Later]


A roaring fire emergerd from the floors of the castle, and a man stood in their midst. "It seems I've arrived just in time for the party. Too bad I don't have a Keyblade, so I'll have to use my own blade." His sword stretched amazingly, with its strong and slender blade that could cut through Oblivion Castle if he wanted to do so.


Xemnas stopped in his charge abuptly. "Ah, Sephiroth, I see you've arrived."


[sephiroth's "One Winged Angel" Plays in the background]


"And Marluxia," said Xemnas, "don't let your guard down."



Marluxia smiles, and diverts his course.


"You and me Xemnas! NOW!"


Marluxia swings his scythe.



Xaldin goes to Roxas.

"You're the only one who can stop Namine. Just take her to the city so we won't have to be ordered by Marluxia."



"You Have to get to the top the HARD way Roxas! HAHAHAHAH"



"Damn it Marluxia, if you want to stop him you have to go through me..."

He pulls out a Sniper.

"And I'm damn well ready to blow your arm off..."



"Is that so..."

He makes copy of himself.


"Lets see how you handle the ghost! Use your organization weapon like a REAL member would!"



Roxas aimed his Keyblades at the ground and shot beams of light, catapulting him all the way to the top.

"You were saying?"



Six lances appear in front of him and he creates 2 constructs, still weakened by all the summoning he's done in the past week...

"Go! Destroy the ghost!"

He carefully aims at the ghost's head as the dragons fight him and throws lances at ghost.

"I must go help Roxas, keep all ghosts busy."

He goes upstairs to make sure Roxas gets to Namine...



Marluxia teleports to the top.


"You and I are going to play now..."


He grabs his scythe.


"STOP!!" Namine shouts.




"Don't hurt him!" She blocks Roxas.


"You WILL help ME!"

He teleports Namine to the world of Nothingness.


"You cant get her back until you beat me! I'm the only one who can open the world of nothingness!"



Xemnas steps in with a clone of himself, and they both grab hold of Marluxia and his ghost. "Now, now, Marluxia, you shouldn't abuse your powers. Otherwise. . ." Sephiroth appeared holding his blade to Marluxia's neck. "We will have to stop your foolishness. One mistake, boy, and you die right here," he said in an evil tone of voice.



"You...You will pay!" Roxas ran with super fast speed and bombarded Marluxia with strikes from his Keyblades.



"Even If you kill me, there will be no way of getting Namine back, because EVEN you Know that Only I Have the power to open the World Of Nothingness..."



Xaldin calls Blackbird.

"Sorry baby, vacation has to stop unitl we can stop Marluxia"

Blackbird teleports there.

"Alright! Time to stomp that Mofo flat!"

Him, Black B, and his contructs grab Marluxia and Xaldin drop kicks him. Soon Marluxia breaks the dragon's grip...



"Ugh...hehe fools"

*Darkness erupts from Marluxia's body making everyone fall down*



Xemnas clones himself 200 times more. The clones stop the assault on Marluxia. "You fools! We will need the World of Nothingness. I shall hold him captive for now. Do nothing else!" With that, Xemnas snapped his fingers, and he, his clones, Marluxia and Sephiroth disappeared.


[Meanwhile, in a Disclosed Location]


"Marluxia, you're taking things a bit too far. What's this about? And if you don't cooperate, I'll let them have you."



"What the funk? Where am I? Wait, where's Blackbird?"



"To overthrow the organization and take it as my own... you know yourself that I deserve a higher rank as well... but you have known about my schemes from the start and ranked me as #11..."



"So that's what this about? Revenge? Well then," Xemnas teleports Marluxia back to Oblivion Castle. "You can have your revenge. For too long have I held back my powers, slowly watching my Organization fall. No more." Marluxia begins a battle with Xemnas, right outside of Oblivion Castle. They are enclosed withing a shield, as Sephirtoh waits for the right moment to break it.



