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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Enough chat.




Discuss some of our inconveniences with airlines.


Oh good lord...........I can go on for hours about this.


I travel via airlines more than anyone else here. I guarantee it.


The TSA (thousands standing around) are the most incompetent band of fools I have ever seen in my life.


It takes 3 of the bastards to operate each little kiosk that checks your boarding pass' date=' and another 10 for [i']each[/i] of the x-ray machines.


And they handle the luggage terribly.


The bags I check (only clothes, I don't trust them with anything else) have always sustained some damage. They need to dock the luggage loaders' pay a few churros for screwing up my bags >_>


And god forbid you're checking a firearm.


The bastards will completely funk the case up.


I swear to god, eventually, they're going to invent a machine that scans every case for locks and tape, tears all the tape off, and breaks every lock.


Because instead of using, oh I don't know? A funking KEY? They break the locks. They then proceed to finger funk every square inch of it.


And they're all either idiots or jerkasses with a superiority complex who are compelled to throw themselves at every opportunity to exercise force over you.


They move you into inconvenient lines for the hell of it.


One time I was carrying a cane with me, and a particularly militant woman (and I use that term lightly) just walks up and wrenches it from my hands, on the ground that it was a "bludgeoning weapon".


What if I had weak legs and needed that thing to walk? I would've been funked, that's what. I did eventually get it back.



And then the people are just idiots. There's always some lady that resembles an obese bovine more than a person who must push past everyone because she has to get to the head of the line first.


And people just stop walking and stand in the middle of the walkways. It literally looks like they suddenly forgot how to funking walk.


Others don't seem to understand the concept of the flow of traffic. They walk down one side of the hall, but it's the side where everyone else is going the other way.


And then one of the pilots is always flirting with the bimbo stewardess who is as inattentive as humanly possible. Perhaps he should be flying the plane instead? I've been waiting 15 minutes for my drink, because some douchebag pilot (he's not a captain, he's a funking pilot) is trying to get into some slut's pants.


I could go on, but my food's here.

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=/ Wow, Phoenix. xD


@Animerica Topic: Avatar, Teen Titans, Boondocks, Ben 10 (SECOND series), and Megas are all made of win.


Were I to rank them:


Comedic Value


1) Megas

2) Boondocks

3) Teen Titans

4) Avatar

5) Ben 10


Action Value


1) Megas

2) TT

3) Avatar

4) Ben 10

5) Boon


"I wanna watch it for the story" value


1) Avatar

2) TT

3) Megas

4) Boon

5) Ben


=O Yay for deciding what I watch depending on what I'm in the mood for.

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Wow. That sucks, and yes, airlines suck. When we were going back from our trip, our flight to Atlanta was WAY late, then the plane came. But, as it turns out, it has THE WRONG SEAT NUMBERS, and I'm there thinking "Why does it freaking matter?" And it's WAY LATE AGAIN, then we board.


We almost missed our connecting flight home, but because of that, our flight was overbooked, we got bumped and we had to get a shuttle, and it took FOREVER because the shuttle to our Comfort Inn, but all of them that came were for DIFFERENT COMFORT INNS, and I'm still thinking "Why does it freaking matter? It's the SAME HOTEL, just take us to ANY comfort inn!"


We then went to the CRAPPIEST HOTEL IN GEORGIA, at 1:30 in the morning, and there was 40 people there. We FINALLY GOT A ROOM AT 2:45 in the morning.


The next day, we got our boarding passes, but THEY HAD NO SEAT NUMBERS, so we had to get new ones, and we've been sitting there for like 3 and a half hours, and they NOW tell us there is a another flight that boards in 20 minutes, we go to the wrong gate, then we go to the right one, we board, and we go home. FINALLY. WORST FLIGHT EVER!!

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I think they should have a machine that scans you when you walk in.


If your IQ breaks room temperature, they issue you a complimentary lawn mower.


It wouldn't cost too much to implement: they'd only need 5 lawn mowers for each state



One time when I was flying back to Florida from Michigan with my mother, the flight got delayed by 4 hours.


So while she was having a nervous breakdown, I went up to the kiosk, found a new flight, purchased tickets, and got us in on time.


Some help she was >_>

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Airline sucks badly, their careless way of throwing baggages broke my PS2 last time, they gave me a seat number which was already taken, their ALWAYS late.

But im not having a problem anymore since my uncle became a pilot so i'm given a free seat iin the First Class which isn't that bad.

Before that thier service mad be wana smash them all.

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I've only been on a plane twice in my life so far. xD One was when I was in Grade 4 or something and we went to Disneyland. The other was when we drove to Seattle to get the plane from Seattle to Maui because it's cheaper. We stayed one night in Seattle. There was a guy hammering away at his kid in the room next door, when I ordered an appetizer I got a meal, and the streetlights were waaaaaaaaaay too bright. The service in the airplane to Hawaii was pretty darn good, and we even got to watch a movie. ^_^


And that was when I nuked the airport off the face of the planet. Just to give the pilots some extra concentration.

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