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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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See, my website idea was totally brushed off. I doubt I will even have been able to make it right though.


Regardless I have a topic. If you could make an undead for some sort of undead battlebots game, what would it be.


I would probbaly keep on switching my dead to keep people guessing. For example one time

I may reanimate frozen blood to make a golem like character who could repair himself. Another time I may resurrect plankton in the water as mages (by imbuing each of them with a small bit of magic reserve) than they can use said magic to manipulate a large water mass and make some kind of liquid titan.

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I could havevcared less about the undead and make minions to do some labor for me.


Speaking of which' date=' we need to order more undead henchmen.

Alucard! Roxas! We need the catalouge!




I would probbaly keep on switching my dead to keep people guessing. For example one time

I may reanimate frozen blood to make a golem like character who could repair himself. Another time I may resurrect plankton in the water as mages (by imbuing each of them with a small bit of magic reserve) than they can use said magic to manipulate a large water mass and make some kind of liquid titan.


By the way, this is awesome. Just saying.

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Lets try it this way




That's right folks it's Deadbrawl the worlds most gruesome combat show. We have gathered the greatest necromancers from the entire Organization XIII to see if they can create a undead minion strong enough to defeat the reigning champion Nexev. As per champion regulations, Nexev is forced to use a new undead each match but the other contestants merely have to make minor alterations to fit todays theme.


Undead will be graded with scores from one to ten in three categories.

Creativity: (how ingenious the design is, with the usual exception of Nexev this is a static reward since people usually use the same design with small modificatitions)

Craftsmanship: (how well made the minion is, this usually gradually rises as the person grows more skilled)

Correlation with theme: (like in Iron chef with it's special ingredient everyone has to use, everyday thier is a new theme, the minion must match this theme either, points grow if the theme is where said minion has an advantage (like if the theme is ice and the minion can perform cyromagic) or if it is made from the same materials. Besides Nexev since he makes new undead everyday, this one is diffucult for people who don't want to risk the chance of a desin not working and thus sticking with one minion with minor alterations)


After this the minions fight and have to perform certain tasks, these are generated by random. AFter the three tasks (including fighting) are judged and this score is combined with the score from the 3 Cs and the highest total wins.


Said scores then award you rarer material to use or the ability to use a dark magic bank to draw more power than you can normally use. At the end of the 3 month season the totals are tallied and the winner becomes the new champion!


An undead minion is when you animate the formerly deceased living matter in a certain object and make it follow your will (this happens instinctively with most reanimation as the undead feel a kinship with thier masters as they are fueled by the necromancers magic).

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I got the PM, Lar, but haven't had the chance to read it yet.


Nex, that sounds cool. Very cool. The only problem is that, in my personal experience, the attention span of people in this club isn't generally large enough to carry this game out for three months time.


What should my next name change be, I wonder? I have plenty of time to think about it...

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I find it a sad state of affairs that people will start out with a unique name or one that they think fits them, and then eventually corrupt it until there's no remnant left.


And then people cast aside names full of meaning for the name of their current obsession that will last no longer than a month at the very best and then become completely forgotten. Hell, some of them even switch so fast that the obsession changes before they can even change their name.


The meaning and sentimental value of names appears to be fading; yet another thing ravaged by indecisive fools.




I also find it amusing that a string of text on the internet is now apparently a special privilege. Someone opens a service and all it requires of them is to change a string of text via a control panel. They let it back up and keep it unattended often, annoying those seeking to use what should be a rather efficient and expedient service. They then rebuke the ones they originally set out to service, and shut it down out of anger that every single customer isn't patient as a statue. Ridiculous, really.

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