"Well now... a fight to our death? But you do realize you lose either way... 1. I kill you... 2. You kill me, BUT, Namine will be forever trapped in the world where Sora and I fought..."


Marluxia laughs.


"A little Ironic isnt it? You are acting as the reincarnation of Sora... trying to save her from me... only this time... you can't win"



"This time it isn't over"

Everybody turns to see Namine and Blackbird.



Marluxia gasps.


His eyes widen.




"Yeah, I got Sora for help..."

Namine shouted "You will pay!"

Sora: was slurping on some soda.

"Xemnas, don't kill him, I have a better idea..." Blackbird said.


Hours later...


"So, how do you like to watch 4kids tv reruns for the rest of your life Marluxia?"

Blackbird still has the feeling she forgot something though.....


"Hello? Can I come out now?" Xaldin said from the Realm of Nothingness.



"Get back to reality!"


He glares at Xemnas.


"This started with me... and now Its going to end with me"


He grips his scythe ready to fight Xemnas.


"A fight to the death!"



Roxas took both his Keyblades. "It will end with you, and you're death!"


Roxas felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and saw it was Namine, crying. "Please Roxas, no more!"


Roxas's Keyblades disappeared, and Roxas embraced Namine. "I'm sorry."



"I hope Blackbird is doing fine..."

He changes channel to Funimation channel.

"I need to watch my dubbed Spiral episodes..."



"Namine... you betrayed me not once, but TWICE!! When I defeat Xemnas, you're next!"



"You touch Namine when you go through me!!!" Sora said.

"And me!" said Blackbird.



"Sora, finally you side with them?"

he turns to Sora.

"After all the Organization has put you through, you NOW side with them? Sora, I'm trying to stop this, them!, you can help me rid this world of darkness, together! NOTHING WILL STOP US!"


"...what do you say, Sora?"



"It is not about them, this is about Namine!!! Now quit messing with my mind you jabroni!"



"Fine... if this is how it is, after I finish with Xemnas..."


He raises his scythe and points it at Sora.


"You're Next!"



"Go ahead and try!!!"



"Unfortunately I have to play with Xemnas first"



Saix comes in and stands next to Marluxia, sword drawn.


" Can I join in on this fight? "



Xemnas interrupts, bringing forth imense silence. "Are you all blind? Marluxia only wants revenge against ME. This has nothing to with Namine or her pathetic attempts to control me. Yes, I was fully aware of what was going on, as I purposely let my guard down. Now, stay out of this Sora, or suffer a fate worse than that of Cloud's! Now then Marluxia," Thousands of Xemnas clones spread within the barrier. "Let us begin!" Xemnas charged. . .




Sephirtoh turned to Sora. "He's right Sora. if you interfere you'll only be punished, and banished to my realm with Cloud. And no mortal has survived in my lair for more than 7 seconds. So don't push it."


"The only reson Cloud is alive, well, we have something to settle."



Xaldin calls Blackbird.

"What the funk? where are you? I'm stuck here!"



A thought occurs to Xemnas, causing him to stop his first attack. *Oh crap! Xaldin! I completely forgot!* With a wave of his hands, Xaldin reeappeared in the real world. "Sorry about that Xaldin. Now then. . ." Xemnas' attack commenced once more.



"Well, i didn't call you but that works too..."

He looks to Blackbird and picks her up in his hands.

"I know this is the craziest time to ask such a question, but will you marry me?"

He pulls out a big ass ring.


Both watch the battle ensue as Blackbird rests her head on his shoulder. The perfect action movie to watch...



Marluxia stretched his scythe out and began to spin, destroying the clones.


"Hahaha, no one said this was going to be easy!"



Xemnas chuckled. "They're called decoys!" Xemnas yelled triumphantly while slashing the front of Marluxia's chest. "And I'm just toying with you."



"You aren't the only member who can make clones of themselves"


He appears standing behind Xemnas.


