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[DISC]Clear World[/DISC]

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If a monster(s) of any of the following Attributes exists on the field' date=' apply the relevant effect(s) to that monster's controller:

●LIGHT: Play with their hand revealed.

●DARK: They cannot declare an attack.

●EARTH: Once per Turn, Destroy 1 monster they control.

●WATER: During the End Phase, they discard 1 card from their hand.

●FIRE: During the End Phase, they take 1000 damage.

●WIND: They cannot activate Spell Cards.[/quote'][/align]


Based on what people think here, I may or may not build a deck with this. Clear World is confirmed for the next Limited Edition Pack in the OCG, as a good amount of you should know. Discuss.

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Guest PikaPerson01

It's effect'll probably change.


On that note, Rocks really got the short end of the stick, whereas Lights barely even got hit.

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That unconfirmed effect kind of sounds like fun, but Pikaperson is right, that card doesn't punish all attributes equally. LIGHT is more used than EARTH, WATER, FIRE and WIND but it has the lol punishment?

Its just a feeling, but I'm pretty sure that effect will be modified...

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Elemental Mistress Doriado + Creature Swap + Clear World.


This isn't a very good combo' date=' but it is awesome.



Fixed. Doriado would stop you from using Creature Swap if Clear World was out. I actually thought of the same thing.


Anyways, fun decks with this card could use Scroll of Bewitchment, still not as good as Attribute Chameleon, but...


Lava Golem + Clear World + Messenger of Peace + Wave Motion Cannon. :/ Too easy to stop.


...and yes, they need more balance on punishment.

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this barely touches darks and lights.

they can too easily destroy it.

it fucks over every other element pretty hard, but it just stalls darks, who can easily blow it up, and it doesnt do anything at all to lights.

we all know the hand has 3 honests in it, why do we need to see it?

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majority of burn effect monsters are fire.

burn is kind of their thing.

like' date=' well, volcanics.

and such.


But FIRE attributes only deal like 500 at a time. Whare as DARKs have stuff like Blast Sphere, Des Koala, Stealth Bird, etc...

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