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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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The 3rd movie is my favorite, also. =o


I also enjoyed the 1st movie, but I haven't seen it since it first came out, and I dun have it on VHS/DvD. Dx I'll probably just end up watching it later tonight on the internet.


I liked the 4th book better then the movie, by a long shot. =\ But I agree, it is one of the better movies.



Well' date=' awesome as Sakuya is, he doesn't possess one of the primary colors of powah. Clearly.


I beg to differ~




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Guess who finally has internet back? That's correct - your darling Aeon has returned.


And as my first order of business' date=' I hereby stand in Lar's way. That's right, I refuse to allow this hostile takeover - b!tch, we're going back to being a Trinity Powah. With Rox returning tomorrow, you shall be outnumbered three to two!


=P And of course, the support you have from anyone here doesn't matter, as their powers are as nothing next to us. Snap, snap, snap!


Also, I think I'm going to dye my hair white....yes. >=O Ya'll got a problem with that, y'can go f*** yourselves!


=3 Happy to be home, lovies. Now I can go back to shunning you all with my cold indifference.



I think the hilarious mental image of Zexy going "Snap, snap, snap!" while nonchalantly yet provocatively snapping his fingers 3 times in rapid succession is worth the horrid spelling of "Power".


I just gave up on the Movies.


Honestly' date=' when adapting a Book into live action, I'm of the opinion that it would just be so much better off being made into a Mini-series. That way, it can span multiple episodes, encompass the entire book, and not have to leave things out or add things in. Books will always be better until they start doing that.



That has a fatal flaw: The network requires each episode to have a conflict and resolve for it in each episode. Thus it gets plagued by unnecessary filler plots until it's thrown so off track it's not even recognizable. They did that with my favorite book series >_>


It did have matrix bullet time on arrows though. XD

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Well' date=' I haz Nex. And Amethyst. And....oh poo. Oh well. xD I don't really need followers anyway.


How was the (god awful) movie, Lux?


That's right, me and Amethyst are the two best debaters in this club.

I even figured out the definition of good and evil in the shower.

See evil and good are based on what you strive for. If you strive for your ideals (this is flexible as protecting your friends and such is included) and won't cause harm to others if you can avoid it your good. If you strive only to benefit yourself and it matters little to you if you harm others while doing so (sometimes you may even enjoy doing so) than your evil.


If you strive for nothing and merely exist than your neutral like me.


Oh and Sakuya here's your theme music:

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Well' date=' I haz Nex. And Amethyst. And....oh poo. Oh well. xD I don't really need followers anyway.


How was the (god awful) movie, Lux?



You got me.


I was objecting Lar's hostile takeover!


Now we shall restore order with our superior intellect!

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*transforms from a tape recorder and wearing futuristic armor that makes me look like a robot*


Now, what makes you think that?


Well if it's true than Zexaeon's group are decepticons (since deception is Zexion's thing) and I'll be Soundwave, Zexaeon is Megatron, Skuldur can be Scorponok, Amethyst can be Thunderbolt. Awesome can be Devastator.


Larxene can be Optimus Prime from Shattered Glass which makes her twisted and insane and sadistic leader of the Autobots (in Shattered Glass god is evil and Starscreen is annoyingly loyal). Xirno can be JEtfire due to the fusion thing, Sakuya can be Wingsaber.


And Roxas can be Unicron.

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*transforms from a tape recorder and wearing futuristic armor that makes me look like a robot*


Now' date=' what makes you think that?


Well if it's true than Zexaeon's group are decepticons (since deception is Zexion's thing) and I'll be Soundwave, Zexaeon is Megatron, Skuldur can be Scorponok, Amethyst can be Thunderbolt. Awesome can be Demolisher.


Larxene can be Optimus Prime from Shattered Glass which makes her twisted and insane and sadistic leader of the Autobots (in Shattered Glass god is evil and Starscreen is annoyingly loyal). Xirno can be JEtfire due to the fusion thing, Sakuya can be Wingsaber.


And Roxas can be Unicron.





What am I?


I can't really think of any good ones.

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How about Destron Pizza?



In a world filled with giant robots, only you can be a food. How cool is that?


Or you can be this guy:



His name is Dispenser, don't know wherever he is a Autobot or a decepticon. He's probably a mountain dew robot


Mountain Dew Robots operate in secret on Earth. Although only one individual member is known (or more), the existence of a divergent future timeline in which an entire complex known as Dew City is built implies that they may be as numerous as the Chevy Autobots. At the very least, there's probably a red one. And a blue one. And two black ones. And a diet one...


The origin of the Mountain Dew Robots is unknown. They might be aliens.


Mountain Dew Robots have not been identified as either Autobot or Decepticon. Dewbot, in fact, sports the Mountain Dew logo on his forehead where a faction symbol would normally go. Given what little is known about them, the Mountain Dew Robots might even represent their own faction. A faction of REFRESHMENT.

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Sorry I also edited and added Dispensor, isn't he the cutest thing?


Note that this Mountain Dew robot, named Dispensor, has an arm-mounted can-cannon. You might think this is pretty ridiculous, but unopened soda cans are much less delicious and refreshing when used as high-speed projectiles. (Plus, the drinks will be all frothy, and if you wait all the bubbles disappear.)

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Sorry I also edited and added Dispensor' date=' isn't he the cutest thing?


Note that this Mountain Dew robot, named Dispensor, has an arm-mounted can-cannon. You might think this is pretty ridiculous, but unopened soda cans are much less delicious and refreshing when used as high-speed projectiles. (Plus, the drinks will be all frothy, and if you wait all the bubbles disappear.)




Hard decision.

I'll choose Dispenser, with Destron Pizza as another option.


Now, with our gang of Organization XIII Transformers...we'll...er...


Let's ask our psychotic leader what we should do.


*Walks up to Lar*


C- Um, what should we do?


L- You've got to censor television, you fools! Follow my lead!

*Jumps into escape pod and rockets away*

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And yet I can still argue' date=' if resistance is possible-no matter how futile it may or may not be-how can one truly claim full control over said are where the controller is still encountering resistance?





By crushing the resistance with my bare hands.

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Plus do you know how difficult it is to crush a resistance with your bare hands when your on the internet. See technically all we are on the internet are words and opinions and therefore you lack the bare hands necessary to crush us.

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And yet I can still argue' date=' if resistance is possible-no matter how futile it may or may not be-how can one truly claim full control over said are where the controller is still encountering resistance?




By crushing the resistance with my bare hands.


Yes, you can crush anything with your bare hands.


But, the only thing you cannot crush is me. Even with your high power, I will still stand. I am part of the resistance! As long as I still live or breathe, you will never get a hold of me!


Plus, they don't make maid uniforms in my size.

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