"Like I said, this isnt going to come easy Xemnas..."



Xaldin is watching the battle still with his fiancee.

"I wonder if Roxas will ever grow the balls and earn the money to propose to Namine? She does need a ring right?"

"Let's just enjoy the moment and the suspense..."

"You think I should be helping him?"

"Nahhh, this is their battle, besides, I can't marry a dead man..."

"You're right..."




Roxas turned to Namine and held her hand.

"I have more of a heart than Xaldin, so I know I can ask this with true feeling. Namine, please be my girlfriend."


Namine was overcome with glee at the sudden question. "Oh yes!" she answered with delight.



"Oh, how touching... pity it wont last once I finish Xemnas!"



Roxas looked at Sora and both of them smiled. They took their Keyblades and aimed at Marluxia. Orbs of light formed around the tip of the Keyblades. Beams of light shot out of the Keyblade and hit Marluxia hard.

"You just got Roxowned."



"This is between me and Xemnas now... I will deal with you weaklings later..."



Xemnas broke the barrier. "You've interfered for the last time, Marluxia. Sora, Roxas, and the rest of you. You must not stare into the eyes of Sephiroth. It means only your death. Sephiroth!" Sephiroth raised his head, a new darker look in his eye. Then it showed, his single wing. When enraged, Sephirtoh lets his wing free, unleashing his true power.


He rose to the sky, and pointed a finger at Marluxia. He spoke in an icy cold tone. "Heartless. . .Angel." Marluxia froze for a moment. Xemnas took this time to move the other Organization members to a safer place. And just in time. The gates of Hell had opened, and risen to the field. Sora and Roxas watched in amazement, knowing they were lucky to be averted from this fate.


Xemnas faced Sephiroth. "Seal him away," he stared into the eyes of the one winged angel, ---realizing he was lucky enough that he was given nearly equal strength at THEIR birth---, "permanently."


But Marluxia would not go down so easily. He would fight to the Death!



"getting others to do your work? Fine, heres mine!!"

The place shook and from the sky came Marluxia's Nobody: The Angel Of Death


"Now Xemnas, your mine!"



Xemnas blocks with his keyblade, backswinging the scythe. "First of all, Sephiroth does not do my work. He is my beloved brother, he helps me when I need him. Second," he snapped his fingers, and his dragon came to his side. "I have my own Nobody as well. Meet Dragonic Guardian."


The two Nobody's clashed, as their masters fought alongside them.


Sephiroth loked shocked. "Our bloodline has always been a secret. Oh well." Sephiroth flashed into the center of the battlefield, before the blades of Marluxia and Xemnas could meet.



"What is this?" This was supposed to be you and me..."



Sephiroth looked Marluxia in the eye, and then looked to Xemnas. "I feel the need to stop this nonsense before anyone else gets hurt." He blew the two warriors to opposite sides of their battlefield. "I propose a final duel. The two of you, shall enter my realm."


"You each draw your blades, and the first to strike will instantly kill the other on contact. There will be no cloning, as I can easily spot them. And finally, the loser will spend eternity in my place of choice." They were all teleported to Sephiroth's lair, where the final showdown between Marluxia and Xemnas would take place.



"You realize that this whole one hit kill thing is very anti-climactic... I was hoping for an actual challenge... whatever, all the more easy for me..."



Larxene teleports in with popcorn to watch the fight

"Sounds like I missed a lot....20$ on Xemnas!"



"LARXENE! how could you!? after all we've been through!!"



"Give an example....Really, all you did was use me to try and overthrow Xemnas."



"You were in on the whole charade too!"



"I was only pretending to help you....I was only doing what was best for myself at the time."



Roxas noticed that Larxene had just come.

"Larxene? What are you going to do?"



Xemnas looked daringly at Sephiroth. "Sephiroth, this is my battle, and you will not interfere." Sephiroth exchanged looks with Xemnas. "Sorry little brother but I can't have you getting hurt. Now do as I-" Sephiroth was bleeding, wounded gravely before he knew what had happened. "Never let your guard down. . .big brother."


