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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Canada Day' date=' eh? Sounds like real fun, eh! Let's eat bacon and play hockey eh!



Say "eh" one more time in the incorrect context and I swear I will tear off your scalp and scoop what's little of your brains left out with a chainsaw.




Yes mother.

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*Flings salted and peppered met cleavers at Xirno's head*


*super godmodding dodge ability go!*


Happy Canada Day' date=' everybody.[/color']


*nibbles on the batter* =3




It's Canada Day' date=' [b']eh?[/b]


Then bring on the maple syrup!


Canada Day' date=' [b']eh?[/b] Sounds like real fun, eh! Let's eat bacon and play hockey eh!



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*Flings salted and peppered met cleavers at Xirno's head*


*super godmodding dodge ability go!*


Happy Canada Day' date=' everybody.[/color']


*nibbles on the batter* =3




It's Canada Day' date=' [b']eh?[/b]


Then bring on the maple syrup!


Canada Day' date=' [b']eh?[/b] Sounds like real fun, eh! Let's eat bacon and play hockey eh!




How do you figure?

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1) If you want to talk about Billy Mays' date=' take it to the damn Billy Mays thread.


2) Typing in Caps Lock all the time is annoying. Quote pyramids are also annoying. Know what works? the "@" symbol. Excellent way to direct who you're talking to, so that we don't have to scroll through gigantic freaking quotes.


3) CC is alright. Never my favorite FFs, but alright. And FMA looks interesting.


-_- Every damn day with this stuff, guys. You're all really starting to piss me off.


And before anyone says it, yes, I realize that to you, I'm probably just some faceless person on the internet. I have no [i']real[/i] authority over any of you, outside of instigating a club ban which you can all move on from.


I realize that you could care less about my opinion. But I have no interest in sharing my company with people who act this annoying, this often. So if any of you care about that, then just give it a rest.


This. Seriously. I read through all of the past 10 pages, and almost half of it was nothing but pure spam.


Well' date=' my patience with the nonsense is wearing thin in this club. I myself have never had to initiate a club ban on anyone, and I don't want to start now. =/



I'll gladly do it. By now you should all know that I don't take sheet from anyone, and my "vacation" sucked so I'm not in a very good mood.


You'd all better watch yourselves, because I'm not making exceptions for anyone. *glares at Xirno*



Anyway, at the RP topic...


The reason the TWEWY/KH crossover RP died was because we planned it too far ahead. We were basically just following a set format of how it should work with no original ideas.


So that's pretty much dead. No sense in worrying about it now.



So, anyway...


Since the RPG on Drift is dead as well, I was thinking we incorporate the plot into the new RP. Not the entire thing, but just the part of Maleficent and the FF villains controlling Sin.


We needed Maleficent in our RP anyway, so I think it's a good idea.



Then, there'd be the reverse Nobodies. Really, I don't know what their goal would be exactly at this point, but somehow through them, the deceased members should come back to life. (Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Saix, Luxord, Marluxia, and Roxas. Sorta.)



Then of course, the Nameless Grave Nobodies. (Xenor, Xaarga, Shoxir, Xicrox, and Clariex) They'd be part of a seperate Organization created by Zero before he died. Their goal would obviously be to revive Zero.



So yeah, we'd have 3 awesome groups of villains in this RP. Awesome, huh?




Anyway, I'll be home in about 8-10 hours. Bai~

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This. Seriously. I read through all of the past 10 pages' date=' and almost half of it was nothing but pure spam.



That's really nothing new.


I already said I'd stop damnitt D: Leave me alone.


I'll gladly do it. By now you should all know that I don't take s*** from anyone' date=' and my "vacation" sucked so I'm not in a very good mood.





You'd all better watch yourselves' date=' because I'm not making exceptions for anyone. *glares at Xirno*



Bu-bu-but D:


*blames Kenpachi, Awesome, and Alucard*


Anyway' date=' I'll be home in about 8-10 hours. Bai~



Bai :3

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Yeah Clari, I think some of these posts should only have been in the shoutbox on drift too, considering it's death rate right now. Don't be so hard on them though, they're only having fun.


No idea what the nameless grave are. I was very inactive during part four and didn't participate in five either. However the originals could be protagonists trying to stop zero's ressurection. Or their goal to rule kh again. The ff characters could be a supporting army on the side of riku, and in som epic storyline we could say that sora died in a blaze of glory during his last duel with roxas. Roxas could go insane like the rest of the org thanks to hisouter influences and his natural evil laying inside of him...


He could also later on become more power crazy and slaughter the ressurected xemnas for leadership. We could figure out what can stop him later.


P.s. I'm on my itouch everybody, so my spelling might be a little bad. And I will have to delay a bit on ch2 of forsaken existences and blood debt.

P.s.s. Sorry about the trip. What happened?

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Uh yeah....no.


Seriously, go read parts 4 and 5, because you were pretty far off.



Riku is not evil, and wouldn't have a supporting army.


He also got a sex change, and is now Rika.


Roxas became part of Sora in part 5, and Sora is the one who killed Zero at the very end.


It's also unlikely that Roxas would try to kill Xemnas too.

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I was talking about the FF villains. Sorry, my mistake.


I misread that part of your post.



Besides, most of the FF characters are either completely incompetent (Yuffie being a drug addict, Cid being addicted to porn, etc.) or dead. (Auron, Cloud I think, Yuna, Rikku, and Paine)



@Xirno: No clue. Roxas just did it in the beginning of part 5. xD But it led to much lulz.

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@Xirno: No clue. Roxas just did it in the beginning of part 5. xD But it led to much lulz.


Very misleading post. I controlled Riku in the RP' date=' and I had Riku get a sex change, but to everyone's confusion and trauma.



D: That's surprising news. And welcome back, Boss.

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Hurray for Lar and her incorporating an old but epic plot idea!


=D We never DID plan out how the RPG storyline would end, just how it would start, so that works out great. Good job, Lar. ^^


Also, happy to have ya back.


=3 I'm leaving in a few to go my convention, and from this point on will only be online at night when I get back each day. =P But I'll be on my phone, so you can text me, Lar. If anyone needs me for whatever reason, just tell Lar and have her text me.

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Yeah, I agree with Lar on those ideas, since, well, I have no original plot ideas at the moment, that sounds like an awesome idea.. Maybe the Nameless Grave nobodies want to bump off the Org for killing "Daddy" and maybe... the Reverse Organization just wants to blow s*** up? I dunno. xD


An thar cud be pritee princesses! Or 9 pritee princesez! But no kisez, though, I doan liek cootiez. <=P

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We need to think about how the Reverse Nobodies even exist.


Might a suggest a character named Xandrelf as well as an Adjuchas Arrancar made up of all the bands Demyx claimed to have killed?


I don't remember him claiming that. Then again, it was a while since I played KH2, or CoM.

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We need to think about how the Reverse Nobodies even exist.


Might a suggest a character named Xandrelf as well as an Adjuchas Arrancar made up of all the bands Demyx claimed to have killed?


I don't remember him claiming that. Then again' date=' it was a while since I played KH2, or CoM.



>.< He didn't say that IN KH2, or Re: CoM.

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