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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Don't worry.


YCM is like a black hole. You can go away for a bit' date=' but then you get sucked back in.


He'll come back.


If you fell into a black hole, you would NEVER come out, and when you go in, you'd be repeatedly ripped in two until you couldn't anymore.


And if the black hole is wide enough, you'll go through the event horizon, going through very pretty colors, and then vaporized by the area where all the light and heat lies.

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YCM's Ripping Part - That's when they keep on goin' back.

YCM's Event Horizon - Their last run.

YCM's Vaporization - Quitting for ever.


It's one or the other, or people would've been dead (banned) before getting to the event horizon, or they won't get ripped.

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Good bye Solus. Do something good with your life. :P


Anyway, I'm going to go to summer camp tomorrow. I'll be gone for five days.


Kuchiki, if your reading this, it will be good if you could repost the Sea of Stars thread after my absence so we can resume playing. That is all.

Good bye Solus. Do something good with your life. :P


Anyway, I'm going to go to summer camp tomorrow. I'll be gone for five days.


Kuchiki, if your reading this, it will be good if you could repost the Sea of Stars thread after my absence so we can resume playing. That is all.

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My last and final post' date=' so here's to you all.


Anyone who wants my points before I leave should post right behind me.


To everyone, good luck, and God speed. I wish nothing but the best for you all.


Last but not least, I pray that the lot of you will go off and do something great with your lives.


Goodbye, and farewell.



There goes another good member.


Goodbye man, live a good life.

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My last and final post' date=' so here's to you all.


Anyone who wants my points before I leave should post right behind me.


To everyone, good luck, and God speed. I wish nothing but the best for you all.


Last but not least, I pray that the lot of you will go off and do something great with your lives.


Goodbye, and farewell.



There goes another good member.


Goodbye man, live a good life.


You knew Dorian? With the many disputes I've listened and attended to, he wasn't that great of a member.


Regardless, he's still a great friend of mine; otherwise, his mother wouldn't be allowing me to reside in their home in my time here. ^^;;

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My last and final post' date=' so here's to you all.


Anyone who wants my points before I leave should post right behind me.


To everyone, good luck, and God speed. I wish nothing but the best for you all.


Last but not least, I pray that the lot of you will go off and do something great with your lives.


Goodbye, and farewell.



There goes another good member.


Goodbye man, live a good life.


You knew Dorian? With the many disputes I've listened and attended to, he wasn't that great of a member.


Regardless, he's still a great friend of mine; otherwise, his mother wouldn't be allowing me to reside in their home in my time here. ^^;;






Just thought he was a nice guy is all... o_0''


Lol. xD

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My last and final post' date=' so here's to you all.


Anyone who wants my points before I leave should post right behind me.


To everyone, good luck, and God speed. I wish nothing but the best for you all.


Last but not least, I pray that the lot of you will go off and do something great with your lives.


Goodbye, and farewell.



There goes another good member.


Goodbye man, live a good life.


You knew Dorian? With the many disputes I've listened and attended to, he wasn't that great of a member.


Regardless, he's still a great friend of mine; otherwise, his mother wouldn't be allowing me to reside in their home in my time here. ^^;;






Just thought he was a nice guy is all... o_0''


Lol. xD


I don't know him well xD


Actually, all I know is his current username xD

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My last and final post' date=' so here's to you all.


Anyone who wants my points before I leave should post right behind me.


To everyone, good luck, and God speed. I wish nothing but the best for you all.


Last but not least, I pray that the lot of you will go off and do something great with your lives.


Goodbye, and farewell.



There goes another good member.


Goodbye man, live a good life.


You knew Dorian? With the many disputes I've listened and attended to, he wasn't that great of a member.



Don't you dare talk ill of my rival. >=O


Give him a month or two.


He's done stuff like this before' date=' so chances are he'll be back anyway.[/quote']


I'm still sad D:


Comfort me? *is completely not using this as a chance to get close to Larxene*

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Even Lar and Zex said she was gonna leave YCM when she was banned (or at least might leave) AND Zex left once. They came back.


They Always Come Back.


You shouldn't make such a biased statement.


Take a look at darkguy and God Kaze.


I remember God Kaze' date=' it's just that

They Always Come Back

Was some quote that appears allot though now I realize that it's

They all come back

I was making a pop cult reference then.


If you could pick any song to be a theme song for an FF/KH/SE character, what would i be?


I would give Sho. You're a jabroni But I Love You Anyway by Bowling for Soup since he is an jabroni but everyone loves him. (Prove me wrong people).


I would totally make Kitaniji Agent Smith, his O-pins are like his abbility to copy himself and it would be awesome.

Imagine it a alley, Neku is thier having just spoke to the Oracle (Mr. Mew) and then he hears foot steps and then out of the shadows Kitaniji appears.

Shades: Mister Sakuraba! Did you get my package?

Neku: Yeah.

Shades: Well, good.

Hanekoma (Morpheus): Megumi.

Beat: Whoever it is, he's not reading like an Reaper.

Shades: Surprised to see me?

Neku: No.

Shades: Then you're aware of it.

Neku: Of what?

Shades: Our connection. I don't fully understand how it happened. Perhaps some part of you imprinted onto me, something overwritten or copied. That is at this point irrelevant, what matters is that whatever happened, happened for a reason.

Sho: And what reason is that?

Shades: I killed you, Mister Sakuraba, I watched you die... With a certain satisfaction, I might add, and then something happened. Something that I knew was impossible, but it happened anyway. You destroyed me, Mister Sakuraba. Afterward, I knew the rules, I understood what I was supposed to do but I didn't. I couldn't. I was compelled to stay, compelled to disobey. And now here I stand because of you, Mister Sakuraba, because of you I'm no longer an reaper of the system, because of you I've changed - I'm unplugged - a new man, so to speak, like you, apparently free.

Neku: Congratulations.

Shades: Thank you. But as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free, we're here because we're not free. There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose - because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist.

Shades 2: It is purpose that created us,

Shades 3: Purpose that connects us,

Shades 4: Purpose that pulls us,

Shades 5: That guides us,

Shades 6: That drives us,

Shades 7: It is purpose that defines,

Shades 8: Purpose that binds us.

Shades: We're here because of you, Mister Sakuraba, we're here to take from you what you tried to take from us. Purpose.

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