Sephiroth gripped his chest where he could, trying to bare the pain. "Damn you Xemnas!!" He fell to the groung, exploding in a fiery ball of gloom. "Now then Marluxia, where were we?" They had returned to the real world.



"Now... HAVE AT YOU!"


He lunges after Xemnas.



"Well said MARLUXIA!!!" They clashed.



Thousands of petals came from Marluxia's hand and swirled all over the room.

"Take THIS!"

The petals were magic and struck Xemnas with great force, but didnt flinch a bit/



"Not bad. Now it's my turn." The area glowed a bright white light, and millions of lasers shot at Marluxia, with extreme speed.



Roxas turned to Namine. "Whatever happens, please remember me."

Roxas leaped into the air and aimed his Keyblades at the ground.

"I've had enough of this!"

Pillars of light shot out of the Keyblades at the ground and Roxas spun, firing beams in multiple directions. When the beams did their damage, Roxas charged at Marluxia.



Xemnas dodged out of the way as Roxas launched himself at Marluxia, as the laser barrage of his own ended. *What's the boy gonna do?!*



Marluxia turned to see Roxas.



Marluxia held up his scythe and swung at Roxas.



*Now's my chance. Namine, Roxas, forgive me.* Xemnas lunged at Marluxia, but Roxas was in the way. He slashed at an angle, hitting Roxas, but hitting Marluxia as well. He landed and kicked backwards to catch Roxas. "You fool," he said to the boy. Using his telekinetic powers, he sent Roxas' body to Namine.


"You'll pay for this Marluxia." Xemnas eyes flared. "YOU'LL PAY!!"



Roxas was knocked back. Namine gasped in horror and walked up to him. "It's okay Namine, I'm fine."

Roxas got up and held his Keyblades up in the air. A brilliant light surrounded them both until they had merged into a new Keyblade with a spiked edge. Roxas took it in one hand and admired it. "The Two Across."



He turned to Roxas. * Good, he's alive. Now then. . .* "You won't ruin my Organization Marluxia. I won't let you." Xemnas cloned himself, and increased his overall speed. The final battle was drawing to a close.



"Just try me!"


Marluxia hit the ground with the end handle of his scythe, and a huge shockwave came from it making everything quake. He then made giant vines with thorns come out of the ground entrapping Xemnas.


"Cant do much when your all tied up!!"

Marluxia then lunged at Xemnas violently slashing him.



Xemnas dissaparated as the scythe hit him. He was behind Marluxia now, and spun him around. He blocked the next incoming swing, and began to choke Marluxia with his Keyblades.



Roxas turned to Sora, who nodded. The two charged towards Marluxia with Keyblade in both hands until they were enveloped in a brilliant light. When the light faded, only Sora was there, but his outfit was white and he was wielding the Two Across and the Ultima, which relieved Namine, since she knew Roxas was still alive. Final Sora kept charging at Marluxia, who was being strangled by Xemnas, allowing him to be struck Marluxia by both Keyblades.





Marluxia had vanished and was then encased inside a giant flower.


"I must recover... I cant let victory come to him so easily..."



"He's not dead yet." He apparated to Marluxia's Giant Plant. He began to hack away at the giant flower, trying to stop Marluxia's recovery.



*Marluxia Sprang out and slashed Xemnas arm off*




Marluxia was about to make the final blow to Xemnas when...



Xemnas regrew his arm, and blocked Marluxia's next swing. "You should know better!" He took his free arm, and stabbed Marluxia in the shoulder.



"Damn YOU!"


Marluxia then raised his scythe and struck down, clearly missing Xemnas but the energy slash above Xemnas was about to strike.



