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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Father Wolf is not win.


He's the total opposite.


And I'm reffered to as his daughter apparently.


You must hate me D:


FW did Claire?


Troll on troll sex. Isn't it intriguing?


She's not my mother.




You can't craete Frogger like me. -_________________________________________________- <--- He does not approve.


And stop lying. D:

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Father Wolf is not win.


He's the total opposite.


And I'm reffered to as his daughter apparently.


You must hate me D:


FW did Claire?


Troll on troll sex. Isn't it intriguing?


She's not my mother.




You can't craete Frogger like me. -_________________________________________________- <--- He does not approve.


And stop lying. D:


Frogger watch out for the truck!


Anyway, Yuyuko, I believe the word you are looking for is 'fail'. Which does NOT describe Father Wolf.

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I'm not an alcholic' date=' so not for me. Drugs are stimulants for receptors in the body, so I guess alchohol can somewhat fit, but as long as you drink reponsibly and don't drive drunk, you're okay.


New Topic:


Best prank you've ever watched, done, or heard of...



You're thick headed.


Best prank? I watched a close friend of mine get dared into driving for the first time. Like you he was drunk.


He was with his brother, when they were crushed under the carriage of an 18-wheeler.


Funny s*** ain't it?


Being an alcoholic or not, alcohol is still a drug, whether or not you feel so. Don't take it lightly. Be smart and keep away from the s***. Lest you be refreshing yourself to your grave.


Ohoho. Is the pot calling the kettle black? Thickheaded does describe you. Besides, I didn't get drunk. Do you think my grammar on that post would have been good if I was drunk at 2 in the morning and on an iPhone? You should see how much you know before assessing a situation the wrong way.


Enough with this topic. I grow bored with it.


I once was at school and flushed qtips down the toilet so it would be completely blocked. It backed up and the next person had problems.

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I'm not an alcholic' date=' so not for me. Drugs are stimulants for receptors in the body, so I guess alchohol can somewhat fit, but as long as you drink reponsibly and don't drive drunk, you're okay.


New Topic:


Best prank you've ever watched, done, or heard of...



You're thick headed.


Best prank? I watched a close friend of mine get dared into driving for the first time. Like you he was drunk.


He was with his brother, when they were crushed under the carriage of an 18-wheeler.


Funny s*** ain't it?


Being an alcoholic or not, alcohol is still a drug, whether or not you feel so. Don't take it lightly. Be smart and keep away from the s***. Lest you be refreshing yourself to your grave.


Ohoho. Is the pot calling the kettle black? Thickheaded does describe you. Besides, I didn't get drunk. Do you think my grammar on that post would have been good if I was drunk at 2 in the morning and on an iPhone? You should see how much you know before assessing a situation the wrong way.


Enough with this topic. I grow bored with it.


I once was at school and flushed qtips down the toilet so it would be completely blocked. It backed up and the next person had problems.


Your grammar isn't good now, nor was it then.


I didn't assess it the wrong way; you assumed I assessed it the wrong way because you didn't like the way I approached your stupidity. And this topic isn't over. It's just getting started.


You know what happens when you chug beer upside down for 24 seconds? You get buzzed.


When you take shots with strange people you don't even know? You get buzzed.


What is buzzed? Drunk.


You're an imbecile, and you're thick headed. Rewrite your lies better; and as thickheaded as I am, I have a greater understanding than you do.


You're not some god, just because "You Are". You're a kid, with an unclear mind, thinking that just because you don't think you were drunk, that makes drinking okay. When your liver caves in, or you choke on your own puke, I'll simply shake my head.

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Xirno isn't my child' date=' she's my frequent sex slave.



Bu-bu-bu I thought we had something special D:


Ah, heartbreak...

Bittersweet, ain't it?


Xirno, my question is-why must you keep chasing Lar?

Is it love?




(I really don't want to get involved with the topic above. Thank God for side conversations.)


(*Side note*)


By the way, Nexev!


Ya liking the to-LOVE-ru so far?

Here, have a burger.


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Here' date=' have a burger.




Where's mine? Must I harness my dark powers upon you?! >=/


That reminds me, Zak! (Mind if I call you Zak?)


I haven't made anything for you yet!


You my friend, get a burger with a half pound patty stuffed with mushrooms, onions, bacon, and a worchestishire/tomato sauce. With that, you have a large serving of hash and a tall pint of lemon iced tea.


*Sets table around you and serves*




Anyone need anything? Hot dog? Turkey club? Kielbasa? Human flesh?


I'm all ears.


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Here' date=' have a burger.




Where's mine? Must I harness my dark powers upon you?! >=/


That reminds me, Zak! (Mind if I call you Zak?)


I haven't made anything for you yet!


You my friend, get a burger with a half pound patty stuffed with mushrooms, onions, bacon, and a worchestishire/tomato sauce. With that, you have a large serving of hash and a tall pint of lemon iced tea.


*Sets table around you and serves*




Anyone need anything? Hot dog? Turkey club? Kielbasa? Human flesh? The Ghostbusters?


I'm all ears.


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