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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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After death seems to be better. It leaves room for character advancement that way - if it was pre-FKT' date=' we'd be limited to only using character traits that they'd displayed during FKT, ya know?



Forgive my ignorance, please. But. . .FKT? ^^;; What does it mean?



Ugh...most boring day at work evar.


It was pretty slow most of the day. I actually finished my latest two cards at work' date=' while there wasn't any customers.


But around 7, after I got back from my break, it started raining.


Normally when it rains, we get a rush because I work in a stand that has a roof. But we didn't really. There was a short line when it first started raining, but that was it.


By 8, the park was pretty much empty. =.=


I only had about 5 customers since then (3 of which only ordered drinks), and the park didn't even close until 10. I got off my register at 9:30 though.


But I only had 1 customer during my last hour of work. That's it. No more. =.=


And the supervisors didn't close any of the stands until 9:30, even though there had to be less than 100 people in the park at the point.



Sounds wonderful to me. ^^;;


Where I'll be working temporarily, you get customers nonstop. -_-

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Ugh...most boring day at work evar.


It was pretty slow most of the day. I actually finished my latest two cards at work' date=' while there wasn't any customers.


But around 7, after I got back from my break, it started raining.


Normally when it rains, we get a rush because I work in a stand that has a roof. But we didn't really. There was a short line when it first started raining, but that was it.


By 8, the park was pretty much empty. =.=


I only had about 5 customers since then (3 of which only ordered drinks), and the park didn't even close until 10. I got off my register at 9:30 though.


But I only had 1 customer during my last hour of work. That's it. No more. =.=


And the supervisors didn't close any of the stands until 9:30, even though there had to be less than 100 people in the park at the point.




I feel sorry for ya.



Well, here is a nice mug of extra-chocolatey chocolate milk, a gingerbread cookie to warm you up on the inside, and a nice recliner to put your feet up. I also have some people I need excecuted for my fleshgrafting business, so knock yourself out.


Hope tomorrow will be better.


Anyone who needs help or had a rough time, just come over here, and I'll bring on the comfort.


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I'm actually seeing Harry Potter tomorrow' date=' so I won't be home from 4-10.


So it wouldn't really matter either way. xD


I wouldn't be gone that long, but my brother is a dumbass and he lost his glasses. We need to get him new ones.



But Larxene, we need you. :cry:


Give your brother a good kick to the temple for me? >=(

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Gah, I need to work in Re: CoM before I get Days. I've already beat the original CoM, but I'd at least like to beat Re: CoM. I also need to work on X and XII. And I need to take care of my summer reading book. In fact, Days doesn't come out for two months actually. We'd have Dissidia to keep us busy. I broke my DS during the cruise, but I managed to get a new one yesterday.

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I'm actually seeing Harry Potter tomorrow' date=' so I won't be home from 4-10.


So it wouldn't really matter either way. xD


I wouldn't be gone that long, but my brother is a dumbass and he lost his glasses. We need to get him new ones.



Well, tomorrow's aother day, and Harry Potter was great, yet there were too many awkward teenage love scenes, if you ask me.


Now, Lar, eat the gingerbread cookie and chocolate milk I set out for you, relax in the recliner, and when you are done, you can kill these people I set to the side for you. They're really getting on my nerves.

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I'm actually seeing Harry Potter tomorrow' date=' so I won't be home from 4-10.


So it wouldn't really matter either way. xD


I wouldn't be gone that long, but my brother is a dumbass and he lost his glasses. We need to get him new ones.



Well, tomorrow's aother day, and Harry Potter was great, yet there were too many awkward teenage love scenes, if you ask me.


Now, Lar, eat the gingerbread cookie and chocolate milk I set out for you, relax in the recliner, and when you are done, you can kill these people I set to the side for you. They're really getting on my nerves.


*Walks by and hears the conversation madchurro started*


What's this, gingerbread cookies and chocolate milk for The Boss. That and all the fools you can kill. Laughable. Yet, something's missing, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

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I'm actually seeing Harry Potter tomorrow' date=' so I won't be home from 4-10.


So it wouldn't really matter either way. xD


I wouldn't be gone that long, but my brother is a dumbass and he lost his glasses. We need to get him new ones.



Well, tomorrow's aother day, and Harry Potter was great, yet there were too many awkward teenage love scenes, if you ask me.


Now, Lar, eat the gingerbread cookie and chocolate milk I set out for you, relax in the recliner, and when you are done, you can kill these people I set to the side for you. They're really getting on my nerves.


*Walks by and hears the conversation madchurro started*


What's this, gingerbread cookies and chocolate milk for The Boss. That and all the fools you can kill. Laughable. Yet, something's missing, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Hey, simplicity is key.