Xemnas was hit hard. He backed off of Marluxia for a brief moment, taking time to recover from the wound. He raised his keyblades to the air, using the last of his energy. He cloned himself once more, encircling Marluxia. "This time. . . I won't miss." Each clone launched their duplicated keyblades at Marluxia.



Sora leaped into the air and readied a Firaga in both Keyblades. He fired both blasts at Marluxia with the intent to finish him off.



Marluxia jumped and was about to strike Xemnas and slice him in half from the head down.





Marluxia got struck... and fell to the ground just inches away from Xemnas.



Xemnas locked away the rest of the Organization members. "Sora, this not for Namine's eyes to see." Sora nodded in agreement, and the barrier turned black. He approached the fallen Marluxia. "I'm sorry Marluxia, but your reign has come to an end." Xemnas struck at Marluxia's head. . .



"I... I'm... I'm fading..."


He turns to Xemnas.


"You... did... you did well..."


"You must defeat 4kids... they are more powerful than you think..."


"When I fade I will change into a card... which will show its power when the right time comes..."

"I was being manipulated by them... and now I hope I can help by means of this card... farewell..."


*Marluxia vanished and in his place was a card with Marluxia on it*



"Now, tell me that wasn't an awesome movie!!!" said Xaldin with giant camera, who apparentely recorded the whole battle...

"Bravo, people! I'll make millions! But how do we explain the actual death of somebody in a movie?"



Roxas separated from Sora, but Sora collapsed from exhaustion. Roxas picked up Marluxia's card. "Marluxia, you were a good friend. I'll make sure you're death was worth it." However, Roxas heard Xaldin cheer over making a "great movie" and walked over to him, grabbed his phone, and turned it off. "Do you even care that Marluxia died?"

Namine walked over and grabbed Roxas's arm. "Oh my god Roxas, you were so hot back there!"



Xemnas collapsed exhuasted. He looked to the skies and said, "Good-bye Marluxia. See you in the after life." He picked up his keyblades, and sealed them. "Roxas, Sora, you both did great, I thank you. Namine, celebrate with Roxas. . .while you can." At last, Xemnas apparated to his room. As he approached his chambers, he spoke to himself aloud, knowing it was done. "Marluxia's death was unavoidable. And little do those fools know, they will suffer his same fate."





Credit to Zexaeon for gathering all the posts. I'll revise it later.

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I have them. =o


[spoiler=Part 1]Absolutely NOTHING important happened. Well, Xemnas and Maeluxia had an epic fight at the end, and Marluxia died, but whatevs. Also, apparently Xemnas turns against the Organization.


[spoiler=Part 2]tl;dr warning


I single handedly turned this RP from a random mess of insanity into the sheer epicness it ended as during this part.


Anyway, Sora and Kairi (dating) and Roxas and Naminé (also dating) went on a cruise for who knows what reason. Larxene, Xaldin, Saïx, Lexaeus all show up, and insanity ensues. Late one night, a mysterious hooded figure appears on the ship, but he never says anything. A few members try attacking him (They're probably drunk.) but fail. Larxene talks to someone on a cell phone, then immediately leaves once the guy notices her. She ends up teleporting to the basement of Castle Oblivion, with another hooded guy, but this one can TALK! xD


Anyway, the ship crashes and the hooded guy 1 tries to communicate to them, usually just by pointing to stuff, until someone gives him some paper. He eventually leads them all to a temple (Except Saix who disappeared) which goes through a tunnel to a lab in Castle Oblivion where hooded guy 2 and Larxene are already. In the center of the room is a card with Marluxia on it. (Think CoM)


The two hooded guys fight over the card, even though neither of them appear to be able to be injured. Hooded guy 1 eventually escapes with the card, while hooded guy 2 follows him with Xaldin close behind. Hooded guy 1 uses the card, and reveals that he is Marluxia, but his spirit stayed behind. He used the card to revive himself. The other hooded guy (I'll just call him Zero, even though he didn't reveal his name yet.). Marluxia challenges him to a children's card game, whoever loses dies. It ends in a tie and Marly leaves.


