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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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For someone who could care less, you've certainly kept up the argument for a while. And it isn't the incident that makes one obstinate, but rather the incident allows one to show their predeveloped obstinate nature.


In this instance, I'm expressing annoyance, not obstinance. You're the one being obstinate here, as you refuse to acknowledge my view point. I've acknowledged yours, and promtply refuted it as unnecessary; you just keep standing by yours, and have given me no inclination that you acknowledge mine at all.


Because while I've consistently told you that it's unnecessary, and stated my reasons why, you have failed to actually respond to those reasons, instead choosing to go back and repeat yourself.


Look. There is alkways more to say, on ANY subject, by ANY person. Not just you. But do you see the rest of us running around with "..." after every single post we make? No. Why? Because it's incredibly unnecessary.


And yes, I do think you care very much about your image.

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Actually, if that's the case, I looked on your own view point and refuted it myself. I guess we just can't agree on these terms. Your viewpoint hasn't changed much since the last time we talked about this, and neither has mine. Your argument is the same. It's not my fault you can't get over three dots. I don't care if you get ants in your pants over my simple statement and my ideal. I'm not going to get all over reactive to someone's habits or statements like you. All I ask is for this to stop here. We went over this, and nothing has changed or ever will change so why bring it up? Just quit acting out your irritation here. This could be considered spam. And we have gotten way off-topic. This ends here. Now back to rp ideas, seeing as you have not responded to my last idea...

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=/ And just who are you to take a demanding tone with me? You never addressed my views, weather you refuted them or not. You simply ignored them. At least I had the decency to tell you why I felt yours were absurd.


How about this; I'll ask the rest of the people in the club. We'll put it to a vote; if the majority of people here find your "..." annoying to look at, give it a rest. If they don't care, I'll drop it.


At least then it can be settled properly, in the way we usually settle things here. I'm sure that most of the members here probably don't give a damn like I do, but I'd still like to settle that bit of curiosity.


Are you up for that, or are you going to pig-headedly refuse to ackowledge this issue, even if the majority find it annoying?


Now then, in other news, I finally resumed playing my KH2FMLV1 file - felt good. =D

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Didn't we go over this already? Stop being so prissy.


I already had this conversation with you and I already told everyone that the ... Is a sign of continuation. That the statement is not complete' date=' and that I still have something to say.



I remember this, I think that's where I first mentioned your sexual insecurities.


Good times.

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I will have to side with Zex on this one. I do not necessarily care myself about the subject, but seriously, it is both pointless and basically signifies nothing at all besides the plain obvious. I also agree with Zex's viewpoint on the subject and can understand said irritation.


I'm with Zex.

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I won't get used to it. I'm going to keep giving you crap about it until it stops.


And your response was my case in point. You're just trying to sound deep' date=' as always, with an answer like that. "Not all things need to be said, and there is always more to be said...". Yuhuh. You're so cool.


Seriously, typing ... is pointless, doesn't do anything for your image, doesn't make you sound smarter, and there is no reason to use it in place of your standard period. It's just an annoyance.



I can understand it's annoying to you, but you only think that he is trying to sound cool. An opinion doesn't equal the truth. Until you have proof that he is trying to look cool by saying it, I'm afraid it isn't true.

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I'm with Zex on this one.


Typing "..." means you have more to say. It's rather pointless and CAN BE annoying if it's used too much.


One of the things you have to have to be in this club is good grammar. Typing 3 dots instead of 1 is not good grammar.

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Because typing like this makes me cool...




I've already invalidated that argument.


Because you obviously couldn't see the sarcasm in this post.


I could see it, and you think that he thinks it makes himself cool. Innocent until proven guilty. He does not see himself as cool when he types that, unless you have proof.

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I agree with Skuldur's first statements. Awesome, you have invalidated no one's argument. >< Halt with treating this as a sort of courtroom, please?


Whether it's personal preference or not, Dealer is overall your choice. We just state that we ourselves find it annoying and pointless, and respectfully ask you to stop. If refuse to halt putting "..." at the end of your sentences, nothing really is stopping you. As if putting three dots at the end of your posts constitutes a good reason for a ban.


Wow, five hours really flies by.

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I agree with Skuldur's first statements. Awesome' date=' you have invalidated no one's argument. >< Halt with treating this as a sort of courtroom, please?


Whether it's personal preference or not, Dealer is overall your choice. We just state that we ourselves find it annoying and pointless, and respectfully ask you to stop. If refuse to halt putting "..." at the end of your sentences, nothing really is stopping you. As if putting three dots at the end of your posts constitutes a good reason for a ban.


Wow, five hours [i']really[/i] flies by.


You guys have been doing this for 5 hours? And how do you know that he thinks he is cool by doing that? I do respect it annoys you, and I respect you even more for saying things in a polite manner.

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I didn't state that he thinks he cool by doing that. I merely stated that evidence or the lack of it generally does not in any way influence a fact. It merely verifies it. Personally, I find "Innocent until proven Guilty" and "Guilty until proven Innocent" a biased decision.


Also, Mineku has stated that he will leave this thread and return in five hours. I was merely amusingly acknowledging his continued appearance.

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