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Organization XIII - The Square Enix Club

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Since I'm aparently not a member here.......(Even though I signed up here TWICE)


Name (The name you would like to be called in this club): Mt, Midnight, Thief, Midnight Thief, or whatever I change my name to.

Species (Heartless/Nobody?): Duh, nobody.

Square Enix games you've played/own: TWEWY, Every KH game, About 2 levels of FF V.

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Since I'm aparently not a member here.......(Even though I signed up here TWICE)


Name (The name you would like to be called in this club): Mt' date=' Midnight, Thief, Midnight Thief, or whatever I change my name to.

Species (Heartless/Nobody?): Duh, nobody.

Square Enix games you've played/own: TWEWY, Every KH game, About 2 levels of FF V.




See as the only compliment I got for my genius was giving a guy brain damage?


Is anyone curious what their alternate powers would be?


Me plez =3

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See as the only compliment I got for my genius was giving a guy brain damage?


Is anyone curious what their alternate powers would be?


*raises both hands and both legs*


Also, you have to change that AQW thing you made. You forgot me in the battle order D:

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I know, Alucard.


Alucard= Since you are a vampire which is typically of the blood element, your element would be poison. Your pure loyalty attracts the viruses that could never do anything before except destroy. This element allows you to weaken the foe with each attack, at the end of the battle your foe will be to weak to scream.


Amethyst: Amethyst cooking requires the mixture of amny elements. Thus the elements were curious what could he make of them and wind element (the most flexible element) gathered around him more then others. This specific combination allows him to master alchemy and create beasts and objects out of a few mundane materials put inside a pot.


Teen Gohan: Gohan imitates Cirno, who always believes she ways "the strongest" but reality keeps proving this is not the case. The sheer belief in this allowed her the element of "delusions". Thus allowing her to, at least if your close enough to her, to make this delusion of grandeur a reality and be invincible.


Ramanga: His energetic personality gave him the dangerous element of speed, he can move many times faster than normal and can slow down his foe, and the slower a strike the less damage it does.

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Teen Gohan: Gohan imitates Cirno' date=' who always believes she ways "the strongest" but reality keeps proving this is not the case. The sheer belief in this allowed her the element of "delusions". Thus allowing her to, at least if your close enough to her, to make this delusion of grandeur a reality and be invincible.



funking epic =D

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That's were your wrong.


Your degree of creativness with ingredients piqued the most horrendus and pretty goddamn creepy of all the elements, infused into you in such a way that you became a fleshgrafter and take organs from beasts or even undead and surgically appply them to others. This grants great power but can drive the foe insane.


Imagine surgery and a cooking mixed into a diabolic, yet D&D imagined mix.


Wizards of the Coast=Awesomeness

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That's were your wrong.


Your degree of creativness with ingredients piqued the most horrendus and pretty goddamn creepy of all the elements' date=' infused into you in such a way that you became a fleshgrafter and take organs from beasts or even undead and surgically appply them to others. This grants great power but can drive the foe insane.


Imagine surgery and a cooking mixed into a diabolic, yet D&D imagined mix.


Wizards of the Coast=Awesomeness




Yeesh, this is creepy, yet awesome at the same time.

Was this for Midnight Thief?



If so, I am intrigued on what mine would be.


Can you do me, perhaps?




I am also curious about Rinne's as well.

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Well okay then, (boy if I could charge reps for this I could be rich, in internet)


Your creativity attracted one basest elements of the world.


You my friend control dinosaur ninjas.


Wait, wait, sorry that was The Burger kings power.


Your power would probably be philosophy, your creative fanfics of mental based powers will give you the ability to invoke your thoughts upon others. Plus you use mind over matter to generate a purple energy that can cause physical harm as well as let you glimpse into the victims psyche.


For some reason my brother is singing praise to a stuffed beanie baby dinosaur. Is that strange?


Churro that was yours, I didn't now Midnight asked.


And you know what is creepier? I got that information from a D&D book. Turns out a pupil of a dragon eye implanted into your own can give you blindsense to a distance of 30 ft and a +2 bonus on search and spot checks. Plus immunity to magic sleep.