Meanwhile, Zexion had been watching the entire time and went to Roxas, Larxene, and Marluxia to come up with a plan. Zexion reveals that the card Marluxia used to revive himself was actually two cards sealed together. Marluxia's soul card (each defeated Organization member leaves one of these, like the enemy cards in CoM) and the #11 soul shard. The soul shards, when all brought together can bring forth Kingdom Hearts.


DiZ also appears, and gives Zexion the 00 soul shard, saying that it holds the key to defeating Zero. (They figure out his name by the fact that the card says '00')


Zexion decides to go after Zero, to see what he's after, Marluxia goes to search for the rest of the soul shards, and everyone else goes after Xemnas who is their main threat, since Zero doesn't seem to have much power.


[spoiler=Part 3]Zexion finds Zero in the basement of Castle Oblivion, and learns that he already has about half of the soul shards.


Marluxia is having very little luck, as he's only found 1 soul shard by this time.


Larxene, Roxas, Xaldin, Lexaeus, and Axel are all at The World That Never Was, ready to attack Xemnas before he can suspect that they are there. But immediately after they enter the castle, Xemnas attacks them first. He teleports all of them to Castle Oblivion first, knowing that Zexion is there, and that Marluxia has also just come to the castle as well.


Zero eventually encounters Xemnas, but decides to avoid his fight while Ansem (Xehanort's Heartless.) takes the unconscious Naminé (No idea where she came from) to the Realm of Darkness, and Zero follows him. None of the others can go, because DiZ and Ansem are in a special part of the Realm of Darkness that is hidden to Nobodies. Diz, thinking that Zero is a Nobody (He has all the powers of Organization XIII) is shocked when he shows up, but he makes an alliance with Zero, despite Ansem's complaints. DiZ promises to give Zero all of the soul shards, on two conditions. One, bring the #12 soul shard along with Larxene, and keep the other shards out of the Organization's hands.


Back at Castle Oblivion, after lots of fighting and sheet, Xemnas is defeated by Larxene, but leaves behind a card as usual. The difference, is that it is inverted. Zexion takes it and uses it, but Xemnas' darker half that lived within the card fuses with Zexion becoming Zexemnas. (xD)


Meanwhile, Xemnas makes a Bleach crossover and stuff.


Anyway, Zexemnas is now god-like. More fighting! Sora and Roxas both go into Drive Forms and crap, and kick his ass, but lose anyway. Eventually, Xemnas comes back to life, breaking a hole between the living world and the spirit world or something. (Bleach crossover sheet.)


The eventually separate Dark Xemnas and Zexion, and destroy Dark Xemnas. Zexion escapes to the Realm of Darkness where he is confronted by Ansem. Zexion reveals that he was plotting against the Organization the entire time, and used Dark Xemnas to make himself more powerful, but Ansem kills him and takes both Zexion's card, and the 00 card.


He leaves, betraying DiZ and Zero and becomes a threat of his own.


~Insert time skip~


[spoiler=Part 4]Random Bleach sheet that I don't understand.


Ansem has a sexy Heartless servant named Vilayna. She has a whip. ;P


He sends her into Twilight Town to send Heartless against the Organization, but she meets Zero. They talk, not knowing that he is really her enemy, then she leaves.


Zero then kidnaps Larxene and brings her to DiZ. He uses her control over electricity to fuel a machine he is creating, but it drains all of her energy before the machine can be fully charged so they lock her until she can get more energy.


Meanwhile, some Bleach OC named Kazemaru fights Vilayna and loses, and is forced to obey Ansem or he will die. He breaks into DiZ's tower, and steals a shard of Kingdom Hearts that DiZ kept hidden, but Kazemaru is knocked unconscious in the process.


Ansem uses the combined power of the 00 card and the shard to become even more powerful. Around the same time, Ansem reveals to Vilayna that Zero is her enemy, despite the fact that she actually likes him. She is ordered to kill him, since he is growing weaker, and supposedly dieing.