Well, since you stopped by, have a blueberry cobbler with fresh blueberries, butter, sugar, milk, and cinnamon.


The boss knows she can have any homecooked meal she wants from me, yet cookies and milk always comfort the mind and soul, so there really isn't any need for elaborance. Still, engaging in an enjoyable sport (like slaughtering prisioners) can be relaxing as well.


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I'm actually seeing Harry Potter tomorrow' date=' so I won't be home from 4-10.


So it wouldn't really matter either way. xD


I wouldn't be gone that long, but my brother is a dumbass and he lost his glasses. We need to get him new ones.



Well, tomorrow's aother day, and Harry Potter was great, yet there were too many awkward teenage love scenes, if you ask me.


Now, Lar, eat the gingerbread cookie and chocolate milk I set out for you, relax in the recliner, and when you are done, you can kill these people I set to the side for you. They're really getting on my nerves.


*Walks by and hears the conversation madchurro started*


What's this, gingerbread cookies and chocolate milk for The Boss. That and all the fools you can kill. Laughable. Yet, something's missing, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Every square enix game known to man and every square enix game to be known to man in the future?

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I'm actually seeing Harry Potter tomorrow' date=' so I won't be home from 4-10.


So it wouldn't really matter either way. xD


I wouldn't be gone that long, but my brother is a dumbass and he lost his glasses. We need to get him new ones.



Well, tomorrow's aother day, and Harry Potter was great, yet there were too many awkward teenage love scenes, if you ask me.


Now, Lar, eat the gingerbread cookie and chocolate milk I set out for you, relax in the recliner, and when you are done, you can kill these people I set to the side for you. They're really getting on my nerves.


*Walks by and hears the conversation madchurro started*


What's this, gingerbread cookies and chocolate milk for The Boss. That and all the fools you can kill. Laughable. Yet, something's missing, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Every square enix game known to man and every square enix game to be known to man in the future?


Hmmm...nah...that would be over there in that pile.


*Points to a pile of every Square Enix game known to man and all future Square Enix games known to man*


I brought that as a general offering.

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I'm actually seeing Harry Potter tomorrow' date=' so I won't be home from 4-10.


So it wouldn't really matter either way. xD


I wouldn't be gone that long, but my brother is a dumbass and he lost his glasses. We need to get him new ones.



Well, tomorrow's aother day, and Harry Potter was great, yet there were too many awkward teenage love scenes, if you ask me.


Now, Lar, eat the gingerbread cookie and chocolate milk I set out for you, relax in the recliner, and when you are done, you can kill these people I set to the side for you. They're really getting on my nerves.


*Walks by and hears the conversation madchurro started*


What's this, gingerbread cookies and chocolate milk for The Boss. That and all the fools you can kill. Laughable. Yet, something's missing, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Every square enix game known to man and every square enix game to be known to man in the future?


Hmmm...nah...that would be over there in that pile.


*Points to a pile of every Square Enix game known to man and all future Square Enix games known to man*


I brought that as a general offering.


Ummm, a good song?


I have one of my favorite songs pulled up on Youtube right now.

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Your sudden descriptions of hot melting cookies and hot chocolate irritate me. For, though comforting in the Winter, are merely mocked and unfounded during the hot hours of the Summer.


Also, descriptions of light and comfort and joy annoy me, and I insist that you persist such optimism in the future.

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Your sudden descriptions of hot melting cookies and hot chocolate irritate me. For' date=' though comforting in the Winter, are merely mocked and unfounded during the hot hours of the Summer.


Also, descriptions of light and comfort and joy annoy me, and I insist that you persist such optimism in the future.



Wut? Shut up!


I'm actually seeing Harry Potter tomorrow' date=' so I won't be home from 4-10.


So it wouldn't really matter either way. xD


I wouldn't be gone that long, but my brother is a dumbass and he lost his glasses. We need to get him new ones.



Well, tomorrow's aother day, and Harry Potter was great, yet there were too many awkward teenage love scenes, if you ask me.


Now, Lar, eat the gingerbread cookie and chocolate milk I set out for you, relax in the recliner, and when you are done, you can kill these people I set to the side for you. They're really getting on my nerves.


*Walks by and hears the conversation madchurro started*


What's this, gingerbread cookies and chocolate milk for The Boss. That and all the fools you can kill. Laughable. Yet, something's missing, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Every square enix game known to man and every square enix game to be known to man in the future?


Hmmm...nah...that would be over there in that pile.


*Points to a pile of every Square Enix game known to man and all future Square Enix games known to man*


I brought that as a general offering.


Ummm, a good song?


I have one of my favorite songs pulled up on YouTube right now.


Hmmm, ChaosXIII would like to know what song you have pulled up on the YouTube.

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