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Thank you, Nexev.

Wow, you must have seen my entry for Lar's kitchen.


This gives me an idea!


*Opens Madchurro's Diner/Plastic Surgery/Torture Chamber/Knife Shop/Psychotic Gorehouse*



Madchurro's Diner- "If you don't like what's on the menu, we'd gladly make a substitute...........out of you."

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Rinne here's yours: Your power would probably be philosophy, your creative fanfics of mental based powers will give you the ability to invoke your thoughts upon others. Plus you use mind over matter to generate a purple energy that can cause physical harm as well as let you glimpse into the victims psyche.


Freeshoter: Your power is artillery, you can create weapons to fire upon your enemy. Pretty useful summoning a cannon right in front of your foe. It is a manifestation of your violence and love of shooting.

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See as the only compliment I got for my genius was giving a guy brain damage?


Is anyone curious what their alternate powers would be?


Me. =O


Also' date=' I can be pretty morbid in the writing of literature or role playing.

[spoiler=Example (WARNING: Rated M)']Pain.


The concept was not new to the monster. It had suffered it plenty, from feeling the roar and licking of fire up his head and onto his shell, to a swift slash of a scythe, sending it reeling backwards into blackness. The dull, numb blackness that submits it's victims to death as their bodily fluids slowly etch their way into the ground like a grim tapestry. Oh, yes. The monster knew it well. Pain filled him, embraced him, beckoning him closer and closer... to madness. The creature lashed out at the pain, tired to fight it, and the pain relished into his being as the flames swirled out of his mouth, licking up walls and buildings, running through the grass and climbing the trees, as if attempting at all costs to escape.


Escape the pain. The monster roared once more, tuning up the flames until they lapped at his skin, embracing him, beckoning him. The heat maximized the pain, and the monster yelped and ran, letting out a sudden jump and spinning his shell in a Whirling Fortress, to run, to escape the pain. Blood dripped down from his head wound into his eyes, and the monster blinked it back. It turned, looking up at his masterpiece, and inferno, destroying, consuming, eating the very fibers of the house. But the pain kept the monster from observing the masterpiece.


He turned, and ran. Away from the pain. But the pain pursued him, and it was faster. Soon the pain was licking at his temple once more. Noise. Slow, and quiet, until finally erupting in a shrill orchestra of tears. The monster turned and saw the source of the noise. A child, crying. The tears welled up in it's eyes, tears dripping down his face. The monster almost felt pity for the creature. But then the noise. The noise greeted the pain, embraced it, and sharpened it to a fever pitch. It was just so annoying! Then the boy turned to the creature, and gasped in disbelief. Then the boy screamed. The pain was at it's height now.




The monster roared, the pain overcoming him, pushing him over the brink. With claws, the monster swiped. Swiped at the boy and the pain. Slashed until the noise stopped. Then the pain deafened, and the monster let out a moan of pain.


And Bowser, King of the Koopas, marched off into the forest.


^This was from a SSB Roleplay.

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Davok: He has the most frightening power if you think about it. He has the power of love. Corny as it sounds what he does is steal the love from others to power energy blasts and the act of drawing it leaves bitter resentment in the victim. Imagine every time you cast a spell or attack the world gets a little bit less friendly. Davok probbaly got the power from absorbing elements from The World That Should Never Be Mentioned, one of the most twisted and light filled worlds in the Realm of Darkness.

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Why wouldn't anyone want to get into my pants? ;)


Anyway. Amethyst would as I stated before master fusion. You can take two items and use them to make a completely new one, or even use it to summon Chimera type reverse-nobodies. You can do thinks as cruel as turn a mass grave into a shambling monstrosity or take two small objects and turn them into a makeshift weapon of some sort. This can create potions or a artifact that manages to incorporate both objects. Such as fusing a yo-yo with a circular saw to create a sort of flail/sword thing.


Naturally you strategically fight in a junk yard to take advantage of the large amount of objects to fuse. Nexev fights in a burning forest to create ash (also the reason for choosing Molotov cocktails as his weapon).

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