They fight, but Zero knows that she refuses to actually kill him. So they go back to Zero's room for some "fun" if you know what I mean. xD


Blah blah blah Zero kills Vilayna after the sex and then leaves.


Ansem, who is now god modding, kills Saix and Xigbar off screen. He then uses his god-like powers to start to combine the Realms of Light, Nothingness, and Darkness together, not knowing that it would destroy all existence.


DiZ offers to help the Organization by freeing Larxene, and sending them to the area where Ansem is hiding.


They agree, and they all go.

(Sora, Kairi, Riku, Mickey, Roxas, Naminé, Xemnas, Xaldin, Lexaeus, Axel, Demyx, Marluxia, and Larxene.)


Long fight, blah blah blah, they eventually win. Before any of them can kill Ansem, Zero has to be cheap and make the kill and take all the EXP the 00 card, the shard, and Zexion's card.


Basically, DiZ and Zero now have all 13 soul shards, the 00 card, the shard of Kingdom Hearts, and the soul cards of Xigbar, Zexion, and Saix.


[spoiler=Part 5]Time skip.


Vexen is dead off screen. (Killed by Zero, who is now more of a god mod than Ansem was, since he has all those cards.) DiZ finishes his machine using Kazemaru's remaining life.


The rest of the Organization is either training, on vacation, or trying to think of a way to get to DiZ's tower.


Meanwhile, two Organization members that DON'T die offscreen. Zero fights with Xaldin at Hollow Bastion, but easily defeats him and takes his soul card. He does the same with Luxord at Twilight Town.


Also, Riku got a sex change. Her name is Rika.


Anyway...lulz ensues. Rikku (FFX) rapes Eeyore (Winnie teh Pooh) and then get burned alive in the book. Yuna and Paine are both killed by Zero for no reason.


The remaining members who are alive get to DiZ's tower through a portal created in Castle Oblivion. DiZ uses a device in the tower to separate the members into two groups, and Marluxia by himself.


Marluxia goes up by himself, and confronts DiZ. DiZ reveals that his machine has the power to erase all Nobodies and Heartless completely, creating what he thinks to be his perfect world free from Nobodies, Heartless, and other worthless beings.


Marluxia destroys the machine, killing DiZ in the process, although he sacrifices himself, he is saved. (I forgot how.)


The other two groups meet up near Zero's room, along with Vilayna's ghost who likes to stalk them for the lulz. And to kill Zero, but mostly for the lulz.


They go up the stairs behind Zero's room, and reach the top floor where Zero is already waiting.



The rest, you really have to read. It's just so epic to shorten. xD




That's the rest, but I already told you enough of the story for you to understand.



I'll give you the other parts if you want to read them, cause they're awesome and funny at the same time. xD




Credit goes to Lar, because she sent them to me a long time ago.

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Nothing big better happen while I'm @ work on Monday... aw who am I kidding, you'll probably get through 10 pages in 5 hours...

On another note: If we are all weak, wouldnt that make us easy prey for Zero? Making it horribly anti-climactic...

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I guess maybe a year or two after the last RP?


It shouldn't be too soon after the last part.

Nothing big better happen while I'm @ work on Monday... aw who am I kidding' date=' you'll probably get through 10 pages in 5 hours...

On another note: If we are all weak, wouldnt that make us easy prey for Zero? Making it horribly anti-climactic...



We'll probably only give him enough power to regain his appearance and powers again, but not his body.


So he might not even die at the end, and just ignore the Organization.

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Sweet, though I agree with Davok.


Also tomorrow I am going to a camp for a week and kinda don't want to start something I won't be around to finish.


However I have a certain affliction" while it's not life threatening It makes sitting down and moving really uncomfortable. Since it even affects how I walk my mom is thinking about me skiping camp.



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Dx Lar, you had mah help in epic-iffying the RPs.


Also, a few things those summaries left out:


The RoD was just inaccessable to people who weren't immersed in Darkness, so that's why blah blah blah "Oh no, we can't find DiZ"


DiZ had very twisted alliances. xD Hell, I was PLAYING him and I didn't even know what he was doing half the time (first he helps Zexion, then Zero, then Ansem, then the entire Organization, but then he middle-fingers them and helps Zero again).


=o Vilayna's Ghost opened the portal that let the OrgyXIII into RoD. For the lulz. And to kill Zero, but mostly for the lulz.


Ansem had 5 weird Heartless servant people, of which only two were very powerful. =P Just thought I'd mention them because their fights were epic.


Oh, and Marluxia destroyed the Machine by using his Gold Card's ultimate power, which also cuts away his life. But then somehow, he also made a wish on said card which brought him back to life. ._. Yeah.


Oh yeah. Last but not least, Vilayna became less serious as a Ghost.

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Personally, other than the NG Nobodies, Zero, maybe Vilayna, and the Reverse Nobodies, I don't think that there should be too many new characters, because they would distract from the main plot.


I can see maybe adding a few Nobodies to Zero's Organization in addition to the NG Nobodies, but nothing else really.

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That's a big maybe on Vilayna. I'd be happy for her to come back too, but I honestly can't think of any reason why she would be called back to life, or even how.


Poor Vilayna. D=


So I'm not just gonna ressurect her for teh lulz. >_> If anyone has any good, plot-point ideas as to why she could come back, I'd love to hear them.

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Okay here's my cust:

Name: Massacre

Appearance: Massacare is usually covered in a bloodstained ORganization cloak with a heartless symbol on the back. His true apperance is that of a genderless human of average height that appears to have the faces of people stiched everywhere on his body (in fact his skin is made from these faces). The faces look like thier terrified and worse they still breathe and can make moaning sounds and look around. All he has on under the cloak is a loincloth and a pair of sandals. He is covered in small heartless symbols as well.

Bio: Massacare is a hartless created from all the people (with hearts) who Zero has killed' date=' since Zero was competent enough to kill them in such rapid succession the hearts meld. Because of this Massacare has a deep seated hatred of Zero. Also the conflicting instincts from all the heartless Massacare was supposed tohave canceled each other out and made Massacare obedient and loyal . Due to the large fusion of heartless he is incredibly powerful and was recruited by the Ff villians as the brute force of the Fiendish Fantasy.

Powers: Massacare has the power of 1000 heartless since he is the fusion of 1000 heartless. He however is dumb as rocks only able and only respond to things. If he has no orders or no one attacks him he sits in place, luckily he can receive orders telepathically as long as someone remenbers him. He however can teleport and fire darkness energy from his many mouths. He is very much like a mindless tank.



There you go, Zex.


I had suggested a Replica Organization, but I can hold off on that.


How was Zero created, exactly? If he was created in a way similar to Vilayna, then they could just combine together, only Zero would be completely dominant.


Besides, what is the main plot? Just to destroy Nameless Grave and the Reverse Nobodies?

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Zero was born from the remnants of Kingdom Hearts after KH2.


The hearts combined together, giving him an artificial soul, along with his extremely high amount of power.


Technically, he was created with not just the powers of the Organization members, but a large number of other abilities as well. Many of which were never even seen.

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Vilayna was created similarly. Ansem has absorbed many, many Hearts in his time. He simply used a few dozen of them to created a new being, with her appearance and personality being based on upon the Most dominant Heart used in her creation.


She and Zero are both made of many, many Hearts.


Zero has a Heart and Soul, but no body. He can only maintain a minor physical state.


Vilayna has a Heart and Body, but no Soul. Her many Hearts that make her give her a bit of a ragtag, imitation soul (which is how she managed to become a Ghost).


So they both pretty much have a fake version of whatever they're missing.

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